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2012~2013学年度第二学期三年级英语Unit3-4单元测试 Class________ Name_____________( )



一、听录音,选出所听到的内容。 ( ) 1. A. pencil B. pen C. pencil case ( ) 2. A. your B. my

C. you ( ) 3. A. it B. it’s

C. isn’t

( ) 4. A. that B. that's C. those

( ) 5. A. robot B. rubber C. ruler ( ) 6. A. book

B. books C. box ( ) 7. A. this B. is

C. it's ( ) 8. A. doll

B. ball C. door ( ) 9. A. lunch B. English C. school

( ) 10. A. am

B. I'm

C. and


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,根据所听内容的顺序将下列句子排序。 ( ) Where is my robot? ( ) That pencil is for you, Sam.

- 1 -

( ) Is this your skirt? ( ) What’s that? ( ) That’s not my book. ( ) This isn’t your pen. 四、听录音,选择正确的译文。 ( ) 1. A. 看那本书。 个文具盒。

( ) 2. A. 它在树上。 后面。

( ) 3. A. 给你。 什么?

( ) 4. A. 椅子在哪里? B. 课桌在哪里? 哪里?

( ) 5. A. 我的钢笔在那里。 B. 我的钢笔不在那里。 我的钢笔是黑色的。

五、听录音,选择与其相对应的答句。 ( ) 1. A. It’s a bird. ( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. ( ) 3. A. It’s blue.

B. It’s in the tree. B. It’s my desk. B. It’s a jacket.

B. Yes, please.

B. It’s under the schoolbag.

B. 看那只鸟。 C. 看那

B. 它在树下。 C. 它在树

B. 你在哪里? C. 你喜欢

C. 书包在


( ) 4. A. Thank you.

( ) 5. A. He’s behind the door. 六、听录音补全句子,每空一词。 1. ________ a door.

- 2 -

2. _________is my _________ _________? It's ________the book. 3. This is my dress. How ___________!

4. Look! The __________ is ________ __________. 5. Is this your _________? No, it isn’t.


一、 判断下列各组单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“╳”。 ( ) 1. here ( ) 2. pencil there up

( ) 2. doll

black ( ) 4. three tree ( ) 5. brown down 二、选出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号中。 ( ) 1.A. Miss Li ( ) 2.A. schoolbag ( ) 3.A. under

B. mother

B. door

C. father C. ruler

C. guess

B. behind B. what

( ) 4.A. where ( ) 5.A. it 三、翻译。

C. beautiful C. that

B. this

1. 我的新蜡笔 _______ ___ ________________

3. 在书下面 ___ __ ________________

5. 多么美丽!_______________ __________________

2. 你的红橡皮

4. 三个午餐盒

6. fly away

- 3 -

7. stand on the floor ___________ _______________

8. want to sleep

9. all my toys ________________ 10. be my friend _______________ 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. _____ that your pen? Yes, ____ . A. Is; it is. A. Is, it

B. Is; isn’t.

C. Are; they are

( ) 2. ________ those your parrots? No, aren’t.

B. Are, they

C. Is, they

C. Where’s

( ) 3. ______ your ruler?

A. What A. What

B. How

( ) 4. is this? B. What’s

C. what

( ) 5. Where are my books?

A. It’s in the schoolbag. B. It’s on the desk. C. They’re

on the desk.

( ) 6.—Look at the blackboard.


A. I’m sorry.

B. Yes, Mr Green. C. It’s nice.

( ) 7. — What’s this?



( ) 8. — This hot dog is for you, Lingling.—________.

A. No

B. Thank you C. Yes, it is.

A. It’s a parrot.

B. It’s parrot.

C. No, it’s a

- 4 -

( ) 9. The red robot ______ a ruler and a rubber.

A. have A. love


C. has C. long

( ) 10. Look at the bird! How _________!

B. cute


( ) 1.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:

A. I’m sorry. B This is your book. C. This isn’t my


( ) 2.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:

A. That is your pen. B. Is that your pencil?

your pen?

( ) 3.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:

A. What’s that? B. Where’s my rubber? C. Where’s

my ruler?.

( ) 4.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:

A. This is for you.


( ) 5.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:

A. Where’s my car? B It’s over there.

your book.

六、连词成句。(注意首字母的大写和标点符号) 1. the, is , ruler, the, under, desk (?)

______________________________________________ 2. is , that, your , skirt ( .)

C. That is

B. Thank you.

C. Is this for C. Is that

- 5 -



