1、The remaining sheep 剩下的羊
The teacher said: \to feed on the grass in a field, five of them jumped a fence, how many sheep would be left?\
\: \surprised that you can't count correctly. I know that you are good at arithmetic, but you have made such a mistake now.\ Little Mac said: \don't know sheep. I know that if one sheep jumped, the rest will follow it to do the same.\
小麦克说:“老师,你懂算术,但你不了解羊。英语小故事我知道,若是有一只羊跳了出去,其余的就会跟着她跳出去。” 2、Don't bother me 别烦我
One day a kind man met a panicky little boy in his neighbor-hood when he was going home from his office.
He noticed that the boy seemed to have fought with other boys. He kindly said: \man? I am sorry to see that?\
Unexpectedly the boy replied angrily: \You go home to feel sorry for your own little boy-he has got two!\
他注意到这个孩子像是刚和别的孩子打过架,就亲切的对他说:“小家伙,你怎么会有个黑眼眶呀?看到你这样,我很为你难过?” 不料这个小男孩竟然气冲冲地回答说:“别烦我。你回家去为你自己的小男孩难过吧。他有两个黑眼眶。” 3、Naive reasoning 天真的推理
A man was telling a story to his son, a four-year-old boy. The boy noticed a lock of gray hair on his father's head and asked: \
\naughty,\this opportunity to give him a moral lesson.
The boy thought for a moment, and then naively said: \I see why my grandpapa has a lot of gray hair on his head. I think he must have had very naughty boys.\
有个人给他的儿子,一个4岁的男孩讲故事。小男孩注意到他父亲的头上有一缕白发,就问道:“爸爸,你的头发怎么是白的?” 他的父亲想趁机给他上一堂教育课,就回答说:“爸爸的小男孩每顽皮一次,爸爸头上就会长出一根白头发。”