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高二英语the environment教案 v-ing形式用法归纳 v-ing形式:

动词的ing形式是非谓语动词中的一种,它由动词原形加-ing 形成doing , 其否定式not doing 。有的动词-ing形式在句中起名词作用,称为动名词,有的则起形容词或副词作用, 称为现在分词。所以在句中,动词的-ing形式可以担当除了谓语以外的任何成分,即:主语、表语、宾语(介词宾语和动词宾语)、定语、状语和宾语补足语(宾补)。动词-ing形式仍具有动词的若干特点,所以它又可以有自己的宾语和状语等。 v-ing的用法: 一、作主语

1 learning without practice is no good.= it’s no good learning without practice

归纳:it's +no good(no use, no fun, no harm)+doing 2 being (be) happy is of great importance.



3. her being praised (praise) by the teacher made her excited. 4. it’s no use arguing (argue) with him about such a boring issue. 5. making good friends makes (make) a big difference to us. 6 . -------what made ajani that sad? -------- _____b_______.

a. his parents died of the same year b. his parents’dying of the same disease c. his parents death

d. not his being able to treat his parents 二、作宾语

1只跟动名词作宾语的动词:admit, dislike, imagine, delay, consider, mind, understand, avoid, enjoy, practice, miss, finish, keep, suggest, appreciate, resist, risk, 等

i am considering spending (spend) our summer vacation in a seaside town.

2 动名词作介词的宾语

what about inviting li jun to make a speech?

3 只跟动名词作宾语的动词短语:can’t help , can’t stand, give up ,



insist on, put off , feel like, have difficulty/ trouble (in) , have a good/ hard time (in) , be busy (in) , be worth…

i can’t help wondering (wonder) if he wants peter to be his best friend. i can’t heip to clean / clean ( clean ) the room, because i have a lot of homework to do.

4 to 为介词的短语:be used to, look forward to, get down to , pay attention to , devote ...to , stick to, object to , refer to,

he devotes all his time to collecting (collect ) money for red cross the professor referred to made (make) a speech for us last week. 注意:

★ 部分动词后接不定式或动名词时,意义差别不大。如:continue, prefer, begin, hate , like , start, love 等。

★ 部分动词后接不定式或动名词时,意义差别很大。如:forget, remember, regret, mean, try, stop, go on, can’t help 等。

1)forget, remember, regret后接不定式,表示现在或未来的动作,接动名词表示动作共11页,当前第1页1234567891011 已经发生。如:

don't forget to post ( post) the letter for me.



have you forgotten meeting (meet) her in beijing airport last month? remember to close (close )the windows before you leave. i remember writing (write) him a letter a year ago.

we regret to tell ( tell )you that all of you are not invited to attend the meeting.

they regretted ordering ( order) these books from abroad. 2) mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着…… i meant to catch ( catch )up with the early bus. this means wasting (waste) a lot of money. 3)try to do 设法尽力做某事 try doing 试着做某事 you should try to overcome ( overcome) your shortcomings. try working (work) out the physics problem in another way.

4) stop to do 停下一件事去做另一件事(不定式作目的状语) stop doing 停止做某事

on the way to the airport, i stopped to buy ( buy) a paper. you'd better stop arguing ( argue) and do as you are told.

5) can't help doing 禁不住…… can’t help (to) do不能帮助干…… they couldn't help jumping up at the news.



sorry i have lots of work to do. so i can't help (to) make up the room for you.

6) go on to do 做不同的事或不同内容的事

go on doing 继续不停地做某事,指同一动作的继续

he went on to talk about world situation.他接着又谈了世界形势。 we'll go on fighting so long as there is oppression in the world. ★不定式作表语表示具体动作或将来动作;动名词作表语表示抽象的一般行为。

1) my dream is to go (go )on the moon in the future. 2) what i would suggest is to put ( put) off the meeting. 3) my job is serving (serve) the people.

★ advise, allow, encourage, forbid, permit等动词后接动名词作宾语,带不定式


our teachers don't permit us to swim in the lake.

=our teachers don't permit our swimming in the lake.共11页,当前第2页1234567891011

tips:动名词前带自己的逻辑主语, 叫动名词的复合结构,





