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How to take notes

Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your lessons. It can make you confident (自信的) 1 you are studying. But unluckily, most 2 don't know how to take notes.

Write down key facts. If your teacher writes 3 on the blackboard, that's great. You can copy them or write down the most 4 facts of all in class. Different teachers do things 5 . For example, some teachers may 6 lots of dates and facts in class, 7 they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may 8 something important again and again.

Ask. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher to 9 what you miss. If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't 10 what he is saying, you can ask him 11 class.

Cornpare (比较) .Comparing your notes with your 12 can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct (纠正) some 13 .

Organize. Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one notebook so that you can find everything 14 when a test comes.

Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy (重写) your notes every evening, you'll surely have less time to watch TV. But you'll 15 time in the coming test 1. A. until 2. A. teachers 3. A. notes 4. A. common 5. A. happily 6. A. take out 7. A. though 8. A. find 9. A. laugh 10. A. follow 11. A. after

B. before B. students B. words B. boring

C. when C. workers C. lessons C. important

D. although D. parents D. differences D. interesting D. quickly D. unless D. write D. add D. read D. before D. girls' D. answers D. slowly D. waste

B. differently C. quietly B. but B. say B. repeat B. change B. when

C. because C. read C. have C. review C. because

B. take care of C. pay attention to D. look for

12. A. classmates' B. teachers' C. parents' 13. A. examples B. questions C. mistakes 14. A. easily 15. A. pay

B. quietly B. spend

C. early C. save

【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)C;(7)B;(8)B;(9)B;(10)A;(11)A;(12)A;(13)C;(14)A;(15)C; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了做笔记的好处及怎样做笔记。







(6)句意:例如,一些老师可能关注课上的许多日期和事实,但是他们仅仅在黑板上写重要的。A.拿出来;B.照顾;C.关注;D.寻找。老师关注的是日期和事实,故选C。 (7)句意:例如,一些老师可能关注课上的许多日期和事实,但是他们仅仅在黑板上写重要的。A.尽管;B.但是;C.因为;D.除非。虽然关注了许多日期和事实,但是在黑板上写下的只是重要的,前后表示转折,所以用but,故选B。

(8)句意:但是他们可能一次又一次说一些重要的事情。A.发现;B.说;C.读;D.写。根据前句Other teachers may not write anything down其他老师可能不写东西,只是一次又一次说, 故选B。



(11)句意:如果你老师说得太快,你不能跟上他正在说得内容,你可以在课下问他。A.在......之后;B.当......时候;C.因为;D.在......之前。跟不上的知识下课可以问老师,after class课下,故选A。




(15)句意:但是你将在即将到来的考试中节约时间。A.支付;B.花费;C.节约;D.浪费。根据If you decide to recopy (重写) your notes every evening, you'll surely have less time to watch TV.可知每晚如果决定重写笔记,你将有更少的时间看电视,所以在考试中会节约时间,故选C。


2.阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a distance of about 80 miles. It was late, I was late, and I was driving 1 .

At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was 2 on the road by now, but as I came near the light, it turned 3 , and I braked to a stop. I looked left, right, and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, 4 there I sat, waiting for the light to 5 , the only human being, for at least a mile in any 6 . I started wondering why I 7 to run the light. I was not afraid of being caught, because there was 8 no policeman anywhere around and there certainly would have been no 9 in going through it.

Much later that 10 , after I'd met with a group in Lewisburg and had climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why I'd stopped for that light 11 me. I think I stopped 12 it's part of a contract (契约) we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it's an agreement we have, and we trust each other to follow 13 : we don't go through red lights.

We do 14 we say we'll do. We show up when we say we'll show up.

I was so 15 of myself for stopping for that red light. And as no one would ever have known what a good person I was on the road from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, I had to tell someone. 1. A. fast 2. A. late 3. A. green 4. A. and 5. A. return 6. A. attention 7. A. refused 8. A. hardly 9. A. danger 10. A. moment 12. A. though 13. A. me 14. A. what 15. A. tired

B. slowly B. alone B. yellow B. or B. change B. background B. decided B. luckily B. excuse B. night B. unless B. it B. how B. ready

C. carefully C. worried C. red C. so C. start C. direction C. prepared C. usually C. space C. afternoon C. because C. him C. why C. proud

D. hard D. afraid D. dark D. but D. continue D. information D. forgot D. clearly D. energy D. morning D. until D. us D. that D. sorry

11. A. depended on B. looked forward to C. stayed away from D. came back to

【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)B;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)A;(10)B;(11)D;(12)C;(13)B;(14)A;(15)C;


⑴ 根据前文It was late已经有点晚了,故此句为:我开得很快。A 快速;B 慢地;C 仔细

地;D 努力地;故选A。

⑵ 根据后文I looked left, right, and behind me. Nothing.我看看左右和后面,什么都没有;故此句为:我一个人在路上。A 晚的;B 独自;C 担心;D 害怕;结合语境故选B。 ⑶ 根据后文and I braked to a stop我踩刹车停下;此句为:当我靠近交通灯时,它变红了。A 绿;B 黄;C 红;D黑;故选C。

