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2.0101 街道广场绿地street And square green area

2.0102 居住区绿地 residential quarter green area

2.0103 防护绿地 green area for environmental protection

2.0104 郊区绿地 suburban green space 2.0105 街坊绿地 residential block green belt

2.0106 附属绿地 attached green space 2.0107 生产绿地 productive plantation area

2.0108 苗圃 nursery

2.0109 风景 landscape, scenery 2.0110 自然景观 natural landscape

2.0111 人文景观 human landscape, scenery of humanities

2.0112 草原景观 prairie landscape

2.0113 山岳景观 mountain landscape, alpine landscape

2.0114 地理景观 geographical landscape 2.0115 湖泊景观 lake view

2.0116 郊区景观 suburban landscape 2.0117 地质景观 geological landscape 2.0118 喀斯特景观 karst landscape

2.0119 植物景观 plants landscape, flora landscape 02.2 园林史 02.2.1 中国园林史

2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden

2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden

2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden

2.0123 中国山水园 Chinese mountain And water garden

2.0124 帝王宫苑 imperial palace garden 2.0125 皇家园林 royal garden 2.0126 私家园林 private garden

2.0127 江南园林 garden on the Yangtze Delta


02.2.2 西方园林史

2.0128 西方古典园林 western classical garden

2.0129 英国式园林 English style garden 2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden

2.0131 意大利式园林 Italian style garden 2.0132 西班牙式园林 Spanish style garden

2.0133 法兰西式园林 French style garden

2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre\\'s style garden

2.0135 文艺复兴庄园 Renaissance style villa

2.0136 洛可可式园林 Rococo style garden

2.0137 巴洛克式园林 Baroque style garden

2.0138 庄园 manor, villa garden

2.0139 廊柱园 peristyle garden, patio 2.0140 绿廊 xystus

2.0141 迷阵 maze, labyrinth 02.2.3 典型中西园林

2.0142 灵囿 Ling You Hunting Garden 2.0143 灵沼 Ling Zhao Water Garden 2.0144 灵台 Ling Tai Platform Garden 2.0145 阿房宫 E-Pang Palace 2.0146 上林苑 Shang-Lin Yuan 2.0147 未央宫 Wei-Yang Palace 2.0148 洛阳宫 Luoyang Palace 2.0149 华清官 Hua-Qing Palace

2.0150 艮岳 Gen Yue Imperial Garden 2.0151 圆明园 Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden

2.0152 颐和园 Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace

2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort

2.0154 苏州园林 Suzhou traditional garden

2.0155 悬园 Hanging Garden

2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden

2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑 Versailles Palace Park

2.0158 枫丹白露宫园 Fontainebleau Palace Garden 02.3 园林艺术

2.0159 景 view, scenery, feature 2.0160 远景 distant view 2.0161 近景 nearby view

2.0162 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view

2.0163 借景 borrowed scenery, view borrowing

2.0164 对景 opposite scenery, view in opposite place

2.0165 缩景 miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery

2.0166 漏景 leaking through scenery 2.0167 框景 enframed scenery 2.0168 尾景 terminal feature 2.0169 主景 main feature

2.0170 副景 secondary feature 2.0171 配景 objective view 2.0172 夹景 vista line, vista 2.0173 前景 front view 2.0174 背景 background

2.0175 景序 order of sceneries 2.0176 景点 feature spot, view spot 2.0177 仰视景观 upward landscape 2.0178 俯视景观 downward landscape 2.0179 季相景观 seasonal phenomena 2.0180 气象景观 meteorological diversity scenery

2.0181 视野 visual field

2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color 2.0183 园林空间 garden space

2.0184 开敞空间 wide open space, wide space

2.0185 封闭空间 enclosure space

2.0186 意境 artistic conception, poetic imagery

2.0187 苍古 antiquity


2.0188 空灵 spaciousness, airiness 2.0189 动观 in-motion viewing 2.0190 静观 in-position viewing 2.0191 视错觉 visual illusion

2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden

2.0193 对称平衡 symmetrical balance 2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance 2.0195 左右对称 bilateral symmetry 2.0196 辐射对称 radial symmetry 2.0197 透景线 perspective line 2.0198 轴线 axis, axial line 2.0199 主轴 main axis 2.0200 副轴 auxiliary axis

