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Lesson 1 不仅汤姆而且我也擅长数学 或者你对,或者我对

… 的路上's way to … 在去我是播音员丹尼 3. on one家的路上 on the Internet 通过互联网

by the way 顺便问一句 on TV 通过电视 like? How is the weather ?= What's the weather 2. in many ways 在许多方面

我看见迎春花开了 天气怎么样? 4. I saw some jasmine blossoming.see sb. doing It's quite warm today. 天气相当暖和 3.

1. I'm Danny on the radio. Either you or I am right.

on my way home 回

Every morning , I see lots of people exercising in the park. quite + adj.

quite + a/an +adj + n 每天早上,我看见许多人在公园里锻炼 by. I saw them playing football when I passed 相当暖和的一天quite a warm day

like tomorrow? 4. What will the weather be 当我经过时,看见他们正在踢足球 see sb do 5. I often see them play football in the park. 明天天气怎么样

It will be

snowy / rainy / sunny / windy / cloudy /foggy. 我经常看见他们在公园里踢足球Feel,hear, listen to,

let , make, have ,see , watch, look at, 有雾的多云的/有雪的/有雨的/晴朗的/有风的/notice 5. Here is the weather report. 这是天气预报 flowers for you.

这些花送给你 + V. 原 一感,二听,三让,四看 Here are some

+ do / doing 一感,二听,四看 6. What's the temperature? 温度是多少 the coming of spring 春天的到来 It will reach 10 degrees during the day. 白天温度会 5.达到度

the sun rises earlier. 6. The days are getting longer and 10

白天越来越长,太阳升起更早了 reach = arrive at /in = get to 到达

get + 形容词比较级 到家reach home = get home = arrive home

dance. practice 7. Some Tai Chi, others sing and 要下s going to rain. 看这云,7. Look at the clouds. It' 个…

有的人练习太极,有的唱歌跳舞 雨了。

There will be a shower this afternoon. 8. one8. … , and the other… . 一个…,另一

He has two children, one is a teacher, and the other is a 今天下午有阵雨


There is going to be a meeting this afternoon. 我希望如此 再一个,又一个I hope so. 9.

t like this one, show me another. I don' 我希望不是 I hope not. thunder. I10. ' 我害怕打雷 continue stop

9. another 今天下午有会议

… 20. practice doing 练习做某事, give up doing放弃 , m scared of

doing 继续… , doing停止… , …be scared of doing / to do 害怕做某事

害怕做某事 be busy doing 忙于做… , finish doing 完成做…, be afraid of doing / to do … 11. ... ... 喜欢做 like doing ,喜欢做 What strange weather! 多么奇怪的天气 enjoy doing , 做... love doing, 爱做...

... spend … How slowly he rides! 他骑得多么慢! doing , 花费做...

Talk about the sunrise and the sunset.谈谈日出和日落12. 阻止做... keep .. from doing ,

What a fine day! 多么好的天气 喜讨 hate doing , 厌

west. in sets east in rises The 13.sun the and the ... stop 反对做 …against doing ,停止做 from doing , ...

... 擅长做 太阳从东方升起,西方落下do well in doing ,

be good at doing , 擅长做 ... Tell me the exact time. 14. 告诉我确切的时间 Lesson 2 be worth doing 值得做… , 1. Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang. ... be interested in doing 有兴趣做天已经到了石家庄

How about doing , 她什么时候到的? When did she arrive? ...怎么样?

2.Neither Tom nor I am good at math. 到处跑 10.run around 擅长数学

…, look forward to doing 期待 春

11.play on the swings 荡秋千 他和我都不 Both Tom and I are good at math. 计划去乡下郊游 12.plan a field trip to the countryside

汤姆和我都擅长数学 enjoy the beautiful flowers 13. 享受美丽的鲜花

Tom only Not enioy doing sth. but math. at good am I also 你…

enjoy oneself / myself / yourself / ourselves 过得愉快 3. Thank you for doing … 谢谢

14. can't wait to do 迫不及待 4. Hold on. 抓住,稍等 The meeting room holds 200 people. wait for 等候 15. plant trees 种树 v. 会议室能容纳200人

16. green plants 绿色植物 n. hold a party / meeting 举办宴会,会议

Lesson 3 5. fall off 摔下

表示位置移动的词come, go, leave, fly, arrive…常用7. come down 下来 进行时表示将来时 8. turn around 转过身

2. The wind blows gently, through the trees. 9. 代替… instead ( of doing )

We will play football instead ( of playing basketball ). 风轻轻的吹,吹过树林

go through the door / window / forest / park 10. 推某人 push sb. = give sb. a push

1. Spring is coming. 春天来了 6. climb higher 爬得更高

穿过门、窗、森林、公园 11. stop doing … 停止做…

road / river / bridge / city cross = go across the 停下来去做…stop to do… 12. It's time to do sth. 到做某事的时间了 过马路、河、桥、市区 s time for sth. = It' 3. one by one 一个接一个

day by day year by year step by step It's time for sb. to do sth. 到某人做某事的时间了

4. the season's change 季节的更替 12. get on 上车 get off 下车

玩传接球 13. play catch t change the past. We can' 我们不能改变过去

Lesson 4 让我们… s do sth. 14. Let'When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, 1. Why not do sth. ? 为什么不… warm weather and clear, fresh air.当我们想起春天,我 …Shall we do sth. ? 好吗? 们就会想到一个晴朗、温暖的天气,清新的空气 You'd better do sth. 你最好…

… 怎么样? 15. How / What about doing sth? think of = come up with 想出,想起 ? do …do What you think of? = How you like… 16. lie on the grass 躺在草地上 lying

17. jump up and down 上下跳 怎么样你认为… 18.

