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2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷 doc 

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选择题(50题 共150分)

1、_____ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A、It B、As C、That D、What 正确答案:B

2、Students sometimes support themselves by _________ of part-time jobs. A、efforts B、means C、methods D、ways 正确答案:B

3、The joy of travel, having long _______ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means. A、canceled B、neglected C、missed D、discarded 正确答案:B

4、The horse is getting old and can't run ___ it did.

A、as faster as B、so fast than C、so fast as D、such fast as 正确答案:C

5、All the arrangements should have been completed prior ________our departure. A、in B、to C、by D、before 正确答案:B

6、His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, but _____.

A、a little did he hear B、little did he hear C、little heard he D、a little heard he 正确答案:B

7、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ___ so rapidly. A、is changing B、has changed C、will have changed D、will change 正确答案:A

8、By no means _______ to our plan for the trip.

A、will she agree B、she will agree C、agrees she D、will agree she 正确答案:A

9、You ________ return the dictionary now. You can keep it till next week if you like. A、can't B、mustn't C、needn't D、may not 正确答案:C

10、Larry is the only one of the club members who ______ to be invited.

A、is going B、are going C、has been going D、have been going 正确答案:A

11、Getting a right job can be difficult ____the students_____ prepared to deal with the job interview. A、if;be B、unless;be C、unless;are D、if;are 正确答案:C

12、The doctor tried to ______ the patient with a new drug. A、recover B、heal C、treat D、handle 正确答案:C

13、I will not spend so much money on that fur coat, for I don't think it is ________.

A、worth buying B、worth to buy C、worthy buying D、worthy of buy 正确答案:A

14、Weather _________, the picnic will be held as scheduled.

A、permits B、should permit C、will permit D、permitting 正确答案:D

15、He spoke so quickly that I didn't _________ what he said.

A、make for B、make sure C、make up D、make out 正确答案:D

16、The book contained a large _______ of information. A、deal B、amount C、number D、sum 正确答案:B

17、I took _______ for granted that he would believe in us. A、that B、the thing C、it D、this 正确答案:C

18、After ten years, she changed a lot and looked different from _____ she used to be. A、that B、whom C、what D、who 正确答案:C

19、I got his mother's phone call at eleven. ______that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.

A、Then did I know B、Only then I knew C、Only then did I know D、Only then knew I 正确答案:C

20、I'd like to take ________of this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation. A、advantage B、occasion C、benefit D、profit 正确答案:A

21、You didn't let me drive. If we ________ in turn, you _________ so tired.

A、drove; didn't get B、drove; wouldn't get C、were driving; wouldn't get D、had driven; wouldn't have got 正确答案:D

22、While he __________ the poster, a door somewhere behind him opened. A、is staring at B、stared at C、did stare at D、was staring at 正确答案:D

23、Listening to music and sports news ________ what I enjoy most. A、are B、is C、become D、have been 正确答案:B

24、With all the work on hand, she__________ to the cinema last night.

A、mustn't go B、might have gone C、could not go D、couldn't have gone 正确答案:D

25、The number of articles published on entertainment ______ amazing. A、is B、are C、were D、have been 正确答案:A

26、I _________ like to make a comment on this proposal. A、could B、would C、must D、might 正确答案:B

27、I wonder how long ago this school __________.

A、has begun B、begins C、began D、had begun 正确答案:C

28、By last night she ________ 200 pages of this book.

A、has read B、have read C、read D、had read 正确答案:D

29、Can you imagine what the world would be like if _________ no computers? A、there are B、there has been C、there were D、we have 正确答案:C

30、Twenty dollars _______ more than I could afford. A、will be B、is C、are D、were 正确答案:B

31、They ________ in Chicago, but now they live in New York.

A、used to living B、were living C、would live D、used to live 正确答案:D

32、I don't think this room will be big enough to _______ all the guests. A、contain B、hold C、keep D、swallow 正确答案:B

33、_______ the people have become the master of their own country _________ science can really serve the people.

