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(2) the hot, humid weather is killi ng her (3) does bring global warm ing and rain

(4) Everybody should know what causes global warming. Otherwise we won ' stop it.

(5) not to burn any more wood or coal (6) the polar ice caps melt and ocea ns rise Model 2

(1) asking for donations to save the rainforests (2) They n eed hot, tropical climates (3) heavy rain fall leads to dense vegetati on

(4) pla nt and ani mal species exist on ly in rai nforests (5) are in dan ger of destructi on by (6) find a way to save them Model 3

(1) a big san dstorm hit our city (2) The air was full of dirt and sand dust (3) comes after a long period of drought (4) the soil can be lifted up (5) pla nt more trees and grass

(6) launching a new afforestati on program in a bid to address the en vir onmen tal problem V Let ' talk (1) - b



(8) -f

VI Furtheri ng liste ning and speak ing Liste ning Task 1

(1) water pollutio n

(3) econo mic growth

(2) overc on sumpti on (4) resources

(5) social adva nceme nt (6) restricted

(7) gover nment pla nning

(9) remarkable steps Task 2 1. D)

(8) econo mic policy (10) bala nce

3. A)

4. C)

5. C)

2. B)

Task 3 (51) negative (52) report (53) warmi ng (54) pressures (55) mountainous (56) barely (57) make way for

(58) expect 98 perce nt of the mountain areas to experie nce severe climate cha nge by 2055

(59) the UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problems facing mountain areas (S10) Thousa nds of villages in Europe are deserted most of the year Task 3 1. B)

2. A)

3. C) 4. D) 5. D)

View ing and speak ing 1. (1) sig ns (4) snow (7) no rmal

(2) warmer temperatures (5) attracts

(8) best seas on

(3) warmest

⑹ trouble

(9) on e-time

(10) white

Unit 2 test

1. C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D Part II

(1) chemicals (2)atmosphere (3)particles (4)trapped (5)lasts (6)human-based (7) progressed (8)Eve n in An cie nt Rome people compla ined about smoke put into

the atmosphere (9)Air polluti on can have serious con seque nces for the health of human beings (10)Cities with large numbers of automobiles or those that use great qua ntities of coal ofte n suffer most severely from air polluti on problems Part III

1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B Part IV

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C


Unit 3 Culture makes me what I am. I Lead-i n 1) C

2) I

3) I

4) C

II Basic liste ning practice 1. C)

2. A)

3. D)

4. B)

III Liste ning in Task 1 1. C) 2. A) 3. C) 4. B)

Task 2 (51) roots (52) what (53) moral (54) dilige nee (55) sin (S6) teachi ngs (S7) cen turies

(S8) Eve n as childre n they were taught,

doing well

3 (参考答案)

5. A)

5. D)

' worth doing at all, it s worth

If it (S9) In English a new world has been created to describe people who work compulsively

(S10) Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive Task 3 1. D)

2. A)

3. D)

4. A)

5. C)

IV Speak ing out Model 1

(1) in dividual in terests rank above everyth ing else (2) it 'a sharp con trast to the orie ntal collectivism (3) is not n ecessarily an equivale nt for selfish ness (4) all values, rights, and duties origi nate in in dividuals

(5) in oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anything else

(6) Why do America ns cherish in dividualism Model 2

(1) always seem to be in a hurry

(2) What do you thi nk are the reas ons for that differe nee (3) Does this stro ng sense of time affect their lifestyle (4) led them to create fast food

(5) globalizati on shri nks the differe nces betwee n cultures (6) the gap will eve ntually be bridged Model 3

(1) they 're on top

(2) they definitely get the best marks (3) They n ever skip class

(4) did homework each ni ght un til the early hours (5) That 'the secret of their success

(6) I just want to learn it in an interesting way V Let ' talk

1. (1) tran satla ntic slave trade (2) unknown lands (3) dig nity or payme nt 2. (1) rich

(2) cott on and sugar 3. (1) all over the world (2) family history (3) cha nged 4. 200 anniversary 5. (1) banned (2) tak ing part in (3) slavery


⑷ freed

VI Furtheri ng liste ning and speak ing

Liste ning Task 1 1. C) Task 2 1. T Task 3 1. The Russia n hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the ope n win dow.

2. B) 3. A) 4. C) 5. D)

2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

2. He answered, Vodka is plentiful in my country. and thousands of liters of it-far more than we need. ”

In fact, we have thousands

3. The bus in essma n said, “lought the Cuba n economy was not good this year. Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling. 4. He replied, Cigars are a dime a doze n in Cuba. We have more of them tha n we know what to do with. ”

5. The America n bus in essma n sat in sile nee for a mome nt. Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer, and threw him out of the window. He did that probably because