看起来像 19. look like 每个人都向往春天Everyone longs for spring. 3.

come on 加油,快点, budding trees 2. 发芽的树木

Lesson 6 = look forward to doing 向往long for sth / long to do

temperature can be as low as -15 degrees. 1.world over = 4.around the world all the The

度气温可能会低至零下全世界 15 他和我一般大 He is as old as me. 听起来像 sound like feel like 5. 感觉像

与 as … . as …一样… 一年到头 all year round 6.

…… not as … as 不如 7.nearly 几乎

too nor too neither here weather The 8. is hot cold. 2. on snowy days 在下雪天

see 3. We probably won't flowers until May. 这的天气既不太热也不太冷

平均温度 the average temperature 9. 我们可能直到五月才能看到鲜花

. There is plenty of sunshine. 10. 有充足的阳光 not … until 直到…才…. plenty of

waited He his gate at the until father came back. 许多的,大量的 because of the spring-like weather. 11. 他在大门口一直等到他父亲回来 It4. 's so much fun to do sth. 由于春天般的天气 'Its fun to do… because + 句子名词because of +

百 2two hundred 数百 12.hundreds of so much + 不可数 可数

复数 so many +

Lesson 5 zero drop 5. below

1.outdoor activities 户外活动降到零度以下 在外面玩 6. play outside 在操场上 on the playground

2.This is my first time babysitting. 一会儿聊talk to you soon 7.

fall into the snow 这是我第一次当临时保姆 8. 摔倒在雪里 不得不 have to 9.... 这是我第一次做…This is my first time doing

Lesson 7 2. It's pleasant to walk in the forest.

1. dig a hole 挖一个坑 在森林中散步是很愉快的

It's + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. big / large enough 足够大 get enough rest 足够的休息 It's + 形容词 + for sb. + to do …

3. You can sit in the shade under the tree. enough 放在名词前,形容词副词后

It must be large enough to hold the roots of the 你可以坐在树荫下乘凉 in the sun seeding. 它必须足够大能容下幼苗的根 must be 一定是 can't be 不可能是 在阳光下

4. They help us fulfill our basic needs. may be 可能是

2. cover the roots and fill the hole with dirt 他们帮助满足我们的基本生活需

the tree. 用土盖住根,并用土把坑填满

5. Apples grow on trees. Li Ming is in

cover… with … fill … with … 苹果长在树上。李明在树上。

The roots are covered with dirt and the hole is filled 6. People use trees and other plants in many ways. 人们

根被土盖住了,坑用土填满了 be full of = be filled with

在很多方面使用树木和其他植物 with dirt.

7. The trees and plants take energy from the sun and turn 充满… it into food. 3. by the way 顺便问一下

's way to … 去…的路上 树木和植物从太阳中提取能量再把他们变成养料 on one


clothing are also 4. They want to do something to help. made from trees 8. Medicine and plants. 他们想要做些什么来帮助…

药材和衣服也是由树木和植物制成的 5. These changes are serious. 这些变化很严重 由…制成 The environment is changing. 环境正在变化 be made of

6.tell me the exact time . 告诉我准确的时间 … 由…制成 (看不出原料) be made from

exactly 确切地 be made by sb. 被某人制成


That's exactly what I wanted. 那正是我想要的 be made in

away. t carry the soil 9. The wind and water trees are 7. There not many left. won'树不多了 10. In without doing sth.

A lot of rich lands in the northern area have turned into 8.多富饶的土地变成了沙漠

1. 在周六下午on Saturday afternoon

all grow way to best 2. Mary Green will show you the 中国南部 西方的食物


Lesson 9 desert. 北方很

without we a word, left. are There 7 days can ' t live plant. 总之,没有植物我们就不能生存天还剩下7

food southern China Western

变成turn into kinds of plants. change into grow

into 长成 丽将教你栽种各种植物的最佳方法

different kinds of 不同种类的 sure ' do/ …sure 'Im of to … Im that + 句子

the best way to do … 做某事的最佳方法 我不确定 我确定

Make sure 确定一定 做某事的最佳时间 the best time to do …

doing way a = do way 10.a to sth. of sth. …… 的最佳地点 the best place to do

3. show sb. sth = show sth to sb. 展示某物给某人 做某事的方法,方式

every of lots has good 4.She advice for gardener. …对 11.be important to 重要 都有很好的建议

/ 忘记forget / remember doing sth. 记得已经做过了lots of = a lot of = many + 可复/much +不可 某事 不可数 some advice 一些建议 How need? 5.new do trees much water 底部… at / in the bottom of the hole 在13. 浇多少水

of a kind 一种 样 all kinds of 各种各的 肯定地for sure. 9.

/ 忘记 12.forget / remember to do sth 记得要做某事 她对每一位园丁

不可数 脏的 土Dirt 14.dirty 新栽种的树木需要 Lesson 8 How many books do you have?

plants. trees many and so are There 1. 可数 你有多少本书?

a is Gardening 6. hobby. enjoyable very 有这么多的树木和植物复数so many + so much + 不可数园艺工作是一种非常令人愉快的爱好

Lesson 11 做某事很开心 have fun doing


7. in her own garden 在她自己的花园里 1. look at 看 … .

8. Roses smell so wonderful. 玫瑰花闻起来美妙极了 2. Its flowers look like egrets. 它的花看起来像白鹭

feel sound look taste 系动词 + 形容词 3. It grows in eastern Asia



