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34.How can the library gain its popularity again? A.By offering readers better books. B.By holding live events for readers. C.By buying more books to fill its shelves. D.By providing relaxed atmosphere for readers.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,在数字时代,图书馆要想重新恢复它是知识代表的称号,需要举办各种现场活动。

35.What might be the most suitable title for the text? A.Libraries are dying but not for books B.Libraries will have no physical books C.Libraries are not about books any more D.Libraries play new roles in modern times

解析:选A 标题归纳题。本文主要讨论了随着数字技术的发展,图书馆的作用似乎越来越小了,但是书并没有消亡。



)Solar energy,

which comes from the sun's

rays, is

(2018·河南省郑州市八校联考used for electricity, hot water, and

cooking. __36__ When traveling a long way and

entering the earth's atmosphere, they become dilute (稀薄的). Though solar energy

is known to be environmentally friendly, it has not only some advantages but also some disadvantages.

Let's start with the advantages of solar energy. __37__ To make electricity heat with solar energy, you only need the sun's rays and don't use oil. is cheaper compared with electric


Solar energy

heating. __38__ If you live in a faraway area where

there are no power lines, using solar energy can be the answer.

However, solar energy also has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it's


This means you have to have many solar collectors Another disadvantage is

that not in all

the places

fixed around your house. __39__

solar energy can be produced. If you're living in a part of this beautiful planet where there is not much sunlight, then using solar energy could be a problem. Of

course if you live in desert areas, the sun produces much sunshine for the most part of the year. It is perfect for solar energy collecting. electricity

or hot water during the night,

__40__ Therefore if you need

like many of us do, it can be a problem.

You'll need battery systems that can store solar energy for later use.

A.Solar energy is clean.

B.The sun has much energy.

C.Lastly, the sun only shines during the day. D.The sun's rays come from the faraway sun. E.That is another big advantage of solar energy.

F.Solar energy is cheap but solar collectors are expensive. G.Fixing solar energy in your home is a good choice for you. 语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了使用太阳能的好处与坏处。

36.解析:选D 该空上一句提到太阳能来自太阳的光线,下一句提到经过遥远的路途进入大气层后,它们就变得稀薄了。为“太阳的光线来自遥远的太阳”。

37.解析:选A 第二段主要介绍太阳能的好处。





38.解析:选E 该空上一句提到“与电热相比太阳能更便宜”,意为“这也是太阳能的另一大好处”。


F 该段主要讲太阳能的弊端,再根据该空上一句提到的





40.解析:选C 根据该空后的“如果你像我们多数人那样,需要晚上用热水,这可是个问题”可知,应选




第一节(共20小题;每小题I stretched


concrete wall ahead. Finally, I stuck

my arm out, reaching for the

my __41__ up the surface. had concluded our __43__and said very simply,

As I was __42__ heavily after the 100-yard timed swim that , our head swimming coach reached out his arm around me

“__44__, Renee.

You made it through your first swim practice. It will be

__45__, but we need people like you on the team who are __46__ to put in effort.

It encourages the other __47__.” After that

did I know what I was getting


day, I kept __48__. Little into.

Chlorine (

氯) became my signature smell when the team __50__ practicing eight

, pointless quarrels

__53__ Becky's

times a week. When forty girls spent almost every day __51__

and annoying arguments were __52__. Nearly two years later I can still yells clearly.

__54__ there were slight


I had never met a more __55__

team. All forty of those girls showed me what it meant to be devoted, and driven to __56__. If someone didn't come to practice or __57

__ to wear the team T-shirt,

they would be encouraged by others and sometimes the only thing that would keep us

__58__ was just looking at another __59__ face in the lane (泳道) next to us. I learned the value of __60__ commitments and being there with my teammates to reach their personal best.

