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7B Unit1 Dream homes



住在宫殿里 live in a palace 在…隔壁 next to = beside

在镇上/市里/农村 in town/the city/the country 日本的首都 the capital of Japan 世界各地的家 homes around the word

来自不同国家的学生 students from different countries 离伦敦15英里远的城镇 a town 15 miles (away)from London 享受一杯茶 enjoy a cup of tea

莫斯科中心的一套公寓 a flat in the center of Moscow 在七楼 on the seventh floor 一个漂亮的起居室 a nice living room 与…合用….;与…分享… share sth with sb

在洛杉矶的一座大房子 a large house in Los Angeles

我自己的卧室 my own bedroom = a bedroom of my own 最喜欢… like…best =like…most 向外看 look out

往窗户外面看操场 look out of the window at the playground 犯错误 make a mistake / make mistakes 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth. 在…中心 in the centre of… 在大多数家里 in most homes

大量的… a large number of…

不同国家的家 homes in different countries 做完… finish (doing) sth. …的总统 the president of… 平方公里 square kilometer …的象征 the symbol of…

在学生的博客上 on the students’ blogs 几乎每天 almost every day

下列数字 the following numbers = the numbers below 正确地朗读… read…correctly

来自180个国家和地区的人们 people from 180 countries and areas 1815英尺高 1,815 feet tall=1,815 feet in height 在尺寸大小方面 in size

有…面积 have an area of…=be … in area 有…人口 have a population of…

6米长 6 meters long=6 meters in length 7英尺宽 7 feet wide=7 feet in width


在3月8号 on 8 March = on March 8

= on the eighth of March =on March the eighth

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第一个到学校的人 be the first (person) to get to school 百/千/百万 hundred/ thousand/ million 两百名女老师 two hundred women teachers 数千名女学生 thousands of girl students 法国/法国的/法语 France/ French/ French

的确与……不同 be really different from... 充满,挤满 be full of

看起来舒适 look comfortable

(过去或将来的)某一天 one day (将来的)某一天;有朝一日 some day

叫某人做某事 tell sb to do sth /ask sb to do sth

叫某人不要做某事 tell sb not to do sth /ask sb not to do sth 给我回电话 call me back

帮某人捎口信 take a message for sb 帮我捎个口信给Tom take a message to Tom for sb 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sth 请某人吃饭 invite sb to dinner

在山脚下 at the foot of a hill 家庭影院 a home cinema

绰绰有余的食物 more than enough food

邀请朋友和我一起看电影 invite my friends to watch films with me 举办聚会 have a party / have parties 重点短语、句型讲解

1. Would you like to live in the palace, Eddie? 埃迪,你想住宫殿里吗? ①Would you like sth.? 肯定回答: Yes, please. 否定回答: No, thanks.

②Would you like to do sth.? 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 否定回答:I’d like/love to, but…

2. There are twenty restaurants in town. 镇上有二十家餐馆。

There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大约有八百万人住在伦敦。 ①表示某地有……,用there be 句型,谓语动词就近原则。

There ____(be) an art room, a music room and two computer rooms in our school. ②表示有事情要做,用there be sth. to do。

③表示有某人正在做某事,用there be sb. doing sth.。

3. I live in a town 15 miles from London. 我住在离伦敦15英里的一个镇上。 be far (away) from 离……远,但出现具体距离时,不用far My home is __ __from the school.

4.We often listen to music in bed. 我们经常躺在床上听音乐。 ①in bed 意为 (躺)在床上,bed 前无冠词修饰。 Don't read in bed. 不要躺在床上看书。 ②on the bed 表示某样东西在床上。

There is a book on the bed. 床上有本书。

5. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. 我喜欢坐在那里向外看海滩和海。

look out at sth. 向外看…… look out of… 看……的外面 look out 向外看,

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It’s good for your eyes to ___ __ the green trees for a minute or two. A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at 答案:B 词组扩充: look like 看起来像 look up 查阅(字典/资料),向上看 look after 照顾 look for 寻找(强调动作)

in the sea 在海里 by sea= by ship坐船 by the sea 在海边

6. Your house is really different from the flats here in our town. 你的房子和我们城镇里的公寓真的很不一样。

be different from… 和……不同,不同于…… be the same as……和……相同 different 是形容词,名词为difference

e.g. Our classroom is different from______(he ).

There are some ___ (different) between the four words. 答案:his;difference

7. thanks for sth./doing sth.= thank sb. for doing sth. 因为……而感谢某人 Thank you for helping me.= Thanks for helping me.=Thank you/Thanks for your help. 8. I hope to visit your home some day. 我希望有一天能去拜访你家。 hope to do sth.希望去做某事

hope +(that)从句,上句等于I hope I can visit your home some day. 常用I hope you have a good time. 词组扩充:

some day 将来有一天,总有一天(只用来指将来) one day 某一天(可以指过去,也可以指将来) the other day 前几天(常用于一般过去时)

9. May I speak to Daniel, please? 我可以找Daniel接电话吗?

打电话时,常用this/that来指代说话双方,直到相互知道身份,常用: This is Daniel speaking.=Speaking. 表示正是某人在接电话。 Is that Tom speaking? 那是Tom吗?

10. Can you ask him to call me back? 你能让他给我回电话吗? ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人去做某事 ask sb. not to do sth. 叫某人不要去做某事 ask (sb.) for sth. (向某人)要某物

11. I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend. 在周末,我想邀请朋友来看电影。

invite (v.) 邀请 invitation (n) 邀请 an invitation letter 一封邀请函 invite sb. to someplace 邀请某人去某地或参加活动 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事

12. have an area of over 260,000 square miles 占地260,000多平方英里 91,000 square meters in size 91,000平方米的面积

square ①adj. 平方的square metre 平方米 ②n.广场 Tian’an men Square 天安门广场 重点语法: ---基数词的用法

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