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1、 表示说话之前已完成的动作,而且这个动作的结果对现在是情况仍有影响。常被just,already,yet 等副词修饰。

Mr. Wang has just come back from America. 王先生刚从美国回来。

2.现在完成时还可用来表示过去发生的动作一直延续到现在,常带有for或since 等表示一段时间的状语。

如:Mr Wang has lived here since 1983.

3.现在完成时瞬间动词即终止性动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。 常见终止性动词与延续性动词 (或状态动词) 的对应关系如下: come / go / arrive / get / reach / move--- be in/at open --- be open die --- be dead close --- be closed become ---be borrow --- keep put on --- wear

buy --- have leave ----- be away (from) begin / start ----- be on fall asleep ---- be asleep end/finish ----- be over catch a cold ----- have a cold join the army ---- be in the army, be a soldier join the Party---- be in the Party , be a Party member 例:吉姆买这支已有两年了。 Jim bought this pen two years ago. Jim has had this pen for two years.

Jim has had this pen since two years ago. Jim has had this pen since 2007 It is two years since Jim bought this pen.

4.在表示“最近几世纪/ 年/ 月以来……”时间状语中,谓语动词用现在完成时。

in the past few years/months/weeks/days;over the past few years; during the last three months; for the last few centuries, through centuries; throughout history 等

5.表示“第几次做某事,”或在 “It is the best (worst, most interesting ) +名词 +that” 后面跟现在完成时。

例:This is my first time that I have visited China. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen. That is the only book that he has written.

6. have / has been to + 地点 意为“曾去过某地”,暗含目前已不在该地,仅表示当事人的一种经历而已。

have / has gone to + 地点 “到了某地去了”,暗含“已离开原地去了某地”之意,但是否到达了某地尚不确定。

如:He has gone to Shanghai. 他去了上海。 He has been to Shanghai. 他去过了上海。 7.现在完成时专项练习 一、 单项选择。

( )1、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they ________what's happened to him . A. knew B. have known C. must know D.will know ( )2、He has _______ been to Shanghai , has he ? A. already B.never C.ever D. Still ( )3、Have you met Mr Li ______?

A. just B. ago C.before D. a moment ago ( )4、The famous writer _____ one new book in the past two year . A. is writing B.was writing C.wrote D.has written ( )5、—Our country ______ a lot so far . —Yes . I hope it will be even ______ . A. has changed ; well B. changed ; good C. has changed ; better D. changed ; better

( )6、Zhao Lan ______already ______in this school for two years . A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied D. are ; studying ( )7、We ______ Xiao Li since she was a little girl .

A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew ( )8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_______ it twice . A. will see B. have seen C. saw D.see ( )9、—These farmers have been to the United States . —Really ? When _____ there ?

A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone ( )10、—______ you ___ your homework yet ? —Yes . I _____ it a moment ago .

A. Did ; do ; finished B. Have ; done ; finished C. Have ; done ; have finished D. will ; do ; finish ( )11、 His father ______ the Party since 1978 .

A. joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in ( )12、—Do you know him well ?

— Sure .We _________ friends since ten years ago .

A. were B. have been C. have become D. have made

( )13、—How long have you ____ here ? —About two months .

A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived ( )14、Hurry up! The play __________ for ten minutes .

A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began ( )15、 It _____ ten years since he left the army . A. is B. has C. will D. was

( )16、 Miss Green isn't in the office . she_______ to the library . A.has gone B. went C.will go D. has been ( )17、My parents ______ Shandong for ten years .

A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been ( )18、The students have cleaned the classroom, ? A. so they B. don’t they C. have they D. haven’t they

( )19、 has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he to China? A. How soon, comes B. How often, got C. How long, came D. How far, arrived ( )20、 His uncle for more than 9 years. A. has come here B. has started to work C. has lived there D. has left the university 二、 句型转换。

1、He has never surfed, ?(改成反意疑问句) 2、They have been here since 2000. (对划线部分提问) have they been here? 3、The old man _________ last year. He for a year. (die) (动词填空) 4、This factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换) This factory ________ for twenty years. 5、Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换)

Miss Gao ________ _______ ________ ________ an hour ago. 6、Her mother has been a Party member for three years .(同义句) Her mother _______ the Party three years ________ . 7、The Green Family moved to France two years ago. (同义句转换) _______ two years ________ the Green family moved to France.

