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汽车发动机构造原理 - 图文

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汽车发动机构造原理 - 图文


Motor car engine structure and Principle

专业 汽车制造与装调 学生 苏立民 指导教师 长春汽车工业高等专科学校 二零一一年七月 田丰福


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通过阅读关于汽车类书籍关于发动机的相关知识,查找网上相关知识让我在这个月内完成了汽车制造与装调的毕业论文。汽车发动机是每个汽车的心脏,只有心脏健康,汽车才可以自由地行驶在各种工况下,这篇文章就是让我们更好的了解发动机的构造、原理以及未来的发张趋势,例如:汽油机的做功行程,(1) 吸气行程活塞在曲轴的带动下由上止点移至下止点。此时进气门开启,排气门关闭,曲轴转动180°。进入汽缸内的可燃混合气的温度,由于进气管、汽缸壁、活塞顶、气门和燃烧室壁等高温零件的加热以及与残余废气的混合而升高到340~400K。(2) 压缩冲程时,进、排气门同时关闭。活塞从下止点向上止点运动,曲轴转动180°。活塞上移时,工作容积逐渐缩小,缸内混合气受压缩后压力和温度不断升高,到达压缩终点时,其压力pc可达800~2 000kPa,温度达600~750K。(3) 做功行程当活塞接近上止点时,由火花塞点燃可燃混合气,混合气燃烧释放出大量的热能,使汽缸内气体的压力和温度迅速提高。高温高压的燃气推动活塞从上止点向下止点运动,并通过曲柄连杆机构对外输出机械能。在做功冲程,进气门、排气门均关闭,曲轴转动180°。4)排气冲程时,排气门开启,进气门仍然关闭,活塞从下止点向上止点运动,曲轴转动180°。最后还添加了最几年的热点问题汽车新能源问题。 我相信中国在未来的几年内汽车发展会走上顶峰。 关键词:发动机

系统 原理

分类 汽车 3 Summary

The automobile overall technology changes with each new day, but appears as the automobile heart - - engine technology progress receives pays attention。Now introduced when an automobile engine, develops on the needed materials toward the lightweight direction, the entire aluminum engine at present application already extremely was widespread; The automobile pollution also is inevitable, therefore perhaps the new energy technology - green automobile into the engine the trend of development well manifest, reviews the engine the history to be able to understand this 100 for many years automobile technology has occurred huge transformation。 Througheadingabouttheautomobileclassbooksabout theengineelatedknowledge, searched on the net to be connected the knowledge to let me complete the graduation thesis in this month which the automobile manufacture and the attire moved. The motor car engine is each automobile heart, only then the heart health, the automobile only then may go freely under each kind of operating mode, this article will be lets we better understanding engine the structure, the principle as well as the future sends opens the tendency,For example: Gasoline engine acting traveling schedule,1) The suction stroke piston moves under the crank impetus by the top dead center to the bottom dead center.This time air intake valve opening, exhaust gate closure, crank rotation 180°.Enters in the cylinder the inflammablemixture temperature, as a result of high temperature components and so on the air feeder, cylinder wall, piston crown, tire valve and combustion chamber wall heatings as well as elevates 340~400K with the residual gas mix. 2) When compression stroke, enters, the exhaust gate also closes.The piston stops upwardly from the bottom dead center the movement, the crank rotation 180°.On the piston after a short while, the piston displacement gradually reduces, after in the cylinder mixes mistreats the compression the pressure and the

汽车发动机构造原理 - 图文


