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职业模快电子教案 (12)[5页]

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Topic Unit 7 What Can We Do for a Better World? After learning this section, students will be able to: Teaching objectives 1. learn the words and expressions about globalization; 2. get detailed information from the listening material; 3. improve the skills and abilities of reading; 4. build the awareness of Innovation. how to talk about the globalization trend and the duty of every citizen how to build global mindset and offer ideas to help solve some global problems Important points Difficult points Teaching aids Multimedia Discussion, listening and cooperative learning, pair work and group work Teaching methods Teaching procedure Step 1 Lead in ◆ Learn to pronounce the words with the help of the PPT. mankind /?m?n'ka?nd/ n. 人类 **crisis /'kra?s?s/ n. 危机 fuel /'fju??l/ n. 燃料 reuse /?ri?'ju?z/ v. 重复使用 obey /?'be?/ v. 服从,遵守 *committee /k?'m?ti/ n. 委员会 necessity /n?'ses?ti/ n. 必需品 shortage /'???t?d?/ n. 缺乏 supply /s?'pla?/ n. 供应供应量 situation /?s?tu'e??n/ n. 情况 Sudan /su'dɑ?n/ n. 苏丹 **referral /r?'f??r?l/ n. 转诊介绍提交处理 sickroom /'s?kru?m/ n. 病房 messy /'mesi/ adj. 凌乱的,邋遢的 fly /fla?/ n. 苍蝇 wound /wu?nd/ n. 伤,伤口 infection /?n'fek?n/ n. 感染,传染 case /ke?s/ n. 事例,情况 operate /'?p?re?t/ v. 动手术 quality /'kw?l?ti/ n. 质量 uncertainty /?n's??tnti/ n. 不确定 fortunately /'f??t??n?tli/ adv. 幸运地 recover /r?'k?v?(r)/ v. 恢复 afterwards /'ɑ?ft?w?dz/ adv. 后来,以后 silk /s?lk/ n. 丝,丝绸 Persia /'p????/ n. 波斯 **camel /'k?ml/ n. 骆驼 **dynasty /'d?n?sti/ n. 王朝,朝代 rule /ru?l/ v. 统治 overland /'??v?l?nd/ adj. 横跨陆地的 **maritime /'m?r?ta?m/ adj. 海运的 root /ru?t/ v. 使……根深蒂固 ◆practice the words by the game- the globe is coming ◆Discuss with partner what the community with a shared future for mankind is and what you can do for it and check them. ◆List the things you can do for the building of world peace. List the things you can do for the building of a clean and beautiful world. Step 2 Listen and choose ◆Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answers.(Students can listen twice or more) ◆List the questions on the screen. 1. What is a major cause of using more fuels? A. The world’s population is increasing. B. We have found enough fuels. C. The price of fuels has fallen. 2. Which of the following is not the thing we can do to prevent energy crisis? A. Use less water and electricity. B. Recycle and reuse things. C. Use more fuels. ◆Check the answer.(Answer: 1. A 2. C) Step 3 Read and think ◆Listen to the dialogue and read after record. ◆Read the dialogue and complete the form . Peter and Sam are having a discussion about the environment in class. Miss Brown: Peter, can you tell us what problems the earth faces? Peter: Yes. As the world’s population increases, we are using more fuels. Miss Brown: That’s true. This means we are facing the energy crisis. We are damaging nature for more energy. What can we do to prevent this? Peter: We should use less water and electricity and try to reuse and recycle things more. Miss Brown: Sam, what’s your opinion? Sam: As is known to all, many countries have made laws to protect the environment. So every citizen should obey the laws and do their best to save the earth. Miss Brown: Right. We all need to make a contribution to building a clean and beautiful world. ◆Read the dialogue and try to solve the problems.

职业模快电子教案 (12)[5页]


