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2020牛津译林版高一英语必修三unit 2reading同步练习(含答案)

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2020牛津译林版高一英语必修三unit 2同步练习


1. More than one passenger was injured in the air c_____________.

2. I was wearing a seat belt. If I hadn’t been wearing one, I would have been _____________(使受伤).

3. Since COVID-19 has largely been brought under control, people In that country return to their work in an ______________(有条理的) manner.

4. The researchers say they will carry out more studies to ______________(确认) the results.

5. In the past, there was often an automatic ______________(反应) to increased traffic: just widen the roads. 6. They left the building through an emergency ______________(出口) and escaped the fire.

7. There is a great sense of _____________(宽慰) that nobody was killed or seriously injured in the car accident. 8. All the athletes got ready, waiting for the _______________(信号) to start running.

9. Once the book you've requested is delivered to the nearest branch, they will ______________(通知) you by email, so you can pick it up.

10. If such a _____________(灾难) should _____________(发生), the damage would be incalculable. 二、单句语法填空

1. ____________ reaction to anxiety, our bodies produce a chemical that prepares us to either fight or run away quickly!

2. Ralph W. Emerson would always set down new ideas that occurred _____________ him.

3. A small plane crashed ____________ a hillside five miles east of the city, killing all four people on board. 4. His remarks confirmed me _____________ my opinion that he was a very considerate boy.

5. He has warned you _______________ the possible danger, and I think you should take his words into account. 三、完成句子

1. We all thought he had been killed in the plane crash, but three days later he showed up __________________________________________(安然无恙的).

2. ________________________________________(尽管杰克是美国人), he can speak Chinese fluently.

3. If you ________________________________________(坚持吃这么多的甜食), you'll have to suffer the consequences.

4. ______________________________(使我们宽慰的是), the new method finally proved to be a success.

5. When Jim heard the fire alarm, he _______________________________(保持冷静) and looked for the nearest exit.

6. The old castle requires to be restored__________________________________(被暴风雨袭击过后). 7. —How do you know so much about what's going on in the countryside?

—I’ve got a friend there who _____________________________________(让我随时了解最新消息). 8. I was pulled onto the shore _______________________________________(我一浮上水面).

9. You should inform him of the change of the meeting time _______________________________(以防他迟到). 10. They like living in the village ________________________________________(远离人群和喧嚣). 四、课文语法填空


In spite of 7 killed and over200 injured in an earthquake, 476 students and 36 teachers at Falmont Primary School 1_________________(escape) the disaster. Only 5 students suffered slight injuries.

The head teacher 2______________(name) Alice Brown was teaching when the floor began to shake. Her students' 3______________(react ) was quick and correct. Miss Brown 4_______________ (quick) opened the classroom door 5_______________ might be damaged 6______________ case it could not open. The moment


7______________ shaking stopped, Miss Brown sensed it was the best time for the class to make their escape. She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an 8_____________(order)line. After a roll call confirmed that all were safe and sound, they relaxed, 9______________(laugh), crying and hugging each other.

The earthquake safety procedures 10_______________ (practise) twice a year, so the kids were calm enough to protect themselves during the earthquake.


Although a series of huge waves ______________(cause) by an undersea earthquake left thousands 2_____________(die), a 10-year-old girl named Sabrina Andron helped around 100 people escape danger with her basic knowledge of tsunamis.

While people 3________________(enjoy) the warm sea air and the soft wind on the sandy beach, Sabrina noticed something odd. She said that the water looked like the bubbles on the top of a beer. She had just learnt about tsunamis in 4______________ Geography lesson, and it immediately occurred 5____________ her that these were signs of an 6________________(approach) tsunami. Although frightened, she kept her head 7_____________ warned her parents of the danger, insisting that they talk to a safety officer. Much to her 8____________(relieve), the officer realized the coming danger 9_______________(immediate) and the beach 10_____________(clear)of people soon, just before the huge waves crashed into the coast.


2020牛津译林版高一英语必修三unit 2reading同步练习(含答案)


