五年真题解析(2003-2007) 李鹏 编写
http://blog.hjenglish.com/lipeng http://catti.blog.tianya.cn
李鹏 谨识
李鹏按:试题原文根据网文《上海男人与上海女人》改编而成。 【原文】据说,上海男人是最好丈夫。他们总是知道该如何讨妻子的欢心,从而避免了矛盾,一家人其乐融融。所以从某种程度上讲,上海男人是社会安定和谐的象征。当妻子快乐时,他也快乐,因而整个城市也充满了快乐气氛。
上海男人聪明、务实,有时也相当圆滑。最令人印象深刻的是,上海男人在事业上有进取心,对家庭有很强的责任感,而且尊重女性。 【参考译文】Shanghai men are said to be the best of husbands. They know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families. Shanghai men can be regarded as the symbol of social security and harmony. They are joyful whenever their wives are, thus filling the whole city of Shanghai with happiness.
Shanghai men are jokingly called hen-pecked husbands. However, they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or smile away the quarrels. And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they lose their temper, which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselves complying with what their husbands say.
Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what impresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to females.
1. 首句可以用It is said that?译出。
2. 前两句可以合并译为一句,即Shanghai men,who are said to be the best of husbands,know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families. 3. “讨??的欢心”亦可译为win sb.?s heart。 4. “社会安定”宜译为social stability。 5. “快乐气氛”亦可译为felicity。
6. 用smile away翻译“一笑置之”很妥当,另举两例:
smile away one?s embarrassment 以微笑解除窘态 Smile your tears away. 笑笑吧,别哭了。
此外还可换用dismiss sth. with a laugh/smile或laugh off(to pretend that sth. is less serious than it really is by laughing or joking about it)。 7. “发火”的表达方式有多种,除lose temper之外,还有get angry、flare up、hit the ceiling、fly into a rage和go through the roof等多种。 8. “毫不迟疑地”除可用without hesitation之外,亦可用unhesitatingly。 9.“务实”宜译为pragmatic(dealing with problems in a sensible, practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas)。
10. “圆滑”亦可译为smooth and wily、slick and sly或tactful。 11. “有进取心”亦可译为enterprising(Someone who is enterprising shows the ability to think of new things to do and has an eagerness to do them)。 12. “女性”亦可译为the fair sex。
李鹏按:试题原文选自《中国的环境保护(1996-2005)》白皮书。 【原文】中国政府高度重视保护环境,认为保护环境关系到国家现代化建设的全局和长远发展,是造福当代、惠及子孙的事业。中国政府将环境保护确立为一项基本国策,在推进经济发展的同时,采取一系列措施加强保护环境。特别是近年来,中国政府坚持预防为主、综合治理、全面推进、重点突破,着力解决危害人民群众健康的突出环境问题;坚持创新体制机制,领先科学进步,强化环境法治,发挥社会各方面的积极性。 经过努力,环境污染和生态破坏加剧的趋势减缓,部分流域污染治理初见成效,部分城市和地区环境质量有所改善,全社会保护环境意识进一步增强。 【参考译文1】The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection has a bearing on the overall situation of China?s modernization drive and its long-term development and that it is an undertaking which will not only benefit the Chinese people of today but also bring benefit to their children and grand children. The Chinese government has established environmental protection as a basic national policy. While promoting economic growth, it has adopted a series of measures to protect the environment. Especially in recent years, adhering to the principle of prevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point breakthrough, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those outstanding environmental problems that threaten people?s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into