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课程:大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版) 教师:王晓芳

Unit 3 Famous Brand Names

Listen and Talk

I. Teaching Objectives

1. To train the students’ ability to listen through listening practice. 2. To cultivate the students’ ability to talk about famous brand names.

3. To let students learn something about making advertisements and their business success.

II. Time Allotment

1st period:Lead-in(25min) 2nd period:Discussion(25min)

3rd period:Dialogue samples(30min) 4th period:Communicative tasks(20min)

III. Teaching Content

1. Lead-in: Listen to the passage at least 3times and try to rearrange the paragraphs which are not in the correct order.

2. Discussion: Several pictures are presented to encourage students to make advertisements as if they were ad designers. 3. Dialogue samples: Two dialogues

Dialogue 1 The Pros and Cons of Famous Brands Dialogue 2 Why Piracy Exists

4. Communicative tasks: Two situations are designed to help students practice oral English.

Task 1 Talking about Favorite Drinks

Task 2 Discussing Computer Software Piracy

IV. Teaching Procedures

1. Lead-in

Step1:Teach students the words in P 210.

Step2: Ask the students to listen to the passage at least 3 times and try to rearrange the paragraphs which are not in the correct order.

1. risk n. 危险 take risk 冒险 2. marketing n. 市场营销 3. entrepreneur n. 企业家

4. penny wise and pound foolish 小时聪明,大事糊涂



2. Discussion

Step 1. Show students with several pictures of world famous brands which are

familiar to students and tell their successful stories.

Step 2. Ask students to form partners or groups to design advertisements with the

help of the pictures.

1) sell a house to a snail

2) sell a refrigerator to an Inuit

3) sell a swimming suit to a fish

For reference: Inuit are a group of culturally similar inhabiting

the regions of , , and . Inuit is a plural noun; the singular is Inuk. The word Inuit means \

3. Dialogue samples

Step 1. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 1 1. designer n. 设计师

2. insecure adj. 无把握的,不肯定的 3. catwalk n. 时装秀台

4. beyond one’s means 超出某人的支付能力 5. sturdy n. 结实的 6. underwear n. 内衣

(2)Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking after the other.

Step 2. (1)Ask students to listen to dialogue 2 1. piracy n. 盗版行为 2. author v. 创作出版 3. undercut v. 廉价出售 4. elite n. 精英

(2) Ask students to repeat the dialogue line by line with one speaking after

the other.

4. Communicative tasks

Ask students to create a dialogue with their partner according to the

given situation, using the expressions and sentence patterns for making the interviews in the table. Situation 1

Two students are talking about their favorite drinks, each trying to argue

for his / her own preferred brand and against the other’s choice.

For reference A: Hmmm, I’m thirsty. Shall we go and get a drink? B: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I could do with a nice cup of tea. A: Tea! Yuck! Coke for me. B: Coke? Do you really like it? I always think it tastes so artificial ... and

it’s so sweet.

A: And you like the taste of tea?



B: A: B:

Well, at least tea doesn’t rot my teeth.

That depends on how much sugar you put in.

I don’t put sugar in my tea. I drink it ‘cos it’s natural, and it tastes good. Besides, coke’s much more expensive.

A: Some things are worth spending money on. B: Maybe, but coke’s beyond my means. And my theory is that tea’s

healthy, it’s good for you.

A: Well, that depends on what kind of tea you drink. You know some teas

have loads of caffeine in them ... more than coke even.

B: Huh, okay. I can see I’m not going to win this one. And all this talking is

making me thirsty. Let’s go and get that drink. You can have your coke if you want to. I’ll stick to my tea.

Situation 2

Two friends are discussing computer software piracy. For reference A: Hey, I got a great new program for my computer yesterday. It’s a

brilliant game. You should come over and play.

B: Another program? I don’t know how you can afford them all. A: Well you know ... it’s a pirate copy. B: Don’t you feel bad supporting the pirates? A: I can’t afford the real thing! B: But it’s illegal ... A: Illegal to want to save money? It’s as good as the real thing but costs a

quarter of the price.

B: Maybe, but you see the problem is that with pirates the people who

really do all the work end up losing out.

A: Look, I’m just an average consumer. I’ve got to think about what’s good

for me.

B: But in the long run it’s not good for you. This pirate thing is getting out

of control. You see, the more money the manufacturers lose through being pirated, the higher the price of the real thing will become. In the end only an elite few can afford the genuine articles.

A: I see what you mean. But if they made the programs cheaper they could

reduce the illegal copying.

B: But they wouldn’t make any profit! A: In the short term perhaps but in the longer term they probably would.

Honestly, I’d prefer to buy the originals but I just can’t. Now do you want to come and play or not?

V. Assignment

Ask students to work in pairs to discuss how to make advertisements, and preview the passage A.