2.0201 暗轴 hidden axis, invisible axis 2.0202 树冠线 skyline

2.0203 园林色彩艺术 art of garden colors 2.0204 单色谐调 monochromatic harmony

2.0205 复色谐调 compound chromatic harmony

2.0206 对比色突出 contrast colors accent 2.0207 近似色谐调 approximate colors harmony

2.0208 暖色 warm color 2.0209 冷色 cool color 2.0210 色感 color sense

2.0211 城市绿地系统规划 urban green space system planning

2.0212 绿地系统 green space system 2.0213 公共绿地定额 public green space quota

2.0214 公共绿地指标 public green space norm

2.0215 绿地布局 green space layout 2.0216 吸引圈 attractive circle

2.0217 吸引距离 attractive distance 2.0218 有效半径 effective radius

2.0219 绿地资源 green space resource 2.0220 绿地效果 green space effect

2.0221 绿地规划程序 planning procedure of the green space

2.0222 空间规划 space planning 2.0223 形象规划 image plan

2.0224 实施规划 implementary plan

2.0225 必要生活空间 necessary living space

2.0226 余暇生活空间 leisure time living space

2.0227 利用频度 usage frequency

2.0228 树种规划 planning of trees And shrubs

2.0229 绿地类型 type of green space 2.0230 环状绿型 annular green space 2.0231 块状绿地 green plot 2.0232 点状绿地 green spot

2.0233 放射状绿地 radiate green space 2.0234 楔状绿地 wedge-shaped green space

2.0235 缓冲绿地 buffer green space

2.0236 防音绿地 noiseproof green space 2.0237 科学景观论 scientific landscape theory

2.0238 园林保留地 reserve garden 2.0239 公园规划 park planning

2.0240 园林总体规划 garden master planning

2.0241 总平面规划 site planning 2.0242 园林分区 garden zoning

2.0243 安静休息区 tranquil rest area

2.0244 儿童活动区 children playing space

2.0245 儿童游戏场 children playground, playlot

2.0246 体育运动区 sports activities area 2.0247 野餐区 picnic place

2.0248 散步区 pedestrian space

2.0249 群众集会区mass meeting square 2.0250 观赏植物区ornamental plants area

2.0251 观赏温室区display greenhouse area, display conservatory area 2.0252 草坪区 lawn space

2.0253 绿荫区 shade tree section

2.0254 历史古迹区 historical relics area 2.0255 青少年活动区 youngsters activities area

2.0256 诱鸟区 bird sanctuary area


2.0257 钓鱼区 fishing center 2.0258 野营区 camp site

2.0259 游人中心 visitors center 2.0260 服务中心 service center

2.0261 探险游乐场 adventure ground 2.0262 文化活动区 cultural activities area 2.0263 道路系统 approach system, road system

2.0264 环形道路系统 circular road system

2.0265 方格形道路系统 latticed road system

2.0266 放射形道路系统 radiate road system

2.0267 自然式道路系统 informal road system

2.0268 规整式道路系统 formal road system

2.0269 混合式道路系统 mixed style road system

2.0270 园林规划图 garden planning map 2.0271 园林规划说明书 garden planning direction

2.0272 城市公园系统 urban park system 2.0273 公园分布 distribution of parks

2.0274 公园类型 park type, park category 2.0275 公园间距 distance between parks 2.0276 公园形式 park styles

2.0277 游览区 excursion area, open-to-public area

2.0278 非游览区 no-admittance area 2.0279 办公区 administrative area 2.0280 服务区 service center

2.0281 动休息区 dynamic rest space 2.0282 静休息区 static rest space

2.0283 娱乐演出区 entertaining performance place

2.0284 主要入口 main entrance

2.0285 次要入口 secondary entrance 2.0286 人流量 visitors flowrate 2.0287 车流量 vehicle flowrate 2.0288 公园道路 park road

2.0289 公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio 2.0290 游人容纳量 visitors capacity

2.0291 风景资源调查landscape resource evaluation

2.0292 风景学 scenicology

2.0293 风景规划 landscape plan 2.0294 风景设计 landscape design 2.0295 游览路线 touring route 2.0296 旅游资源 tourism resource 2.0297 旅游地理 tourism geography 2.0298 旅游地质 tourism geology

2.0299 历史名城 famous historical city 2.0300 文化名城 famous cultural city 2.0301 文化遗址 ancient cultural relic 2.0302 天然博物馆 natural open museum 2.0303 风景地貌 natural geomorphology 2.0304 造型地貌 imaginative geomorphologic figuration

2.0305 风景区 scenic spot, scenic area 2.0306 风景名胜 famous scenery, famous scenic site

2.0307 特异景观风景区specific natural scenes area

2.0308 民族风俗风景区scenic spot of minority customs

2.0309 高山风景区 alpine scenic spot 2.0310 海滨风景区 seabeach scenic spot 2.0311 森林风景区 forest scenic spot 2.0312 高山草甸风景区alpine tundra landscape spot

2.0313 峡谷风景区 valley scenic spot 2.0314 江河风景区 river landscape district

2.0315 湖泊风景区 lake round scenic spot

2.0316 温泉风景区 hot spring scenic spot 2.0317 瀑布风景区 waterfall scenic spot 2.0318 禁伐禁猎区 region forbidden to tree cutting And hunting

