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the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food.However, be 69.____________ (care) not to go to extremes.

[解析] careful 考查词性转换。此处为形容词作表语,故填careful“当心的”构成系表结构。


[考向1] 考查形容词与副词的相互转换

[典例16] (2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 62.____________(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.

[解析] poorly 考查副词。此处应用副词poorly“不好地”修饰动词studied。 [典例17] (2018·全国卷Ⅱ)A taste for meat is 63.____________(actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.

[解析] actually 考查副词。此处需填副词来修饰整个句子。 [考向2] 考查比较等级

做题时, 要注意比较级的提示词(如than)和可以修饰比较级或最高级的一些词(如much, even, still, by far, a little, ever等)。

[典例18] (2018·全国卷Ⅰ)According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years 61.____________(long) than non-runners.

[解析] longer 考查副词的比较级。句中有than,故填long的比较级longer。 [典例19] (2018·全国卷Ⅲ)He screams the 63.____________ (loud) of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.

[解析] loudest 考查副词的最高级。根据语境和空后的of all可知,空处应填副词的最高级。

[典例20] (2017·全国卷Ⅰ)Even 66.____________ (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up.

[解析] worse 考查形容词的比较级。短语even worse意为“更糟糕的是”,表示意义的递进。故填worse。

技巧二 无提示词类

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[考向1] 考查冠词

冠词只有三个(a, an, the),如果是单数可数名词前面设空,那么很有可能是填不定冠词。如果是在形容词、副词最高级形式前面设空,那么很有可能填定冠词。

[典例1] (2019·浙江卷6月)When every pupil in the school wears the uniform, nobody 56.has/will__have(have) to worry about fashion(时尚). Everybody wears 57.____________ same style of clothes. Uniforms can be useful in unexpected ways.

[解析] the 考查冠词。根据语境和same可知,此处用the表示特指,表示“同样款式的衣服”。

[典例2] (2017·全国卷Ⅲ)Instead, she is earning £6,500 a day as 42.____________ model in New York.

[解析] a 考查冠词。该空后面model是可数名词单数,此处表示“作为一名模特”,故填a。

[考向2] 考查介词

介词的考查通常是指对介词短语和动词短语的考查,有时候也可能是考查形容词、动词的常用搭配,如be absorbed in,be curious about, be engaged in, pay attention to等。这就要求考生备考过程中熟记常用短语搭配,考试时才能胸有成竹。

[典例3] (2019·浙江卷6月)But can uniforms help improve school standards? The answer 61.____________ this question is not clear.

[解析] to 考查介词。the answer to the question为固定用法,表示“问题的答案”,故用填词to。

[典例4] (2018·浙江卷6月)If you are not going to suffer this problem,then I suggest that the next time you go to your mum’s home 65.____________ dinner, get a few cooking tips from her.

[解析] for 考查介词。根据语境可知,此处应用介词for表示“目的”。 [考向3] 考查代词


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[典例5] (2018·浙江卷6月)Many westerners 57.who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap 58.____________ can be to eat out.

[解析] it 考查代词。此处应用it作形式主语,真正的主语是to eat out。 [考向4] 考查连词


[典例6] (全国卷Ⅲ)In much of Asia, especially the so-called “rice bowl”cultures of China, Japan, Korea, 41.____________ Vietnam, food is usually eaten with chopsticks.

[解析] and 考查并列连词。分析句子结构及语境可知,Vietnam与空前的“China, Japan, Korea”之间是并列关系,故填并列连词and。

[典例7] (全国卷Ⅰ)But the river wasn’t changed in a few days 64.____________ even a few months.