A、It is only then;that B、It was that;when C、It is only when;that D、It was when;then 正确答案:C

34、I wish you _________ go with me tomorrow. A、will B、would C、shall D、can 正确答案:B

35、Americans eat ________ as they actually need every day.

A、twice as much protein B、protein twice as much C、twice protein as much D、protein as twice much 正确答案:A

36、I didn't accept his offer last week, but I _________.

A、had B、would do C、should have D、might have to 正确答案:C

37、_______ that we couldn't catch up with him.

A、So fast he ran B、So fast did he run C、So fast ran he D、Such fast did he run 正确答案:B

38、I will not _______ my children be treated in such a way. A、permit B、admit C、allow D、let 正确答案:D

39、The workers are not allowed to smoke in the factory. They ______ do that. A、mustn't B、don't have to C、needn't D、have to 正确答案:A

40、Don’t let the child play with knives ______ he cuts himself. A、in case B、so that C、now that D、only if 正确答案:A

41、His long service with the company was _______ with a present.

A、admitted B、acknowledged C、attributed D、accepted 正确答案:B

42、_________ you join us in the vocabulary game? A、Should B、Shall C、May D、Will 正确答案:D

43、The Government has expressed its _______ of the plan to build three new factories. A、trust B、faith C、effort D、approval 正确答案:D

44、The subject of these lectures _______ by the lecture committee.

A、announces B、have been announced C、announced D、has been announced 正确答案:D

45、The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _________what he was saying. A、take in B、take out C、take up D、take over 正确答案:A

46、The house always_______ me of a holiday I spent in England. A、remembers B、recalls C、connects D、reminds 正确答案:D

47、The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, _______ after 11 pm. A、to stay out B、from staying out C、staying out D、not to stay out 正确答案:A

48、In the weeks _____ followed, we lived in the factory _____ you visited last year. A、when; where B、which; where C、when; that D、that; that 正确答案:D

49、The Prime Minister worked hard all his life on ___ of the poor. A、benefit B、advantage C、happiness D、behalf 正确答案:D

50、The accident _______ him of his sight and the use of his legs. A、excluded B、disabled C、deprived D、gripped 正确答案:C


选择题(50题 共150分)


A、动作按钮 B、幻灯片切换 C、动画方案 D、自定义动画 正确答案:B

2、PowerPoint中,有关幻灯片母版中的页眉页脚下列说法错误的是_______。 A、页眉或页脚是加在演示文稿中的注释性内容


C、在打印演示文稿的幻灯片时,页眉/页脚的内容也可打印出来 D、不能设置页眉和页脚的文本格式 正确答案:D

3、在资源管理器中,选定多个连续文件的操作为____________。 A、按住SHIFT键,单击每一个要选定的文件名 B、按住ALT键,单击每一个要选定的文件名

C、先选中第一个文件,按住SHIFT键,再单击最后一个要选定的文件名 D、先选中第一个文件,按住CTRL键,再单击最后一个要选定的文件名 正确答案:C

4、在Excel 工作表中,单元格区域D2:E4所包含的单元格个数是______个。 A、5 B、6 C、7 D、8 正确答案:B


A、字节 B、位 C、字 D、KB 正确答案:B

6、在word的编辑状态,执行\文件\菜单中的\保存\命令后______ A、将所有打开的文档存盘



D、可以先建立一个新文件夹,再将文档存储在该文件夹内 正确答案:B

7、Word的“文件”菜单下部一般列出4个用户最近用过的文档名,此文档名的个数最多可设置为 A、6个 B、8个 C、9个 D、12个 正确答案:C

8、计算机硬件的五大基本构件包括:运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和______ A、显示器 B、控制器 C、磁盘驱动器 D、鼠标器 正确答案:B


A、自编的一个C程序,功能是求解一个一元二次方程 B、WINDOWS操作系统


D、存储有计算机基本输入输出系统的ROM芯片 正确答案:B

2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷 doc 