⑷ 前文讲的是路上没有任何人和车,但我还在停下来等;这里要表示一种转折关系;A 并且;B 否则;C 所以;D 但是;故选D。

⑸前文讲到交通灯变红了,作者停下车子,此句为:我坐着等灯变化;A 回来;B 改变;C 开始;D继续;结合语境故选B。

⑹ 结合前后文,此句为:在方圆至少一英里,唯一的一个人。In any direction在任何方向;A 注意;B 背景;C 方向;D 信息;故选C。

⑺ 由前文得知作者在红灯的时候停下来了,此句为:我开始想为什么我没有闯红灯;A 拒绝;B 决定;C 准备;D 忘记;故选A。

⑻ 从前文得知,当时路上没有一个人,此句为:因为当时很明显的周围没有警察;A 几乎不;B 幸运地;C 通常;D 明显地;结合语境故选D。

⑼ 前文讲到路上没有任何人和车辆,此句为:通过的话也没有任何危险;A危险;B 理由;C 空间;D 能量;结合语境故选A。

⑽ 根据后文near midnight接近午夜时分;故此句为:那晚很晚之后;A 时刻;B 晚上;C 下午;D 早上;结合语境故选B。

⑾ 结合前后文,此句为:那个我为什么停车的问题又回到我脑海;A 取决于;B 期待;C 远离;D 回来;结合语境故选D。

⑿ 这里讲到的是停车的原因,此句为:我想我停下来是因为我们和别人之间的契约;A 尽管;B 除非;C 因为;D 直到;结合语境故选C。

⒀ 前文讲到彼此间形成的协议;此句为:我们相信每个人都会遵守:不闯红灯。It指代前文的agreement,故选B。

⒁ 结合前后文,此句为:我们做我们承诺做的事情。What引导宾语从句,并在从句中做宾语;故选A。

⒂ 由前文得知,作者为自己能遵守规则而高兴,此句为:我为自己在红灯时停车而自豪;A 累的;B 准备的;C 自豪;D 对不起;结合语境故选C。



The B&.O Railroad Museum is in Baltimore. Its site is 1 to be the birthplace of the American railroad. The museum 2 the most complete railroad collections in 3 . On the second floor, there is an 4 of station clocks, and a small movie theatre. The museum also has an 5 collection of engines, cars, cranes and 6 railroad equipment.

7 the winter of 2002- 2003, heavy 8 destroyed the roof of the museum and damaged more than half of the 9 , which may have been the museum's 10 loss. But there was still some 11 the insurance(保险) on the museum, though it wasn't clear at first 12 it would get from that.

The museum was very 13 . In the end, although it had 14 millions of dollars, all of it was replaced by the insurance. The museum had been 15 until November 2004. Its manager says, \ 1. A. looked 2. A. shares 3. A. Britain 5. A. inside 6. A. others 7. A. With 8. A. rain 9. A. windows 10. A. biggest 11. A. desire 12. A. how often 13. A. lucky 14. A. destroyed 15. A. open

B. made B. owns

C. built C. discovers

D. thought D. produces D. America D. outdoor D. many D. At D. fog D. easiest

B. Australia C. Canada B. outside C. indoor B. other B. For B. snow B. rooms B. hope

C. another C. During C. sunshine

4. A. advertisement B. exhibition C. introduction D. entry

C. collections D. wheels C. sculptures D. advantages

B. smallest C. hardest

B. how long C. how much D. how soon B. unusual C. disappointed D. interested B. thrown C. wasted B. closed

C. cleaned

D. lost D. noticed

【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)D;(4)B;(5)D;(6)B;(7)C;(8)B;(9)C;(10)A;(11)B;(12)C;(13)A;(14)D;(15)B; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了在巴尔的摩的铁路博物馆。

(1)句意: 它的所在地据说是美国铁路的发源地。is thought to be,据说,固定搭配 , 故选D。

(2)句意:博物馆拥有美国最完整的铁路收藏品。A分享,B拥有,C发现,D生产,根据 the most complete railroad collections最完整的铁路收藏品可知是拥有 ,故选B。 (3)句意:博物馆拥有美国最完整的铁路收藏品。A英国,B澳大利亚,C加拿大,D美国,根据 birthplace of the American railroad美国铁路的发源地可知是在美国 , 故选D。 (4)句意: 在二楼,有一个车站时钟的展品和一个小电影院。A广告,B展品,C介绍,D入口,博物馆里的都是展品 ,故选B。

(5)句意: 博物馆还收藏了室外的发动机、汽车、起重机和其他的铁路设备。A在里面,B在外面,C室内的,D室外的,根据cars, cranes可知汽车、起重机是室外的的东西 , 故选D。

(6)句意:博物馆还收藏了室外的发动机、汽车、起重机和其他的铁路设备。A其他的,不修饰名词,B其他的,可修饰不可数名词,C另一个,修饰名词单数,D许多,修饰名词复数,根据 equipment 可知装备是不可数名词 ,故选B。



