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The spacecraft orbit maneuver

With the development of space technology, power that spacecrafts require is

increasing.Searching for solar array of larger power, higher reliability, longer life-span and lower cost is always one of the urgent requirements. In recent years, our country is engaged in developing satellites of large power for navigation and communication, with the problem of how to improve performances of the power system on board. Solar panel is widely used to provide energy for satellites.Orientation and sun tracking methods of solar panel of satellites in different orbits were discussed in this thesis, in favor of power system designation.

Open-closed loop controlling was often used for sun tracking of solar panel of satellites in sun synchronous orbits, which keeps driving solar panel in a certain constant speed. The influence of sun movement and drag of atmosphere on the tracking error was analyzed, and a corresponding sun tracking method is derived. Yaw motion is a significant sun tracking method for satellites in a general inclined orbit with solar panels with single degree of freedom. A useful scheme which replaced the ideal yaw angle profile by a square wave has a great advantage for certain applications. The yaw angle is thus maintained constant for large parts of the orbit. An analytical formula of the constant optimal yaw angle as a function of the angle between the sun and the orbit was derived through polynomial curve fitting without incurring more power loss.

Fixed solar panel can be used in satellites with low power, short life span and special application. A method for figuring out fixed solar array’s optimal orientation is proposed in this paper for satellites in elliptic orbits, so that a maximum energy can be provided to the satellite. A theorem is proved, that is, the optimal orientation is in the direction of the centroid of the upper portion of the sun track cirque in the celestial sphere. With the theorem, the optimal orientation can be approximated by iteratively locating the corresponding centroid. This method is suitable for satellites in orbits of different eccentricities. Numerical simulations have demonstrated the effectiveness of



the approach proposed.

Orbital maneuver is refers to the spacecraft, the initiative to change the orbit. Here pointed out that the three layers of meaning, respectively illustrates the purpose of the orbital maneuver, process and properties. First of all, it is active behavior of the spacecraft to orbit maneuver, there is a purpose, application oriented flight, that rules out some interference factors caused by drift orbit changes; Second, the orbit maneuver is to change the orbit, i.e. the spacecraft's flight maneuver flight to break the existing inertia, no longer comply with Kepler's laws; Finally, the orbit maneuver is a \The basic knowledge of the spacecraft orbit maneuver is mainly two body orbital mechanics, Hohmann transfer and Lambert transfer, involving thermal control technology, jet propulsion technology, energy technology, space communication technology and the launch of the spacecraft, return and in-orbit technology, etc. Today, the space technology of the world's political, economic, military, science and technology and all aspects of human life had a profound impact. Spacecraft orbit maneuver research promotes the human the progress of science and technology, expanding within the field of human activity from the atmosphere into space. It is a multidisciplinary field of technology, including mechanical, electronic technology, materials science, automatic control, computer, vacuum technology, low temperature technology, semiconductor technology, jet propulsion, medicine, manufacturing technology, and discipline, is the foundation of science and technology integration. 1, the aircraft with the main body gravity constitute two body systems, can be regarded as particle, the quality of the aircraft relative to the quality of the gravity of body is negligible, in with the center of the gravity of body OpXpYpZp inertial coordinate system, the equation of motion of aircraft are as follows:

If there is a solution of equation, can be written as the following form:

The integral constants are given and the location of the aircraft, the relationship between the speed. If you know the t=t0 the position(xp0,yp0,zp0) and speed




