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He apologized to us for the mistake as soon as he was aware of it. Be sure not to be late for the meeting. I’m sure the play will be a great success. 45. back up支持 46. background背景

47. base ~…on…把…建立在…基础之上 His article is based on the research. 48. bear忍受,容忍同义词: endure tolerate stand put up with She cannot bear to see the child in pains. 49. do/try one’s best

He said he would try his best to carry out the plan.

50. because连词:There will be no meeting because the manager will be on thevacation next week. because of 介词: His wedding will be put off because of his father’sdeath.

51. best make the ~ of很好地利用

52. had better do最好You’d better finish reading the book in this week, since I’m going to return it to the library.

would rather do 宁愿I’d rather go there myself. 53. beyond超出…

The professor’s lecture is beyond me/beyond my understanding (超出我的理解范围.

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The apple on the tree is beyond my reach(够不着。 54. Both… and…两者都either…or…或者…或者… neither …. nor….两者都不 55. be bound to do注定…

You’re bound to succeed as long as(只要you keep on trying. 56. break into闯入 break out 爆发 break through 突破 break up (关系等破裂 57. catch one’s breath

58. call off=cancel取消 call on=visit 拜访 call for 请求,号召 The resident called for the people to fight against the invaders. 59. care for关心,在乎 take care 保重 take care of=look after 照顾 60. carry on继续 carry out 实施,执行

They decided to carry out the plan despite the opposition. 61. case事实,实情;箱子;案例;病例

in case (of 以防,万一Take my umbrella in case it rains;. In most cases 在大多数情况下 In no case 决不 in no way by no means

62. catch up with赶上,保持一致 keep up with keep pace with 63. (be in charge of掌管,负责 take charge of 掌管,负责 charge… for…开价,要价

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The short man there is in charge of our company. The hotel charges $100 for a double room. 64. challenge挑战

65. change零钱(n.,换零钱(v. 66. comfort v.& n安慰;舒适,舒服 comfortable 舒服的,舒适的 67. have … in common 有共同之处

Although they are twins they have little in common. 68. communicate传播,交流 69. compare … to…把…比作…. compare … with …把…与…相比

Poets like comparing their lovers to red roses.

Compared with brain, computer still has some shortcomings. 70. complain of/about抱怨

71. be made up of由….组成 be composed of consist of 72. concentrate on集中注意力于 be engaged in 73. as far as … be concerned就…而言

As far as wages are concerned, I’m very dissatisfied with the present job.Concerning=about 关于

74. contribute捐献 contribute to 有助于

Computers will contribute many conveniences to our work.

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75. control out of control失去控制under ~在控制之下 76. convenient方便,便利的

77. convince使相信/信服convince… of…

I’m convinced(=I believe that where there is a will, there is a way. He was not convinced of his wife’s guilty. 78. cope with deal with handle处理,应付

79. at the cost of以…为代价 He saved the drown child at the cost of his own life. at the risk of 冒着…危险…

cost spend

The overcoat cost him $200.

He spent $200 on (in buying the overcoat. 80. count on depend on rely on依靠,依赖 81. create创造

82. custom习俗 customs 海关

83. damage损坏(部分 destroy 毁灭(全部 hurt 伤害 injure 受伤 ruin 摧毁 spoil 破坏(心情,兴致等 Our holiday was spoiled buy the bad weather. The earthquake has destroyed the city entirely. 84. a good/great deal许多,大量

85. degree学位程度=extent to some extent/degree在某种程度上

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86. demand order suggest propose insist等后that 从句用虚拟语气(加动词原形The general ordered that the bridge (should be repaired before daybreak. 87. deny 否认,拒绝(给予

He denied breaking the window.

Women were denied the right to vote in the past in the U.S. 88. in detail详细地

He explained the question to us in ~. 89. devote …. To…致力于

The scientist devoted the whole life to the study of chemistry. 90. do away with废除 get rid of 摆脱除掉 have … to do with 与…有关

It has nothing to do with what you are talking about. Do away with the law.

He managed to get rid of the man followed him. 91. drop in=drop by=visit

92. due到期的The book will be due next week. (按计划,安排要发生,到达的 What time will the next bus due?

The next meeting is due to be held in three months’ time. due to =because of=owing to 因为,由于 His promotion is due to his hard working.

Due to the heavy rain, we have to give up the plan for the weekends.

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