内容 (标题) 教 学 目 的 与 要 求 重 点 难 点 及 其 处 理 教学 方法 UNIT ONE BUSINESS LETTER-WRITING 课 时 2 In this unit, we will introduce to the students the importance of business letter-writing, and the different elements of business letters, such as the essentials, the letter-head, the date, the inside name and address, salutation, complimentary close and the envelop. After the unit the students should be very familiar with the different elements. 1.7C’s; 2.Different elements in the business letter; 3.Detailed requirements of each element. 案例教学、小组讨论 【1】黎孝先主编:国际贸易实务,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2001年出版。 【2】尹小莹编著:外贸英语函电,西安交通大学出版社,1994年出版。 【3】[美]Hinkelman著:国际支付,经济科学出版社,1999年出版。 【4】Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt and Jane P. Thoms (1997): Effective Business Communications, 7th den, McGraw-Hill. 【5】Wells (1985): Communications in Business, 4th den, Kent Publishing Company. 1. What are the 7Cs? 2. What are the different elements? What are the detailed requirements of each element? 参 考 文 献 课 外 作 业 及 要 求 后 记
内容 (标题) 教 学 目 的 与 要 求 重 点 难 点 及 其 处 理 教 学 方 法 The establishment of business relations is one of the important undertakings in the field of foreign trade. The aim of this unit is to let students understand how to establish new business relations and keep old relations. 课UNIT TWO ESTABLISHING BUSINESS RELATIONS 课 时 2 1. Techniques in our enquiry; 2. Points must be observed in the replies to the enquiry 3. Positivity, neutrality and conditionality; 4. Positive Sandwich Principle. 案例教学、小组讨论 参 考 文 献 【1】黎孝先主编:国际贸易实务,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2001年出版。 【2】王文贤编著:英文对外经贸业务函电,青岛海洋大学出版社,1993年出版。 【3】修 露编著:外贸函电套语,大连理工大学出版社,1996年出版。 【4】Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt and Jane P. Thoms (1997): Effective Business Communications, 7th den, McGraw-Hill. 课 外 作 业 及 要 求 后 记 Exercises Ⅲ. On P.24. Exercises Ⅳ. On P.25.
内容 (标题) 教 学 目 的 与 要 求 重 点 难 点 及 其 处 理 教 学 方 法 UNIT THREE STATUS ENQUIRIE 课 时 2 This unit focuses on the channels and methods to obtain the information respecting the firm one is want to establish relationship with, in order to make students more clear about some techniques for status enquiries. 1. Importance of status enquiries; 2. Tips in writing status enquiries and replies. 案例教学、小组讨论 参 考 文 献 【1】陆墨珠编著:英语外贸应用文,对外贸易教育出版社,1988年出版。 【2】尹小莹编著:外贸英语函电,西安交通大学出版社,1994年出版。 【3】王 芬主编:进出口贸易实务模拟教程,立信会计出版社,1998年出版。 【4】[美]Hinkelman著:国际支付,经济科学出版社,1999年出版。 【5】Wells (1985): Communications in Business, 4th den, Kent Publishing Company. Exercises Ⅱ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ(1), (2) On P. 36-37. Exercises Ⅵ On P.37. 课 外 作 业 及 要 求 后 记