PAPER ONE Reading (110 minutes) (70 points)
Ⅰ. Text 1 (Questions 1--4 are based on the following text. )( 15 points)Municipal Gum * By Oodgeroo NoonuccalGumtree in the city street,
Hard bitumen(沥青) around your feet,Rather you should be
In the cool world of leafy forest hailsAnd wild bird calls.Here you seem to meLike that poor cart horse
Castrated, broken, a thing wronged,Strapped and buckled, its hell prolonged,Whose hung head and listless face expressIts hopelessness.
Municipal gum, it is dolorous(To see you thus
Set in your black grass of bitumenO fellow citizen,
What have they done to us?
* An Austalian tree that is considered as a national symbol of Australia.* Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a famous aboriginal(Questions on Text 1
1. The rhyme scheme for the beginning 5 lines of the poem is b .
2. Identify two examples of figures of speech used in the poem. 3. Identify
two words or phrases in the poem that convey the tone of the poem to the reader. 4. What meaning do you think
the poet is trying to
convey to the
reader in the
土著) Australian writer.
last two lines of the poem? (5 points)
Ⅱ. Text 2 (Questions 5--12 are based on the following text. ) (25 points)Ⅰ: Oh, please don\you meant what you said the other day about showing me the runof things.
Frank: Of course, I did,Ⅰ: What are you doing now?
Frank: Notifying all the tenants that in celebration of Maxim\ with his bride, this week\Ⅰ: Oh, was that Maxim\
Frank: Oh, yes. All the servants get an extra week\Ⅰ: He didn\ the stamps.
Frank: That\
Ⅰ: Oh yes, thank you. I was down at the cottage on the beach the
other day, and there was a man there, a queer sort of person. Jasper kept barking at him.
Frank: Oh, yes--must have been Ben, he\ odd jobs now and then.
Ⅰ: That cottage place seeing to be going to rack and ruin. Why isn\ something done about it?
Frank: Oh, I think if Maxim wanted anything done about it, he\ me.
Ⅰ: Are those all Rebecca\Frank: Yes, yes they are.
Ⅰ: What did she use the cottage for?Frank: The boat used to be moored near there.
Ⅰ: What boat? What happened to it\ in when she was drowned?
Frank: Yes, it capsized and sank. She was washed overboard.Ⅰ: Wasn\Frank: She wasn\Ⅰ: Where did they find her?
Frank: Near Edgecomber, about forty miles up channel, about two months afterwards. Maxim went up to identify her. It was horrible for him.
Ⅰ: Yes, it must have been, Mr. Crawley, please don5 think me morbidly curious-it isn\
disadvantage. All the time, whenever meet anyone Maxim\even the servants, I know they\They\
Frank: Oh, you mustn\you married Maxim. It\life. And from my point of view it\someone like yourself who is not entirely-er-in tune, shall wesay, with Manderley.
Questions on Text 25. What literary
genre do you think the above piece of writing
could come from?
Choose the most correct answer from the choices below. (3 points) A. comedy B. romance C. science-fiction D. drama
6. Who do you think the main character of the writing is? (2 points)7. What do you think is the setting for the above conversation? (3 points)8. What (if any) was the relationship between \9. What importance/significance Rebecca? (3 points)
10. What do you think was the purpose of the author in writing the above conversation in the first person point of view \
11. How could the story develop based on what you have read? (4 points)12. Write a sentence to describe each of the following characters: Rebecca;
could Ben and the cottage
have in relation
I; Maxim. (6 points)
Ⅱ. Text 3 (Questions 13--20 are based on the following text. ) (30 points) Here
is an abridged short story, Indian Camp, written
by Ernest Hemingway.
Read it and answer Questions 13 20 that follow.
Please note: This reading task will be relevant to the writing task in Paper Two.Indian Camp
By Ernest Hemingway At waiting.
the lake shore there was another rowboat drawn up. The two Indians stood Nick and his father got in the stern(船尾部) of the boat and the Indians
shoved it off and one of them got in to row. Uncle George sat in the stern of the camp rowboat. The young Indian shoved the camp boat off and got in to row Uncle George.
\ \ Across
the bay they found another boat beached. Uncle George was smoking
a cigar in the dark. The other Indian pulled the boat way up on the beach. Uncle George gave both the Indians cigars. They
walked up from the beach through a meadow that was soaking wet with
logging trail ... They came round a
bend and a dog came out
dew and followed a
barking. Ahead were the lights of the huts of the Indian bark peelers. In the