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课程名称 新理念交互英语教程1 学 期 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 院 系 教 研 室 教 材 《新理念交互英语教程1》


Unit 2 Sports

Teaching Objectives

Section A Students are able to understand the expressions of making invitations as well as accepting and refusing and choose the best answer for the exercises. Section B Section C Students are able to express their own preference for sports and state reasons. Students are able to spell and know the meaning of some key words and expressions in Text A and Text B. Students can get familiar with the structure and main ideas of Text A and Text B. Students master the language points in Text A and Text B. Students are able to do Focus Exercises independently after having learned Text A and Text B. Section D Students can understand and master the classification and usage of Adjective and Adverb. Students are able to do Test Yourself independently. Section E Students can get familiar with the basic format and some sentence patterns of E-mail. Students are able to write an E-mail in English. Section F Students can understand the meaning of the music and sing along.

Time Allocation

Section A Section B Section C Section D Section E Section F 1

1 4 2

1 1

NOTES: This unit is arranged for a time span of 8 periods. A teacher can make whatever changes he/she thinks necessary according to his/her own conditions.

Teaching Procedures

Period 1

Section A Wake Up Your Ears Teaching Steps:

1. Students work in pairs and briefly discuss the expressions of making invitations in English as well as how to accept or refuse them.

2. Students study Word Tips to get prepared for doing Listening Practice. 3. Students listen to the recording and do Listening Practice one by one. 4. Check answers to the exercises together.

Period 2

Section B Open Your Mouth Teaching Steps:

1. Ask students to finish the Matching individually and check the answers.

2. Ask students to work in pairs and tell the partners his/her favorite sport and state reasons. Students are expected to add as much details as possible.

3. Invite some students to retell their partner’s preference for sports to the whole class. Homework:

1. Review the expressions of invitations learned in the class and practice with classmates or roommates after class.

2. Preview Text A, including the new words and expressions.

Period 3—4

Section C Enrich Your Mind


Part One Texts Text A Teaching Steps:

1. Ask students to listen to the recording of Word List and read after it. 2. Explain key words in the Word List in detail. Key Words: skateboarding similar





flat object

reason risky

3. Ask students to listen to the recording of Useful Phrases and Expressions and read after it.

4. Explain the useful phrases and expressions and ask students to make sentences with them.

Useful Phrases and Expressions

come up with now and again end up take part in such as make up be good at think up give (sth.) a try

5. Students read the text for the first time to get the main ideas, discuss about the structure of the text, and then do “Reading Comprehension” individually. 6. Check the answers to “Reading Comprehension” together. 7. Ask students to listen to the recording of the text and read after it. 8. Ask some students to read the text one by one.

9. Explain some difficult language points in the text in detail. In this process, teachers should pay more attention to the sentence patterns mentioned in Notes. Language Points: Paragraph 1

1. at the same time 同时

e.g. I wish he would go home at the same time as I do. 但愿他跟我同时回家。 Justine and I got admission at the same time. 贾斯汀和我同时收到录取通知。 2. come up with 找到或提出(答案、办法等)


e.g. He has come up with a great idea. 他想出了一个绝好的主意。

No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur died out. 尚未有人对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。 Paragraph 2

take part in 参加,参与

e.g. All students have taken an active part in the discussion. 所有同学积极参与了这次讨论。

In early day only male athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games. 在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。 Paragraph 3 1. be good at 擅长

e.g. Mary is good at playing the violin. 玛丽擅长弹钢琴。

Both Jane and Tom are good at mathematics. 简和汤姆都擅长数学。

2. What’s more important is that anyone can try it. 更重要的是,任何人都能试着玩 一下。

此句是一个复合句,包含了两个从句,分别是主语从句what’s more important和表语从句that anyone can try it。 Paragraph 4

Skateboarders are always trying to think up ways they can skate on everyday objects such as pavements, stairs, hills and railings. 滑板手们总是在想着如何能在人行道、楼梯、斜坡和栏杆等这些日常物体上滑行。

本句包含了一个定语从句they can skate on everyday objects such as pavements, stairs, hills and railings,修饰先行词ways。当way做先行词,并在定语从句中做状语时,关系词用in which, that或省略。

e.g. I like the way (in which/that) the teacher gives his lessons. 我喜欢这位老师上课的方式。

I don’t know the way (in which/that) they worked out the problem.




