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一、 知识要点

I. 关键句型 1. 语序

(1) Word order in simple statements简单陈述句的语序 (Unit 1)



1) 主语+系动词+表语(+状语)

例如:Tom is very happy today.

2) 主语+谓语(不及物动词)(+状语)

例如:We didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.

3) 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语(+状语)

例如:He wrote a book in senior high school.

4) 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语)

例如:My father bought me a very good bike on my birthday.

5) 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语(+状语)

例如:I don’t want you to work too hard.

6) There be+主语+状语

例如:There are many story books in his schoolbag.

(2) Word order in compound statements并列句中的语序 (Unit 2) 并列句由两个或两个以上相互不依从的句子构成。

并列句的各个分句之前通常用并列连词连接,并列连词前可用逗号,也可不用。 其结构为:简单句+并列连词+简单句。主要并列连词有: and, but, so, or, both…and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also… (as well)等。 主要并列连词的用法:

1) and: 意为“和,而且”,表示同等关系或递进关系。 例如:I went there by train and she went there by plane. 2) but: 意为“但是”,表示转折关系。 例如:He is poor, but he is happy. 3) so: 意为“因此”,表示因果关系。

例如:We studied very hard, so we passed the exam.

4) or: 意为“或者,否则”,表示选择关系。

例如:Are you going with us or will you stay at home?

5) both…and…: 意为“两者都”,表示并列关系。

例如:Both Tom and Peter are good at playing football.

6) either...or…: 意为“不是……就是……,或者……或者……”,表示选择关系。

例如:Either the teacher didn't explain the sentence clearly, or I didn't understand it.

7) neither ...nor…: 意为“既不……也不……”,表示选择关系。

例如:Neither she nor I speak German.

8) not only...but also… (as well): 意为“不但……而且”,表示同等关系。

例如:He was not only a good father, but he was also a good husband. (3) Word order in complex statements复合句的语序 (Unit 3)






1) 状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等从句。 ① 时间状语从句

常用的从属连词有:when, while, as, till, until, after, before, as soon as等。 例如:Don’t get excited when you talk.

It will be five years before we meet again.

② 地点状语从句

常用的从属连词有:where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere等。 例如:Please keep sitting where you are.

Everywhere he went, he was introduced as the current US champion.

③ 条件状语从句

常用的从属连词有:if, unless等。 例如:I must leave if that’s the case.

I won’t write unless he writes first.

④ 原因状语从句

常用的从属连词有:because, since, as, now that等。

例如:He was worried because he hadn’t had any letter from her.

As David had a passion for walking, we started off on foot.

⑤ 目的状语从句

常用的从属连词有:to, in order to, so as to, so that, in order that等。 例如:Ask her to hurry up with the letters so that I can sign them.

He left early in order that his children would not be alone in the house.

⑥ 结果状语从句

常用的从属连词有:so… that…, such… that…等。 例如:He was so fat that he couldn’t get though the door.

He shut the window with such force that the glass broke.

⑦ 让步状语从句

常用的从属连词有:although, though, even if, even though等。 例如:He’s very lovable although not at all tidy.

I wouldn’t do it, even if you paid me a thousand pounds.

⑧ 方式状语从句

常用的从属连词有:as, like, as if, as though, however等。 例如:When at Rome, do as the Romans do.

When she had finished she waited as though for a reply.

⑨ 比较状语从句

常用的从属连词有:as… as…, not as/so… as, than…等。 例如:That’s not so simple as it sounds.

They work harder than we do.

2) 定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先

行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系代词或关系副词引出。关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。关系副词有:when, where, why等。

① 关系代词引导的定语从句


例如:Is he the man who/that wants to see you?

He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.

They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.



Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green.

The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.

② 关系副词引导的定语从句

关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。 例如:There are occasions when (on which) one must yield.

Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born.

Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer?

2. 时态

(1) 现在进行时 (Unit 1)

1) 现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”。 例如:They are playing basketball now. Listen! She is singing an English song.

We are making model planes these days. It's 6:30 now. I am getting up.

2) 句型构成:be + 动词的现在分词 ① be的变化:在现在进行时中,be 要根据人称代词和名词的单复数不同而分别使用am / is / are,即:I用am,he/she/it包括单数名词和不可数名词用is,you / we / they包括复数名词用are。

② 现在分词是在动词后加上ing 构成的。现在分词加ing的规则:

a. 直接在谓语动词后加ing。例如:go - going, start - starting, work - working。 b. 去掉词尾不发音的e,再加ing。例如:leave - leaving, dine - dining。 注意:如果单词结尾的e发音,则不能去掉,也直接加ing。例如:see - seeing, agree - agreeing。另外,有少数动词比较特殊,例如:lie – lying / die – dying / tie – tying / picnic – picnicking。 c. 对于重读闭音节词,双写末尾字母再加ing。例如:sit - sitting, begin - beginning, run - running, stop - stopping, cut - cutting, control – controlling。

3) 可用来表示现在进行时的时间状语有:now, this week, at this moment 等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用look, listen提醒听者注意正在发生的事。

4) 句型分析:

① 一般疑问句是将be移到主语前面,句末加问号,读升调。

例如:Is he showing a foreign guest round the city? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. ② 否定句式是在be动词后加not。

例如:I am not working. The students aren't playing football.

5) 特殊情况:

① 有些动词从结构来看是现在进行时,但却是表示将要发生的事。

这些动词往往是一些表示位置移动变化的动词,如:go, come, leave, fly, move, start, begin, arrive, stay, return等。

例如:Next month my family is moving to Beijing.

My aunt is leaving for Shanghai at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.

② 并不是所有动词都有进行时,一些动词一般在句中不能用现在进行时态,而应用一般现在时。这些动词往往是等表示情感状态、知觉认识、愿望或短暂性的动词。例如:see(明白), know, want, like, hear, have(有), think, hope, hate等。

(2) 一般现在时 (Unit 1, 2, 3)

1) 定义:一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。

2) 构成:一般现在时用行为动词的原形,但第三人称单数作主语时,动词的词尾要加-s。(一般的动词词尾 +s;以sh / ch / s / x结尾的词 + es;以辅音字母y结尾的把y变成i + es;辅音字母 +o结尾的 + es。) 3) 一般现在时的构成主要有两种形式:

① be型:句子的谓语动词只有be(am,is或are): a.肯定句中,只出现be,如: I am a student.



