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有一种会长红浆果的泻根植物,能感觉到一根重量不到百万分之一克重的线,而世界上没有一个人、一头动物能感觉到这么细微的线。Unit 2 They have seen the



1.Gina was born in Germany(德国)and German is his mother language. 2.Would you like us to send(委派)a car to pick you up? 3.Do you like to mix(相混合) your food together when you eat? 4.There is a sixteen-meter-tall tower(塔) in my home town. 5.You will have a lot of fun in this ancient(古老的)city. Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空

1.I found it not very easy tolearn(learn)to ride a bike. 2.Our parents and teachers asked us towork(work) hard.

3.Shanghai is one of the busiest(busy)and biggest(big) cities in the world. 4.So far,they havesold(sell)half of the products from the factory. 5.Most young people enjoy listening(listen) to rock music,but the old people don’t.



Linda has beento many interesting places in Beijing. 2.彼得已经效力于一个很大的公司两年了。

Peter hasworkedfor a very big company for two years already. 3.到目前为止,这个男孩已经能够说四门外语了。 Sofar,the boy can speak four foreign languages. 4.他们正在进行本次比赛的倒计时。

有一种会长红浆果的泻根植物,能感觉到一根重量不到百万分之一克重的线,而世界上没有一个人、一头动物能感觉到这么细微的线。They are countingdown the time of the competition. 5.他们发现记忆英语单词并不难。

They finditnotdifficult to remember the English words.

Ⅰ.单项选择 1.

A.twelve-years-old B.twelve year old C.twelve-year-old D.twelve years old

2.—Have you D been to the Water World? —No,never. A.also C.already

B.too D.ever

导学号82654018Tom,a C boy,can speak English quite well.

3.—Where is Mr Zhao?

—He C to America.He there last week. A.has been;went B.has gone;has gone C.has gone;went D.has been;has been 4.A.develop C.developing

导学号82654019(2017广东) For more than once,our head teacher asks us B.develops D.to develop

D the habit of keeping a diary.

5.—Are all the students from Bin your class?

—No,there are only three in our class.The others are from other countries. A.Germany;Germen B.Germany;Germans C.German;Germans D.German;Germany Ⅱ.完成句子,每空一词

1.(2017广州)我去过海南岛两次了。 I havebeento Hainan Island twice. 2.(2017内蒙古赤峰)我们都在期盼着暑假。

We arealllookingforwardto the summer holidays. 3.去年他的老板派他去美国工作。

Last year his boss senthimtowork in America. 4.他梦想环游世界。

有一种会长红浆果的泻根植物,能感觉到一根重量不到百万分之一克重的线,而世界上没有一个人、一头动物能感觉到这么细微的线。He dreams of travelling allovertheworld. 5.上海是中国最大的城市之一。

Shanghai is oneofthebiggestcities in China. Ⅲ.综合填空


Mr Jackson began his trip last weekend.Two days 1.later when he was travelling in the country 2. by car,he saw a dog behind a man.As the car came near them,the dog suddenly started to 3.cross the road.Of course the car hit the poor dog and killed it.

Mr Jackson 4.stopped his car and walked to the man,“I’m very 5.sorry that this happened.How 6.much should I pay?”

“Ten dollars will be enough,” said the man.Mr Jackson put his hand into his pocket and said,“Sorry,sir.I 7.only have five dollars.”

The man answered,“No problem.That’s enough.”

Mr Jackson 8.thanked the man and drove away.When the car went away,the man looked down 9. at the dog and thought,“I want to know 10.whose dog it is.”