8、The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago. (把两个句子合并成一个句子) ___________________________________________ 三、 汉译英。

1、 吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了。

2、 他昨天收到一封信。

3、 我父亲以前到过长城。

4、 她还没有看过那部新电影。

5、 她去过上海。

6、 他这些天上哪儿去了?


表示一个动作从过去某时开始,延续或重复地出现至今,或将继续延续至将来。。常与表示一段时间的状语,如:for two hours,since early morning,these few days 等连用。 构成:

肯定句:主语+助动词have(has)+been+动词现在分词-ing 否定句:主语+助动词have(has)+not+been+动词现在分词-ing 一般疑问句:Have(Has)+ 主语+ been+动词现在分词-ing+? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+ have(has)+ 主语+ been+动词现在分词-ing+? 例:It has been raining for three hours. We have been waiting here since an hour ago.

How long has it been raining? 雨下多久了?

She has been sitting there for more than 2 hours. 他已经在那坐了两个小时了。 We’ve been seeing quite a lot of each other recently. 最近我们常见面。

He has been telephoning me several times in two days. 这两天他打好几次电话给我。


8. 过去完成时 构成:

肯定句:主语+助动词had +动词过去分词-ed+其它

否定句:主语+助动词had +not(hadn’t)+动词过去分词-ed+其它 一般疑问句; Had+主语+动词过去分词-ed+其它+?

特殊疑问句:疑问词+had +主语+动词过去分词-ed+其它+? 例:There had been 25 parks in our city up till 2000. By the end of last term we had finished the book.

They finished earlier than we had expected.


1、 表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已完成或延续到某一过去时间的动作或状态,即“过去的过去“。这一动作可以是一直持续到过去这一时刻或将继续下去。这个过去的时间常用by,before after,)等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作或上下文来表示。 例:The train had left before she got to the station. 在她到车站以前,火车已开走了。

We had learned about 500 English words by the end of mine. 到上个月为止,我们已经学了约500个英文单词。

Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine. 史密斯先生昨天去世了,他曾是我的一位好友。

2、 用于以连词when, as soon as, as…as, before, after, until, now that引导的状语从句中或一些宾语从句中以表示动作发生的时间早于主句所表示的动作,可表示原因、动作先后等关系。如: 例:After I had finished my homework, I watched TV last night. (表时间先后)

We took a taxi home, as the last bus already gone. 由于最后一班公车已开走,所以,我们就乘出租车回家。(表原因)

He got to the airport and suddenly realized that he had forgotten to bring his ticket. 他赶到机场时突然意识到他忘了带机票。

3、 用在一般过去时之后的间接引语中。

He told me that he had been seen the film the day before. 他跟我说他前一天看过那个电影了。 注意:过去完成时的句子中,终止性动词不能与一段时间连用,而状态动词的过去完成时必须和一段时间连用。如:

He had already died. 他已经死了。

He had been dead for an hour. 他已经死了一个小时了。 9. 过去将来时 构成:

肯定句: 主语+助动词would+动词原形。 主语+助动词was(were) going to+动词原形。 否定句: 主语+助动词would+not(wouldn’t)+动词原形。 .主语+助动词was(were)+not+ going to+动词原形 一般疑问句:Would+主语+动词原形+? Was(Were) +主语+ going to+动词原形+? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+would+主语+动词原形+? was(were) +主语+ going to+动词原形+? 例:I hoped she would succeed. 用法


1、 would + 动词原形

这一形式表示过去将来时间,通常带有表示过去将来的时间状语,多见于从句或间接引语中。 I wanted to know when you would finish the article. 我想知道你什么时候写完论文。

He said he would wait for me at the gate. 他说他将在校门口等我。 2、 was / were going to +不定式

They told me they were going to plaint trees. 他们告诉我他们打算去植树。 3、 was / were to + 不定式


The reporter said the sports meeting was to take place soon. 记者称运动会不久将举行。



