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今天和大家分享雅思口语库Part2话题范文之收获的好建议(you received some useful advice),希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思口语库Part2话题范文之:收获的好建议(you received some useful advice)

Describe a situation you received some useful advice You should say:

Who gave you this advice

What kind of advice he/she gave you Why he/she gave you this advice And explain how did the advice help you 1.适用人群:全适用 2.主题:出国深造的建议

3.故事线:我的朋友建议我毕业后去英国读硕士,一年的时间就能拿到学位,不会花费很多时间和金钱,并且英国的教育体系非常好,非常实用,我在那里学习的时候会学到很多东西。 I’m gonna tell you some useful advice that I have received. This situation happened about half a year ago. It was around September, 20XX, I guess. At that time I was in my last year at university. I was thinking about what I should do after graduating. There were two options for me which was whether to continue my study or to get a job right away. It was a really difficult choice that I had to make.

One of my friends was the one who gave me the advice that affected strongly my decision. He had been studying in UK, in Manchester to be specific, for 4 years. And he had a lot of experience in study abroad. So I knew I needed to ask for his opinion. He told me that I should do a master program in the UK. It would only take me one year to receive a master degree. so it would not cost much time and money as well. he also said that the education system in the UK is very good, very practical and I would learn so much from when I study in there. He even told me stories about his student life in Manchester. and I immediately got so

excited after hearing those things. And I finally decided to go study in UK. Partly because of his advice.

I really hope that it would be a right decision and I will benefit a lot from it. 4.高分口语语料

地道用词:in my last year at university

高分句型:One of my friends was the one who gave me the advice that affected strongly my decision.

雅思口语库Part2话题范文之:收获的好建议(you received some useful advice)

Describe a situation you received some useful advice You should say:

Who gave you this advice

What kind of advice he/she gave you Why he/she gave you this advice And explain how did the advice help you 1.适用人群:全适用