2.0319 封山育林区 region closed for afforestation

2.0320 天池风景区 crater lake scenic spot

2.0321 自然保护区 nature protection area

2.0322 科学保护区 protection area for


scientific research

2.0323 天然纪念物 natural monument 2.0324 生物圈保护区 biosphere protection area 02.5 园林设计

2.0325 园林设计师 landscape architect, garden designer

2.0326 园址测量图 garden site survey map

2.0327 地形图 topographic map, contour map

2.0328 种植设计 planting design

2.0329 地形改造设计topographical reform design

2.0330 种植大样图detail planting design 2.0331 造价分析 cost analysis 2.0332 园林形式 garden style

2.0333 规整式园林 formal garden style 2.0334 非规整园林 informal garden style 2.0335 几何式园林 geometric garden style

2.0336 自然式园林 natural garden style 2.0337 混合式园林 mixed garden style 2.0338 近代巴洛克式园林 modern Baroque style

2.0339 马克斯抽象园林 R.B. Marx abstract garden

2.0340 园林区划 garden area division 2.0341 园林分区规划 garden block planning

2.0342 庭院花园 courtyard garden 2.0343 前庭 front yard, forecourt 2.0344 后庭 back yard, rear yard 2.0345 中庭 patio

2.0346 厨园 kitchen yard

2.0347 沉[床]园 sunken garden 2.0348 窗园 window garden 2.0349 墙园 wall garden 2.0350 宅园 home garden 2.0351 台地园 terrace garden 2.0352 冬园 winter garden

2.0353 切花园 cut flower garden 2.0354 屋顶花园 roof garden

2.0355 后花园 back yard garden

2.0356 园林地形改造 topographical reform of garden

2.0357 土山 earth piled hill, artificial mound

2.0358 假山 rockery, artificial rockwork 2.0359 太湖石 Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone

2.0360 黄石 yellowish brown stone

2.0361 人造假山石 artificial stone, man-made stone

2.0362 孤赏石 monolith, standing stone 2.0363 掇山 piled stone hill, hill making 2.0364 叠石 stones laying 2.0365 板石 flag stone

2.0366 散点石 scattered stone 2.0367 抱角石 corner stone 2.0368 屋基石 foundation stone 2.0369 排衙石 guard stone 2.0370 屏石 screen stone 2.0371 石岸 rock bank 2.0372 石阶 stone steps

2.0373 汀步 stepping stone on water surface

2.0374 附壁石 stone appended to wall 2.0375 石花台 stone flower bed 2.0376 石凳 stone bench

2.0377 假山石挡土墙 rock retaining wall 2.0378 干砌石 dry stone wall 2.0379 假山石楼梯 rock stairway 2.0380 石亭 stone pavilion 2.0381 石洞 stone cavern 2.0382 石窟 grotto

2.0383 置石 stone arrangement, stone layout

2.0384 拱石 arch stone 2.0385 拱顶石 key stone

2.0386 园林水景 water scenes of garden 2.0387 水体 water body 2.0388 水面 water surface 2.0389 水池 pool 2.0390 水塘 pond


2.0391 喷泉 fountain

2.0392 喷水池 fountain pool 2.0393 涉水池 wading pool

2.0394 倒影池 mirror pool, reflecting pool 2.0395 睡莲池 water-lily pool

2.0396 喷水管布置 piping schema 2.0397 钓鱼塘 fishing pond

2.0398 高水位池塘 high water table pond 2.0399 池边坐人矮墙 seat wall surrounded pool

2.0400 隐头喷泉 secret fountain 2.0401 岛园 Island garden

2.0402 半岛园 peninsula garden 2.0403 小岛 isle

2.0404 瀑布 waterfall 2.0405 小瀑布 cascade 2.0406 湖 lake

2.0407 矶 rock projecting over water 2.0408 水帘洞 water curtain cave 2.0409 园桥 garden bridge 2.0410 拱桥 arch bridge

2.0411 石板桥 stone slab bridge 2.0412 木板桥 plank bridge 2.0413 圆木桥 log bridge 2.0414 亭桥 pavilion bridge 2.0415 曲桥 zigzag bridge 2.0416 壁泉 wall fountain

2.0417 饮水喷头 drinking fountain 2.0418 植物配植 plant arrangement

2.0419 树木配植 arrangement of trees And shrubs

2.0420 群植 group planting, mass planting

2.0421 孤植 specimen planting, isolated planting

2.0422 丛植 clump planting 2.0423 组植 group planting 2.0424 林植 forest planting 2.0425 列植 linear planting

2.0426 对植 opposite planting, coupled planting

2.0427 环植 circular planting 2.0428 带植 belt planting



