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译林版六年级英语上册Unit4 then and now (含答案)

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一、选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。 ( )1. summer A. sister

B. her

C. term ( )2. ago A. cake B. cat C. away ( )3. mobile A. close B. holiday C. become ( )4. world A. for B. work ( )5. hear A. dear B. bear


1.holiday(复数)________ 2.fish(复数) ________ 3.radio(复数) ________ 4.read(过去式) ________ 5.teach(名词) ________ 6.China(形容词) ________ 7.clever(反义词) ________ 8.last(反义词) ________ 9.watch(三单) ________ 10.then(反义词) ________


1. 在办公室 __________________ 2. 继续 _____________________

2. 做许多事 ___________________ 4. 看新闻 _____________________ 6. 交友 _______________________ 8. make a sentence _______________ 10. then and now _________________

C. horse C. where 5. 听我说 ____________________ 7. look out of the window ________ 9. get angry ___________________


1. Ten years ago,I liked writing letters ________my friends in other cities. 2. In such cold days, his family stayed ________home.

3. There were some teachers ________the office twenty minutes ago. 4. Dad reads newspaper ________news every evening. 5. A lot of people chat with friends ________the Internet. 6. You can get help ________those women. 7. Don’t look out ________the window in class. 8. Can you make a sentence ________the new word?


9.Do you like listen________music.

10.There`s a tall tree ________front of our classroom.

五,单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. My mother _______things on the Internet yesterday morning. A. is buying

A. was go A. wait for

B. buys

C. bought C. went C. waited for C. can’t write C. wrote an

( )2. I_________ to the supermarket on foot last weekend.

B. go

( )3. Mr Green __________ our answer now.

B. is waiting for B. couldn’t write B. wrote a

( )4. His sister _____________five years ago.

A. couldn’t wrote A. write a

( )5. I ________ email to my e-friend last night. ( )6. Can you make a sentence ______“nice”? A. in

B. to C. with B. Did, write

C. Do, wrote

( )7.________ your grandpa _________ letters on the Internet many years ago?

A. Does, write A. fly, with

( )8. I _______kites in the park________ my friends last Sunday.

B. am flying, and C. flew, with B. Who, visit

C. Where, visit C. read

( )9. --- _____did you ______? --- I visited my aunt last summer holiday.

A. What, visited A. to read


1.He ________ (not watch)TV yesterday evening.

2.I could not ________ (find) my book, but my father ________ (find) it under the table. 3.I ________ (not have) a mobile phone now. 4.My friends are ________ (do shopping) now. 5.Who are you ________ (wait) for?

6.They ________ (take) photos near the river an hour ago.


( )10. He often uses the computer _________now.

B. to reading

7.She ________ (write) her address on the blackboard after class.

8.There ________ (be) a pair of glasses on the desk yesterday. 9.How about ________ (watch) the running race?

10.My father used a telephone ________ (call) his friends before. 11.Su Hai, ________ (put) your hands on the desk.

12.He ________ (look) sad, because he ________ (lose) a new pen. 13.Tom and Mary ________ (come) to China last month. 14.An old woman wants ________ (meet) you. 15. ________ (not shout) at the boy.

16.There ________ ( be) any milk in the glass a moment ago. 17.I want ________ (be) your friend.

18.There were a lot of ________ (people) in the supermarket. 19.Who ________ (teach) you Chinese lessons?Mr. Liu. 20.All the students are very ________ (excite). 21. He _______ a model plane yesterday. (make)

22. I’d like ___________basketball with my friends. (play) 23. My mother ___________to music every evening. (listen) 24. Nancy and Mike _____________TV now. (watch) 25. Mike _________some fish yesterday morning. (eat) 26. Su Yang ____________a kite to the park last Saturday. (take) 27. Shall we ___________our English lesson? (start) 28. He usually _________emails in the evenings. (write)

29. My mother likes __________ newspapers for news in the morning. (read) 30. ________Jack at school last Friday? (be)


译林版六年级英语上册Unit4 then and now (含答案)


