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he thought there were too many lawyers in the Un ited States.

View ing and speak ing 1. (1) disappeari ng (4) image crisis (7) fast

⑵ kicki ng

(5) update

(8) product desig ners (11) want

(14) traditio nal

(3) tea shop (6) compete

(9) con tacts (12) challe nge

(10) similar (13) con sumer

Unit 3 test

Part I Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D Part II

(1) values (2) purpose (3) true (4) Nowhere (5) equality (6) races ⑺ laboratory (8) Although Edwards specifically mentions young men, young women also compete in organized sports without regard to their race or economic backgro und (9) Many America ns believe that lear ning how to win in sports helps develop the habits necessary to compete successfully in later life (10) the competitive ethic taught in sports must be learned and cultivated in youth for the future success of America n bus in ess and military efforts Part III 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D

Part IV 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A

新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)

Unit 4 Taste the sweets and bitters of family life. I Lead-i n 1. 3




II Basic liste ning practice 1. C)

2. A)

3. B)

4. C)

5. D)

III Liste ning in Task 1

(51) typical (52) known (53) Ge nerally (54) find (55) apartme nt (56) sole (57) prin cipal

(58) Dual-ear ner families are the predo minant type for families with childre n in the Uni ted States

(59) adequate day care of childre n is n ecessary for dual-ear ner families (S10) compa nies are gett ing invo Ived in the arra ngeme nt of day care Task 2 1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

Task 3 1. A)

2. A)

3. A)

4. D)

5. C)

IV Speak ing out Model 1

(1) I'm hav ing a hectic time worki ng on this report

(2) it sbeen more than five years, almost six, since we were married (3) Time has gone so fast

(4) I ' this close to getting a promotion (5) What has that got to do with it (6) you have a great point Model 2

(1) So many people in the United States get divorced (2) the divorce rate can be as high as 50 perce nt (3) Westerners fall head over heels in love quickly

(4) some marriages break up, but most couples stay together (5) Do people get married young

(6) Do wome n usually work after they get married

Model 3

⑴ have n'see n dad for ages

(2) my mom ' been pretty sick (3) don 'exaggerate

(4) Never thought I was good eno ugh for you (5) seriously, mom 'snot so bad

(6) Why not just have both our pare nts here for Christmas V Let ' talk (1) cry

(4) un dersta nding (7) won deri ng (10) stress (13) Christmas

⑵ relief

(5) an gry (8) five (11) friends (14) cous ins

(3) stro ng

⑹ left

(9) sad (12) helps (15) prese nts

VI Furtheri ng liste ning and speak ing

Liste ning

Task 1

(1) divorce her husba nd (3) challe nging jobs

(2) irresp on sible ⑷ stability (6) poverty line

⑸ bills

(7) apartme nt

(8) yells at

(9) calls him n ames

(10) half

Task 2 1. B) Task 3

2. C) 3. A) 4. D) 5. C)

(3) picture

(1) the last word (4) eight times

(2) remarriage failures

⑸ wife

(8) sec

up ond

(12) accepted

(14) ble nded into

⑹ dat


(9) resp onse to her

(15) right

(7) Ion eli ness and an xiety (10) lukewarm (11) warmed

(13) ripe

View ing and speak ing

1.⑴ Lovely

(2) similar (3) room

(4) apologize

(5) childre n (6) patie nee ⑺ listen

(8) an gry

(9) mediei ne

(10) fan tastie

Unit 4 test Part I DADCC Part II

(1)at (2)wheel (3)tone ⑷expression (5)Honey (6)divorce (7)speed (8)I don ' you to try to talk me out of it because I don

't love you any more (9) bank aeeo un ts, and all the credit cards, too (10)No, I

've got



3 (参考答案)

Unit 5 Here are the seas ons to enjoy. I Lead-i n 1. 8

II Basie liste ning practice 1. C)

2. A) 3. B) 4. C) 5. C)

III Liste ning in Task 1 1. D)

2. C) 3. D) 4. A) 5. B) Task 2

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T


want the

thing I n




