len matheson is the owner of a small company that's rapidly expanding. he's getting advice from mary carlyle, a business consultant, on developing a functional organizational structure to better deal with his company's expansion.
mary: mr. matheson, i've studied all your reports, and your company is making excellent progress.
len: thank you, miss carlyle. and please, call me len. so, what are your recommendations for my new organizational structure? mary: call me mary. first, let's start with your operation here. you should set up separate administrative,clerical, back office, and support functions. there's too much work for your personnel to wear more than one hat any more.
len: yes, they're already overworked. but that will entail more managerial functions, won't it?
mary: that's right, len, and you'll need at least two new managers for separate marketing and product development departments.
len: ok, mary. what else?
mary: i think you'll need an executive assistant to help you deal with corporate affairs. that should do it for your headquarters here, but since your business is no longer just local, i also suggest setting up a regional office in the south.