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《 职业高中对口升学 》月考试卷( A 卷) 考核形式( 闭

A. This, That B. This, Those C. That, This D. These, Those 卷)

(使用班级: 命题人: )

题 号 一 二 三 四 五 | 六 七 总 分 得 分 }

得 分 评卷人 ( 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分)

( ) ______ Miss Hen. D. are ( )2 ______ is a map of China.

A. It B. Its C. It’s D. Its’ ( )3. She is popular _____ her students.

B. in C. at D. with

( )4. I can’t find my pen. Can you help ______ A. my B. me C. he D. she ( )5. Please take a picture for _______.

A. I B. mine C. me D. my ( )6. She enjoys ______ when she is young.

A. playing B. plays C. played D. play ( )7. ______ are very clever students. A.


They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs

( )8 . Look _____ the blackboard ,please. A. at B. in C. to D. of ( )9. ______ is my picture. _______are yours.

( )10. Eric and Kathy ____ my students. ( )11. Liu Ming is an old friend of ______.

A. Their B. my C. mine D. I

( )12. _______ there any chairs in the classroom.

B. Are C. Am D. Be

( )13. ----Is there any books on the desk


A. Yes, there isn’t B. No, there aren’t C. Yes, there is. D. No, there is.( )14. Are there ___ houses near the river Yes, there are_______ . A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any ( )15. Let’s ______ shopping tomorrow.

A. go B. to go C. goes D. going ( )16. ______ is your English teacher A.


Whose B. Who’s C. Who D. Whom

( )17. The man with big eyes _______ a teacher. D. are

( )18. There _____ two glasses of milk on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are ( )19. I’m glad _____ meet you here. A. at B. of C. to D. in ( )20. The two cups of milk _____ for me.

D. am


得 分 评卷人 二、中英搭配(每小题2分,共20分)

vocational school ( ) a lot of… ( )


thank…for… ( ) hardworking( ) enjoy doing sth ( ) let ( ) always ( ) on the left ( ) be kind to… ( ) visit ( ) A 喜欢做某 B 让

C 职业学校 D 对…和蔼可亲 E 许多… F 勤劳的;苦干的 G 总是 H 为…而感谢…


I 参观,拜访 J 在左边

得 分 评卷人 三、阅读理解题(每小题2分,共40分)


This is a photo of Mr. Blacks family. The man with glasses(眼镜)is Mr. Black, the father. The woman is the

mother. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind(在……后面)Mr. Black. His name is Jack. He’s 14. Kate is Jacks sister. She is 12. Jack and Kate are in the same school, but they are in different(不同的)grades. Jack is in Grade Three and Kate’s in Grade One. They are good students. 1.Mr. and Mrs. Black have ______ . A.a son and a daughter B.Jack and Kate’s sister C.three children(孩子)D.a family of five 2.The woman is ________ mother.

A.Kate’s B.Jack’s C.Kate’s and Jack’s D.Kate and Jack’s


3.Jack and Kate are in the same______ . A.class

B.grade C.school D.year

4.Black is the _______ name. A.man’s

B.woman’s C.boy’s


5.Jack and Kate are _________

A.good children B.good students C.in different schools D.in the same grade


There is a big supermarket(超市) near Mrs. Green's home. She usually goes there to buy food. The shop

assistants(售货员) are polite(有礼貌的)and helpful. The things are cheap, too.

One day, Mrs. Green goes to the supermarket. She buys some noodles. Biscuits(饼干)are also their children’s favorite food. And she buys some milk. Her children always have milk for breakfast. Mimi likes fish and Tim likes hot dogs. She buys some fish and sausages(香肠)for them, too. Mrs. Green doesn't have any rice at

home. So she buys a bag of rice, but she can’t take it. It is very heavy. Her husband, Mr. Green is coming to the supermarket and carry(搬运)the rice. ( ) 11. Where’s the supermarket

A. In Mrs. Green’s house. B. Near Mrs. Green’s house.

C. Under the street. D. In the mall(商业街).

( ) 12. Who likes biscuits

A. Mrs. Green and Mr. Green. B. Mrs. Green and Tim.

C. Mrs. Green and Mimi. D. Tim and Mimi.

( ) 13. Mimi likes _______.

A. fish B. hot dogs C. rice D. vegetable ( ) 14. Does Mrs. Green buy a bag of rice

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't .

C. Yes, she is. D. We don't know.

( ) 15. Who helps Mrs. Green take the rice

A. Mr. Green. B. Mrs. Green. C. Mimi. D. Tim.




Green Trees Gym(体育馆 ) Swimming Mon. ~Sun. ~ Basketball Sat. ~ Sun. ~

Alicia doesn’t like weekends because she has to get up at 6:30. On Saturday morning, her mother takes her

Volleyball Mon. ~ Sat. ~ to learn(学习) to play the violin. On Saturday afternoon, she learns to draw. When they get home, the eight-year-old girl is very tired. She goes to bed quickly after dinner.

On Sunday morning, Alicia learns to dance. After they get to the club, her mother does some shopping. Classes are over at twelve o’clock. When they get home, Alicia’s father gets ready for(准备好) the lunch. They have it at about one. Alicia starts to do her homework at two. It usually takes(花费) her four hours. After she finishes(完成) her homework, it is time for dinner. Alicia doesn’t have time to play with her friends. She hopes there are no weekends in the world. 1.

Alicia learns _______ subjects on the weekend.

A. two B. there C. four D. five 2.

The underlined word “tired” means _________ .

A. 兴奋的 B. 疲倦的 C. 伤心的 D. 烦恼的 3.

Alicia learns to ________ on Sunday morning.

A. Play the violin B. draw C. dance D. do her homework



Alicia’s family usually have dinner at ________ on Sunday.

A. Twelve o’clock B. two o’clock C. six o’clock D. eight o’clock 5.

What is the best title(最好的题目) for this passage(短文)

A. Alicia’s Family. B. Alicia’s Weekend.

C. Alicia’s Favorite Subject. D. Alicia’s School Day.

Aerobics(有氧健身操) Mon. ~ Sun. ~ Tel: 6227225 E-mail

% Fish Balls Gym(体育馆 ) Swimming Mon.~Fri. 6:00 a.m.~6:00 P.m. Basketball Mon.~Sun. 8:00 a.m.~6:00 P.m. Volleyball Mon.~Sun. 8:00 a.m.~6:00 P.m. Aerobics Mon.~Sun. 8:00 a.m.~6:00 P.m. Tel:6589417 11. I want to go swimming on Sunday.Where Can I go A. Green Trees Gym. B. Fish Balls Gym.

C. Both A and B. D. You can’t go swimming on Sunday. 12. I want to play basketball on Sunday morning. Where can I go A. Green Trees Gym. B. Fish Balls Gym. C. Both A and B. D. Green Balls Gym.

play volleyball at 9:00 every morning.Where can you find me A. Green Trees Gym. B. Fish Balls Gym. C. Both A and B. D. At home.

do aerobics (有氧健身操)every afternoon.So you can call me at 6589417.Do you know where I'm going to be

A. At Green Balls Gym. B. At Fish Balls Gym. C. In the school. D. On the playground. gym(体育馆) accepts(接受)mail on computers A. Green Balls Gym. B. Fish Balls Gym. C. Green Trees Gym. D. Fish Trees Gym.


亳州工业学校2017-2018学年度第一学期月考 :


班级: 姓名:


1—5 6—10

11—15 16—20


1—5 6—10 三.阅读理解(40分)

1—5 6—10

11—15 16—20



