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全国 10月高等教育自学考试




一、词汇应用和语法结构(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) (一)词汇应用(15分)


1. He collected plenty of ______ for his new theory. A. thoughts C. facts

in his______ clothes. A. repaired C. wounded ladder. A. temper C. sense

B. balance D. way B. worn D. broken B. realities D. truth

2. The young man was walking in the cold wind

3. Bob lost his ______ and fell down from the


4. You shouldn’t ______ your opinions on others. A. make C. force know the truth. A. bring C. get A. shows C. feels fur coat. A. put across C. put away

price that I paid for it. A. valuable C. worthy

B. worth D. fit B. put up D. put down B. draw D. take B. pats D. touches B. strike D. impress

5. Never ______a conclusion before you really

6. Silk ______ soft and smooth.

7. It’s getting warmer. It’s time to ______ your

8. It is a beautiful car, but it is not ______ the


9. I have been ______ with that company for several years. A. supplying C. concerning habit. A. clear C. release

food to some extent. A. made up for C. made for walk. A. function C. work the news. A. believe

B. imagine B. running D. order B. made up D. made out B. free D. rid B. treating D. dealing

10. It is not easy for one to get ______of a bad

11. The good service at the hotel ______ the poor

12. The lift is out of ______ so we’ll have to

13. You can ______ my surprise when I heard


C. think meters. A. mark C. standard

D. suppose

14. He broke the world ______ for the 1000

B. level D. record

15. I’m sorry I didn’t______ catch you. Would you please say it once again? A. fairly C. much

B. quite D. very



16.She seems to be too short for a ______ . A. girl twenty-year old B. twenty-years-old girl C. girl of twenty A. not more rich C. less rich

D. twenty year old girl B. no rich D. less richer

17.She is______ than her elder sister.

18.We must keep the children ______playing



