论文题目:系别专业:班 级:姓 名:指导教师:完成时间:长春工业大学人文信息学院
混合动力汽车的现状和发展 汽车系汽车服务工程 2017年5月2日
[关键词]节能环保 混合动力 技术发展
In the 21st century, due to the large number of cars, exhaust emissions. Gradually causing environmental degradation more and more serious, with the increasing environmental problems, haze weather to bring people to the troubled, and the shortage of energy so that people are aware of the need to find new energy to replace the current situation. Hybrid electric vehicles as a pure electric vehicle to replace the internal combustion engine of the important transition products, not only in the advantages of saving oil on the obvious, and its power and mileage and the current internal combustion engine can be comparable. And thus become the major development of today's auto companies hot spots. Hybrid electric vehicles will be engine, motor, energy storage devices (batteries) together, they are between the good match and optimal control, can give full play to the advantages of internal combustion engine vehicles and electric vehicles to avoid their own shortcomings, is the most development today Meaning the low emissions and low fuel consumption of the car.
[Key words] Energy efficient Hybrid vehicle Technological development
目 录
一、绪论 .................................................................... 1 二、混合动力汽车的概述 ...................................................... 1 (一)混合动力汽车的定义 .................................................... 1 (二)混合动力汽车的工作原理 ................................................ 1 (三)混合动力汽车的分类 .................................................... 2 三、混合动力汽车的关键技术分析 .............................................. 4 (一)电池及电池管理系统 .................................................... 4 (二)电机驱动系统 .......................................................... 5 (三)驱动控制系统 .......................................................... 5 四、混合动力汽车国内外发展现状 .............................................. 6 (一)国内发展现状 .......................................................... 6 (二)国外发展情况 .......................................................... 8 五、发展面临的问题和解决方案 ................................................ 9 (一)控制策略技术 .......................................................... 9 (二)混合动力单元技术 ..................................................... 10 (三)存储技术 ............................................................. 10 六、混合动力汽车发展策略探讨 ............................................... 11 (一)我国混合动力汽车发展思路 ............................................. 11 (二)混合动力车型发展趋势及展望 ........................................... 12 致 谢 ..................................................................... 14 参考文献 ................................................................... 15