语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者参加了游泳队训练,这次经历让她学到了许多东西。41.A.head C.leg 解析:选面。

42.A.sighing C.saying

B.breathing D.walking


B.arm D.hand

A 根据后文的“after the 100-yard timed swim


解析:选B 根据后文的“You made it through your first swim practice作者游完后在那儿喘口气。

43.A.competition C.holiday

B.experiment D.practice

解析:选D 根据后文的“You made it through your first swim practice这是一次游泳练习。

44.A.Attention C.Congratulations

B.Welcome D.Goodbye


解析:选C 根据下句中的“made it”可知,教练祝贺作者通过了第一次练习。45.A.different C.significant

B.dangerous D.difficult

解析:选D 根据下一句可知,练习游泳会很艰难。46.A.likely C.lucky

B.willing D.quick

解析:选B 根据下句中的“encourages”可知,游泳队需要作者这样主动进取的人。47.A.girls C.coaches

B.boys D.teams

解析:选A 根据下文的“When forty girls”可知队员都是女孩。有作者这样一个人,其他队员也会受到鼓舞。

48.A.getting out C.warming up

B.coming back D.moving around

解析:选B 从上两句教练说的话可知,他需要像作者这样的队员,所以作者就一直来这里参加训练。

49.A.myself C.everyone

B.it D.him

解析:选A 由上句作者的行动得出,她经常来这儿训练,但是并没有意识到她将把自己带向何处。

50.A.risked C.enjoyed

B.considered D.started

解析:选D 游泳队开始了一周八次训练,从此之后作者身上总是带着游泳池中氯的味道。

51.A.wisely C.together

B.fully D.well

解析:选C 作者和其他女孩一起训练,所以她们每天都一起度过。52.A.powerful C.unimportant 解析:选

B.special D.unavoidable


D 根据下文中的“there were slight disagreements


53.A.cause C.lower

B.remember D.hear


解析:选B 根据下文作者对这个游泳队的感情可知,作者还记得54.A.Since C.If

B.Although D.Unless

解析:选B “有小的分歧”和“作者从没遇到过如此令人鼓舞的队伍”之间是转折关系。

55.A.encouraging C.exciting

B.relaxing D.challenging

解析:选A 根据下文的“encouraged”可知,我们全体队员都互相支持、互相鼓励。56.A.grow C.survive

B.argue D.succeed

解析:选D 从上下文作者和队友刻苦训练可知,她们用行动告诉了作者什么是争取成功。

57.A.prepared C.refused

B.forgot D.waited


解析:选C 根据本空前的“If someone didn't come to practice


58.A.going C.exploring

B.trying D.staying

解析:选A 根据本文最后一句可知,作者指的是唯一能让她们继续坚持下去的事情。59.A.attractive C.struggling

B.funny D.confident

解析:选C 唯一能让她们继续坚持下去的是能看到另一个人也在努力。60.A.showing C.sticking to

B.gaining D.relying on

解析:选C 作者在这里学会了信守承诺和为队友加油。第二节(共10小题;每小题


(2018·山东师大附中摸底)Attending a four-year college is costly. Many people with a college


said they

had to borrow

money __61__ (afford)


education. So is a college education worth the price?

According to a study that __62__ (carry)

out last year,

a college

education is

worth it, at least in the US. The study shows that someone with a 4-year college

education earns twice as much, if not more than, __63__ a high school graduate over a lifetime. However, not all college majors have a guarantee of good wages. For example, a chemical engineer can expect to earn

double __64__ earnings of a social

worker over a lifetime. __65__ (general), college majors that require skill in mathematics have high lifetime earnings. Graduates __66__ (major) in computer science, engineering,

and physics have the highest wages. Majors who are connected

__67__ teaching children have the __68__ (low) pay.

The study may help students make better decisions about higher education. But experts say that future earnings shouldn't

be the only __69__ (consider)

thing when

choosing a college major. Personal __70__ (enjoy), doing meaningful work, and filling a social need should also enter into a student's decision-making.

语篇解读:本文是说明文。上大学要花很多钱,这钱花得值吗?61.to afford 62.was carried 需用被动语态;时间状语

to afford their education


carry out的承受者,

主语that(先行词是a study)是谓语动词动作last year




63.as 该句使用了“as ... as ...64.the

earnings后有of a social worker

65.Generally 空格中所填单词在句中修饰整个句子,需用general的副词形式。



