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2013年度全国职称英语等级考试理工类(B级)试题(一) - 图文

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第1部分:词汇选项(第1 ~ 15题,每题1分’共15分)


1 She came across three children sleeping under a bridge. A passed by B took a notice of C woke up D found by chance 2 It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already. A right B obvious C unbelievable D unclear 3 He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company. A attracted B taught C kept D changed 4 She gets aggressive when she is drunk. A worried B offensive C sleepy D anxious 5 I have little information as regards her fitness for the post. A at B with C about D from 6 These animals migrate south annually in search of food. A explore B inhabit C prefer D travel 7 There was something peculiar in the way he smiles. A different B wrong C strange D funny 8 Make sure the table is securely anchored. A repaired B fixed C cleared D booked 9 As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion. A influence B express C divide D voice 10 He paused, waiting for her to digest the information. A withhold B exchange C understand D contact 11 The rules are too rigid to allow for human error. A general B inflexible C complex D direct 12 Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems. A send B hear C confirm D spread 13 Come out, or I’ll bust the door clown. A break B shut C set D beat 14 The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town. A naked B blind C cautious D private 15 The contract between the two companies will expire soon. A shorten B start C end D resume

第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题 1分,共7分)

下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供 的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,清选择B; 如果该句的信息文中没 有提及,请选择C。


Wide World of Robots

Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobs. These researchers tinker (修补)with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devices. “They’re the best toys out there,” says Howie Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Choset is a roboticist, a person who designs, builds or programs robots.

When Choset was a kid, he was interested in anything that moved — cars, trains, animals. He put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them move. Later, in high school, he built mobile robots similar to small cars.

Hoping to continue working on robots, he studied computer science in college. But when he got to graduate school at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Choset’s labmates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars: robotic snakes. Some robots can move only forward, backward, left and right. But snakes can twist (扭曲)in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain (地 形). “Snakes are far more interesting than the cars,” Choset concluded.

After he started working at Carnegie Mellon, Choset and his colleagues there began developing their own snake robots. Choset’s team programmed robots to perform the same movements as real snakes, such as sliding and inching forward. The robots aiso moved in ways that snakes usually don't, such as roiling. Choset’s snake robots could crawl (爬行) through the grass, swim in a pond and even climb a flagpole.

But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as well. For some heart surgeries, the doctor has to open a patient’s chest, cutting through the breastbone. Recovering from these surgeries can be very painful. What if the doctor could perform the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake?

Choset teamed up with Marco Zenati, a heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical School, to investigate the idea. Zenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and then tested the robot in pigs.

A company called Medrobotics in Boston is now adapting the technology for surgeries on people.

Even after 15 years of working with his team's creations, “I still don't get bored of watching the motion of my robots,\

16 Choset began to build robots in high school.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

17 Snake robots could move in only four directions.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

18 Choset didn’t begin developing his own snake robots until he started working at Carnegie Mellon,

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

19 Choset’s snake robots could make more movements than the ones others developed.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

20 The application of a thin robotic snake makes heart surgeries iess time-consuming.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

21 Zenati tested the robot on people after using it in pigs.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

22 The robotic technology for surgeries on people has brought a handsome profit to


Medrobotics. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~30题,每题1分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23 ~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第1 ~4段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27 -30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 Black Holes 1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum, sucking up everything in space. Scientists have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars. Stars that are near death can no longer burn due to loss of fuel, and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational (重力的)force, hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star’s surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses. 2 Black holes come from stars that are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals. When these explode it can turn into a stellar-mass (恒星质量)black hole, which can only occur if the star is large enough (should be bigger than the sun) for the explosion to break it into pieces, and the gravity starts to compact every piece into the tiniest particle. Try to see and compare; if a star that’s ten times the size of the sun ends up being a black hole that’s no longer than 70 kilometers,then the Earth would become a black hole that's only a fraction of an inch! 3 Objects that get sucked in a black hole will always remain there,never to break free. But remember that black holes can only gobble up (吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it. It’s possible for a large star near the sun to become a black hole, but the sun will continue to stay in place. Orbits (轨道)do not change because the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star, only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as no bigger than a state. 4 So far, astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. In the end, through numerous studies, they have discovered that black holes truly exist. Since black holes trap light and do not give off light, it is nearly Impossible to detect black holes via a telescope. But astronomers continue to study galaxies (银河系),space and the solar system to understand how black holes might evolve. It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger process in galaxies, which can eventually lead to creation of new entities (实体).Scientists also credit black holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form. 23 Paragraph 1 24 Paragraph 2 A How are black holes formed? 25 Paragraph 3 26 Paragraph 4 B What are black holes made of? C How were black holes named? 27 Black holes are formed after . 28 When a large star explodes, the gravity compacts every piece into . 29 A newly formed black hole and the star it comes from are of . 中华会计网校&职业培训教育网

2013年度全国职称英语等级考试试题? 277 ?

30 Albert Einstein's theory of relativity helps to prove .


the tiniest particle a fraction of an inch

C the same amount of mass

2013年度全国职称英语等级考试理工类(B级)试题(一) - 图文


