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2. The man was sad because _________. A. he was poor and had no other axes B. he could not go on working C. he liked his axe very much D. his axe was a gold axe

3. The fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe but he didn't take them, because he ______.

A. did not like them

B. did not know they were made of gold and silver C. was very rich

D. knew these axes were not his

4. At the end of the story the man had ________. A. only one axe B. two axes C. three axes D. many axes

5. The fairy helped the man because he was ________ man. A. an old B. a young C. a poor D. an honest. 词汇扩展

① fairy n. 仙女 ② silver adj. 银制的 Passage 5

An Englishman, a Frenchman and a Russian were discussing happiness. \said the Englishman, \tired after work, yet find your slippers(拖鞋) warming by the fire.\


\on a business trip, find a pretty girl who entertains you -then afterwards you part without regrets.\

\are both wrong,\said the Russian. \happiness is when you are at home in bed and at 4 a.m., you hear a hammering at the door and outside stand the secret police, who say to you, 'Ivan Ivanovitch, you are under arrest', and you say, 'Sorry, Ivanovitch lives next door.'\ ( 118w)

1. The Englishman's happiness suggests that _______. A. he should have no time to warm his slippers B. he enjoys the warmth of the family

C. he thinks it the most important to have slippers D. he wants someone to warm his slippers 2. What the Frenchman said means that _______.

A. a man can be free to play with any pretty girl when possible B. he wants to marry a girl he loves

C. he is interested in going on a business trip D. the Englishman should have more romance 3. The Russian thought that ________.

A. both the Englishman and the Frenchman were not right B. neither the Englishman nor the Frenchman were right C. neither the Englishman nor Frenchman were wrong D. either the Englishman or the Frenchman were wrong


4. The meaning of the Russian's words is that _______. A. he would like to have a good sleep at night B. he will feel happy if his neighbour is arrested C. he thinks it happiness to feel safe

D. he will feel afraid if anyone knocks at his door at night 5. The best title for this story is \ A. The Difference in Happiness B. How to Get Happiness C. The Definition of Happiness D. The Importance of Happiness 词汇扩展

① slipper n. 拖鞋 ②romance n. 浪漫色彩 ③ entertain v. 招待 ④ part v. 分手 ⑤ arrest v. 逮捕 ⑥ definition n. 定义 Passage 6

%up, get up, Jim. It's time to get up!\my mother said while she was pushing me. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. \dear! It's a quarter to eight already. I'll be late for school again,\I thought. I jumped out of the bed, washed my face, then hurried to the bus stop without breakfast. As soon as I got on the bus, it started running. \sure I can get to the school on time,\I said to myself. Suddenly the bus stopped. The bus driver got off the bus, then got on the bus again and said, \sorry, ladies and gentlemen. There's something wrong with the bus. Please get off the bus and wait for another one.\\couldn't wait. The school is not far. I'd better run to the school,\the school, it began to rain hard.

I reached the classroom but I was wet shivering with cold. The physics teacher had already begun his lesson. It was Mr. Smith. He was about fifty years old. All the students were a little afraid of him and so was I. I liked neither him nor his


physics lessons. I hesitated for a moment and then I opened the door. \very sorry, Mr. Smith. I'm late again,\

\you…\he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. He turned to the class and said, \very sorry, my boys and girls.\With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me. \take off your wet coat and put this one or you'll catch cold,\

I went to my seat with Mr. Smith's jacket on. It was a bit large for me but I felt very warm in it. I found, for the first time, physics was so interesting and how well I could understand it! (348w)

1. Jim was late for school because _______.

A. he got up too late B. there was something wrong with the bus C. it rained heavily D. he had to wait for the bus

2. Mr. Smith, the physics teacher, _______ at first when Jim came into the classroom.

A. felt sad B. looked kind C. looked worried D. was unhappy 3. Jim felt that _______.

A. the jacket was large enough to keep him warm B. Mr. Smith took good care of him

C. he understood what Mr. Smith said all the time D. physics is easy if you like the physics teachers 4. From the story, we can learn that _______. A. students can't be late for school

B. students can learn better if teachers love them


C. physics is easy if you like the physics teachers D. you'll catch cold if your clothes are wet 词汇扩展

① shiver v. 发抖 ② hesitate v. 犹豫 Passage 7

John is a paper boy. He deliversnewspapers to different houses in his street every day. He has about 80 customers. Half of his customers only take the newspapers on weekdays, and about half take the newspapers on weekdays and on Sundays. John has to get up at 4:30 every morning to deliver his newspapers. It takes longer to deliver the newspaper on Sundays. The Sunday newspapers are twice as heavy as those on weekdays.

John is saving his money to buy a new bicycle. He is also saving money for college. He has already saved 500 dollars. (107w)

1. John ________ every day. A. reads books B. sells newspapers C. borrows books D. delivers newspapers 2. How many customers does he have?

A. About 40. B. About 120. C. About 80. D. About 20. 3. ______of his customers only take newspapers on weekdays. A. Two B. Eighty C. Forty D. Twenty

4. What time does he have to get up every morning? A. 3:30 B. 4:30 C. 5:30 D. 6:30