[解析] or 考查并列连词。句意:但是河流不是几天或几个月就改变了的。a few days和a few months为并列关系,且此句是否定句,因此要用or连接。

[考向5] 考查从句引导词 (一)考查定语从句的引导词



从句中缺少成分 从句中缺少主语 从句中缺少主语 从句中缺少宾语 从句中缺少宾语 从句中缺少定语 先行词 指物 指人 指物 指人 指人/物 指地点 从句中缺少状语 指时间 指原因 整个主句 关系词 that/which that/who that/which that/who/whom whose where when why which/as [典例8] (2019·全国卷Ⅲ)They were well trained by their masters 44.____________

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had great experience with caring for these animals. Our hosts shared many of their experiences and 45.recommended(recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit.

[解析] who 考查定语从句的引导词。先行词是their masters且关系代词在从句中作主语,故填who。

[典例9] (2019·浙江卷6月)A school in Ireland has introduced an interesting new uniform. On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth 58.____________ gives off light in the dark.

[解析] that/which 考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为a piece of cloth,且定语从句中缺少主语,故填关系代词that/which。


状语从句的引导词通常有when, while, although, because, if等。这些引导词的选择取决于句子想表达的意思或者主从句之间的关系。有时候也会考查一些固定用法,如be doing...when..., so...that..., hardly... when...等。

[典例10] (全国卷Ⅲ)Over time,45.____________ the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly.

[解析] as/when 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:慢慢地,随着人口的增长/当人口增长时,为了使食物热得更快,人们开始把食物切成小块。根据句意和句子结构可知,空处引导状语从句,表示“随着,当……时”,故填as/when。



[典例11] (2019·全国卷Ⅰ)The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence 61.____________ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada.

[解析] that 考查同位语从句的引导词。本句含有一个同位语从句,解释了名词evidence“证据”的具体内容,空处在从句中不充当成分,也无意义,故本空填连接代词that。

[典例12] (2018·全国卷Ⅲ)I’m not sure 61.____________ is more frightened, me or the female gorilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere.

[解析] who 考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:我不确定谁受到了更大的惊吓,是我还是那只不知从何处突然蹦出来的雌性大猩猩。根据句意和句子结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语,表示“谁”,故填who。

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(2019·浙江卷6月)There are several reasons why school uniforms are a good idea.First of all, uniforms help the school look smart. The students feel that they belong to a particular group. When every pupil in the school wears the uniform, nobody 56.____________(have) to worry about fashion(时尚). Everybody wears 57.____________ same style of clothes. Uniforms can be useful in unexpected ways. A school in Ireland has introduced an interesting new uniform. On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth 58.____________ gives off light in the dark. When the children are walking or 59.____________(cycle) to school on dark mornings, car drivers can 60.____________(easy) see them.

But can uniforms help improve school standards? The answer 61.____________ this question is not clear. One study in America found that students’ grades 62.____________(improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms. But some students didn’t want 63.____________(wear) the uniform. Other American studies showed no 64.____________(connect) between uniforms and school performance.

School uniforms are 65.____________(tradition) in Britain, but some schools are starting to get rid of them. Some very good schools don’t have a uniform policy. However, uniforms are still popular. Pupils at about 90 percent of British secondary schools wear uniforms.

【解题导语】 本文介绍了穿校服的各种好处。

56.has/will have 解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处用一般现在时描述一般情况;分析句子结构可知,主语是nobody,所以谓语动词用has。或理解为When引导的时间状语从句谓语动词用一般现在时表将来,主句用一般将来时,故可填will have。

57.the 解析:考查冠词。根据语境和same可知,此处用the表示特指,表示“同样款式的衣服”。

58.that/which 解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为a piece of cloth,且定语从句中缺少主语,故填关系代词that/which。

59.cycling 解析:考查现在分词。根据walking和or可知,此处需要用现在分词与walking并列,故填cycling。

60.easily 解析:考查副词。此处需用easy的副词形式来修饰动词,故填easily。 61.to 解析:考查介词。the answer to the question为固定用法,表示“问题的答案”,故用介词to。

62.improved 解析:考查谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处that引导宾语从句,而从句中缺少谓语动词,同时根据主句谓语动词found和时间状语从句中的introduced可知,此处也应用一般过去时,故填improved。

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