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What are differences between John Osborn and Samuel Beckett?

The differences between John Osborne and Samuel Beckett are mainly as follows:

(1)Their life experiences are different: John James Osborne was an English playwright, screenwriter, actor, known for his excoriating prose and intense critica stance towards established social and political norms. He was one of the first writers to address Britain's purpose in the post-imperial age,and was the first to question the point the monarchy on a prominent public stage. The success of his 1956 play Look Back in Anger transformed English theatre.

Samuel Beckett lives in Paris. His philosophy was one of complete pessimism. Man ' s reason was unreliable. Truth was not exist, or if it did, man could never know it, because no human acted have meaning or purpose and life as a whole was tedious. There was no hope of communication with other human beings for we were all unreal or false to one another.

The settings and the background information of their drama, Osborne's are detailed and clear and informative;Beckett's are usually repetitive and frequent, Such as in Waiting for Godot, there is no past, forever repeating, and no any other detailed information. Osborne's language are usually simple and clear;Beckett's are usually repeated and meaningless.

(3)The themes of their works: the consistent theme of Osborne's play is that expose the criticize the injustice of the society to people, the isolation from people and the restriction of personality, and the destructive blow of the society to people. The basic tone of the play is anger, anger at social hierarchy and inequality.

As one of the major Absurdist playwrights, the main themes of Beckett 's plays are usually (influenced by existentialism)the sense of man's alienation; the cruelty of human life; the absence or the futility of objectives; the meaninglessness of mans struggle.

1. The plot: Osborne's plot are usually consequential and true to life. Such as in his work Look Back in Anger, Jimmy and Cliff and Alison, three of them are talk about the ordinary things in their lives. Beckett's plot are usually obscure and non consequential. Such as in Waiting for Godot. In this book there is no a clear place and time.

2. The setting: In Osborne' works, the setting is realistic and related to working class. In Look Back in Anger, Jimmy is the hero and he is belong to working class. Beckett's setting are always symbolic and bare. Such as in Waiting for Godot, the tree is a symbol of the nature and the hope for their future, and the hat is a simple of reason andqintellect.

3. The theme: Osborne's theme are usually about social critic against middle-class values. Such as in Look Back in Anger, Jimmy come from working class, but his wife Alison come from upper class. So two of them have many conflicts because they come different class. Beckett's theme are usually meaningless of human experience. Such as in Waiting for Godot, through those two tramps. We can see the meaningless of human life.

4. In stage directions, Osborne's are detailed and clear and informative;Beckett's are usually repetitive and frequent, Such as in Waiting for Godot, there is no past, present and future just a

repetitive present.

5. The language: Osborne's language are usually simple and clear;Beckett's are usually meaningless.



