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[推荐]小升初英语知识专项训练(时态与句法)-11.一般现在时通用版 docx

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1.They _______ TV in the evening. They do their homewor. A. are watching B. can’t watching C. don’t watch D. don’t watching

2.He said the sun _______ in the east and _______ in the west. A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. rises; set D. rise; sets 3.Wang Mei music and often to music . A. lie; listen B. lies; listens C. lie; are listening D. liing; listen 4.Jenny _______ English every evening.

A. has study B. studies C. study D. studied 5.Tom is a worer. He _______ in a factory. His sisters _______ in a hospital. A. wor; wor B. wors; wor C. wor; wors D. wors; wors

6.We _______ our English teacher and often _______ to her . A. lie; listen B. lies; listens C. lie; are listening D. are liing; listen 7.She _______ up at si in the morning .

A. get B. gets C. getting D. is getting 8.On Sunday he sometimes _______ his clothes and sometimes _______ some



A. wash; do B. washes; does C. is washing; is doing D. washed; did

9.Jenny _______ in an office. Her parents _______ in a hospital. A. wor; wors B. wors; wor C. wor; are woring D. is woring; wor 10.One of the boys _______ a blac hat.

A. have B. there is C. there are D. has 11.We will go shopping if it _______ tomorrow. A. don’t rain B. didn’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. isn’t rain 12.--- _______ are you eating? --- I’m eating _______ meat.

A. What; some B. Which; any C. Where; not D. What a



(1)Drivers drive on the right side in China. (改为一般疑问句)

(2)You can tae the No.8 bus to go there. (就划线部分提问)

(3)My mother goes to the par every wee. (用net wee代替every wee改句子)

(4)Mr White and Miss Blac is going to have a picnic.(改错句)

(5)Loo before you leap.(翻译句子)

14.----- Bananas are my favorite fruit . -----Me too . _____________ healthy . A. It’s B. They’re C. They’re not




⑴We often _______ (play) on the playground. ⑵He usually _______ (get) up at si o’cloc.

⑶_______ you _______ (brush) your teeth every morning? ⑷What _______ (do) he usually _______ (do) after school?

⑸Danny _______ (study) English, Chinese, maths, science and art at school. ⑹Mie sometimes _______ (go) to the par with his sister.

⑺At eight at night, she usually _______ (watch) TV with his parents. ⑻_______ Mie _______ (read) English every day?

⑼How many lessons _______ your classmates _______ (have) on Monday? ⑽What time his mother _______ (do) the housewor? ⑾He often _______ (have) dinner at home. ⑿Daniel and Tommy _______ (be) in Class One. ⒀Who _______ (dance) the best in your class?

⒁There _______ (be) a football match on TV every morning. ⒂Do they _______ (watch) the World Cup? 16.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。

⑴study _______ ⑵run _______ ⑶watch _______ ⑷play _____ ⑸have _______ ⑹eat _______ ⑺loo ______ ⑻cry _______ ⑼wash _______ ⑽pass _______






(1) He has a brother and a sister . (改为一般疑问句) _______ he ______ any brothers or sisters ? (2) Open the windows .(改为否定句) _______ ________ the window .

(3) She is watching cartooons at home now .(改为一般现在时) Sometimes she ________ ________ at home . (4) Jim is good at PE . (改为同义句) Jim _______ _________ in PE.

(5) We saw a play last Sunday . (用tomorrow 替换 last Sunday) We are _________ _________see a play tomorrow . (6) 秋天是北京最美的季节。(汉译英) It’s the _______ ________ in autumn in Beijing 18.按要求完成下列句子。

(1). He has a brother and a sister. (改为一般疑问句) _______ he ______ any brothers or sisters ? (2). Open the windows .(改为否定句) _______ ________ the window.

(3). She is watching cartoons at home now .(改为一般现在时) Sometimes she ________ ________ at home. (4). Jim is good at PE. (改为同义句) Jim _______ _________ ________ in PE.

(5). We saw a play last Sunday. (用tomorrow 替换 last Sunday) We are _________ _________ see a play tomorrow. 19.按要求完成下列句子。(6分)

(1)He has a brother and a sister . (改为一般疑问句) _______ he ______ any brothers or sisters ?


(2)Open the windows .(改为否定句) _______ ________ the window .

(3)She is watching cartooons at home now .(改为一般现在时) Sometimes she ________ ________ at home . (4)Jim is good at PE . (改为同义句) Jim _______ _________ in PE.

(5)We saw a play last Sunday . (用tomorrow 替换 last Sunday) We are _________ _________see a play tomorrow . (6)秋天是北京最美的季节。(汉译英) It’s the _______ ________ in autumn in Beijing . 20.句型转换。(8%)

(1)I was at the cinema yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) at the cinema yesterday ?

(2)Mary does her homewor at home every evening.(变为否定句) Maryher homewor at home every evening.

(3)The ban is net to the booshop .(就划线部分提问) the ban ?

(4)Where do you come from ? (同义句) Where you ?

(5)Peter learned a lot by growing flowers.(改为否定句) Petera lot by growing flowers.

(6)My grandpa watered the trees yesterday.(改为现在进行时) My grandpa the trees.

(7)Peing Man, food ,used ,for, stones animals ill to .(连词组句)

(8)students, to their, greener, the, want, mae, country(.)(连词组句)


(1)I throw the basetball. (改为现在进行时) _____________________________________________


[推荐]小升初英语知识专项训练(时态与句法)-11.一般现在时通用版 docx


