Single Displacement Kinetics
Random Single Displacement Reactions
?The conversion of EAB to EPQ is rate-determining
A + EEAEP P + E?For the special case in which A has no influence on the binding of B (andvice versa) the lines on a double reciprocal plot intersect on the 1/[A] axis?Km doesn’t change with [A] or [B]
EABEPQB + EEBEQ Q + ESingle Displacement Kinetics
Ordered Single Displacement Reactions
A binds to E, then B binds to EA. A is the leading substrateB does not bind E
BEAAEEABEPQPEPQDouble Displacement Kinetics
Proceed via formation of a covalent enzyme intermediate
EQE’BRibozymes and Catalytic Antibodies
?Ribozymes - segments of RNA that display enzyme activity in the absenceof protein
–Examples: RNase P and peptidyl transferase
?Catalytic antibodies - antibodies raised to bind the transition state of areaction of interest
Enzyme Kinetics - University of Vermont:酶动力学-佛蒙特大学