【期刊名称】《扬州大学烹饪学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(029)003
【摘要】The evaluation of experiment classes is a fairly important stage of education. To substantially raise the quality of education, cultivate the innovative thinking and awareness of students in the culinary major, there is a need, aside from enhancing the assessment of skills-oriented experiment classes, to intensify the re- form of the teaching and evaluation of physics & chemistry- experiment classes. The education and appraisal of the classes should be designed in an integrated and coordinated way. Efforts should be made to emphasize the process of the classes, strengthen the assessment of experimental skills, optimize the object and manner of as- sessment and build the complete system of randnm awl,,,t;,~,~%实验教学考核是教学过程中极其重要的环节,为切实提高教学质量,培养烹饪专业本科生的创新思维和创新意识,提高综合实验能力,必须在强化工艺实验课程教学考核的同时,同步深化理化类课程实验教学与考核的改革。以学科角度整体设计、统一规划理化类课程实验的教学及考核,重视实验教学过程,强化实验技能考核,优化实验考核内容,改进考核方式,建立齐全的考核抽查制度。 【总页数】3页(59-61)