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一、听录音,判断下面的图片, 用 “√” 或“×”表示。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听问题,选答句。(10分)

( )1. A: I get up at 6:30. B: She gets up at 6:30.

C: He gets up at 6:30.

( )2. A: It’s Tuesday. B: It’s February 10th . C: It’s February. ( )3. A: It’s warm and windy. B: It’s sunny and hot. C: It’s cold. ( )4. A: On Monday. B: In March. C: At 10:00. ( )5. A: I usually make a snowman. B: I can plant trees. C: I am doing homework.

三、 听音,按听到的顺序给下列句子标号。(10分) ( ) Then we swim.

( ) I usually get up early on my birthday. ( ) What season is my birthday in? ( ) I take chocolates to my class.

( ) After school , I go home and play puter games. ( ) I eat breakfast and go to school.

( ) In the evening, my family goes to the beach. ( ) It is usually very hot.

( ) We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream. ( ) Mmm, I see. It is summer.



do morning exercise ____________ eat dinner _______________ make a snow man_____________ visit grandparents_____________ fly kites_________________ have English class_________________ play the pinao_______________ good idea________________________ go hiking___________________ get up_________________________ 二、选择,并将序号写在括号里。(20分) ( )1.——When ____you ______sports? ——I usually play sports at 3:30. A. are , play B. do, play C. are , playing

( )2.Let’s _________ a birthday card for our mother. A. make

B. making

C. makes

( )3. ----_________ birthday is in October? A. Who

B. Whose

C. Who’s

( )4.Which _________ do you like best? A. season

B. seasons

C. a season

( )5.My mother is a teacher.

She goes to school __7:00__ the morning. A.at,on

B. at,at

C. at,in

( )6.The _________ are green in spring. A. leafs

B. leaves

C. leaf

( )7. _________ is the ninth month of a year. A. September

B. August

C. October

( )8.I like winter. I can _________ snow. A. play with

B. play on C. playing in

( ) 9.----What 's the _________? ----February 12th. A. time B. color C. date

( ) 10.How many ________are there in July? A. birthday B. days C. Weekend. 三、选择答句,并将序号写在括号里。(10分 )

( )1.What’s the weather like in fall? A. Yes, I do.

( )2.Do you usually go shopping? B. I’d like some coffee. ( )3.What would you like ? C. My birthday is in May. ( )4. .Let’s go to climb mountains. D. Great!

( )5.When is your birthday? E. It’s windy and cool. 四、连词成句。(10分)

1. weekend ,do,What,do,on,the,you (?)

2. I,play,sports,usually,the,in,afternoon (.)

3. do,you,best,Which,season,like (?)

___________________________________________________________________ 4. Why,like,you,winter,do (?)

____________________________________________________________________ 5. Your,birthday,When,is ?



( )1.A.hear B.pear C.dear D. near ( )2.A.say B.today C.May D.Tuesday ( )3.A.chicken B.school C. chair D.check ( )4.A.have B.make C.cake D.name ( )5.A.task B.sky C.skirt D.skate


Hello, I’m lily. I’m eleven. My birthday is August 18th. I usually get

up early on my birthday. I wear my new dress and go to school. I take candy to my class. After school, I go home and do my homework. In the evening, I have a birthday party. My mother buys me a big birthday cake. My dad gives me a gift. We sing songs together. I am very happy. ( )1. I don’t go to school on my birthday. ( )2. My birthday is in summer.

( )3. I have a birthday party on my birthday. ( )4. My mother gives me a birthday gift. ( )5. We sing Christmas songs on my birthday.


一、听录音,判断下面的图片, 用 “√” 或“×”表示。 1.In fall,I can pick apples. 2.It’s July twelfth.

3.Let’s climb mountains on the weekend. 4.My mother and I often go shopping on Sunday. 5.This is my gyandpa. 二、听问题,选答句。 1.When does he get up? 2.What’s the date?

3.What’s the weather like in spring? 4.What time is it? 5.What are you doing ?

三、听音,按听到的顺序给下列句子标号。 1.It is usually very hot.

2.I usually get up early on my birthday. 3.I eat breakfast and go to school. 4.I take chocolates to my class.

5.After school , I go home and play puter games.

6.We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream. 7.In the evening, my family goes to the beach. 8. Then we swim.

9.What season is my birthday in? 10. Mmm, I see. It is summer.



