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人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2

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Unit 2


1 More and more American people have moved from old rooms into new ___________(公寓) . 2 If you want to read quickly and well ,you should increase your ________________(词汇量 ) . 3 A dead body was found under the bridge, but it was hard to determine the ____________(身份). 4 The office is on the twelfth floor, we’d better take the e ______________. 5 He looks old ,but a ______________he is in his 30’s .

6 In summer ,when a thunderstorm comes up ,there is always l ____________and thunder . 7 I’m sure he is from the southeast according to his a ______________.

8 Not having seen him for so long a time , I can hardly r ________________him at the airport. 9. Visitors are ___________( 要求) not to touch the exhibits.

10. There has been a ______________( 逐渐的 )increase in the number of private cars in our city. 11.Spanish is the ___________ language in Spain. (官方的) 12.The kangaroo is a ________ of Australia. (本地人;本国人)

13.There has been a __________(逐渐的)increase in the number of private cars in our city. 14.She often speaks to foreigners, so she speaks English _________.(流利地) 15.I know my ______ is bad. (拼写)

16.It is important to have a good _________ of the English language.(精通) 17. I __________ Mary on the street just now.(辨认出) 18.I saw her ____________ change.(表情)

19.“Do you have…?” is a common American ___________ . (用法) 20.The ship turned around and sailed to the ______________. (西北方的) 21.Visitors are _______________ not to touch the exhibits.(要求) 22.Judging from her _________, she must be a Southerner. (口音)

23. Keep going __________and turn at the first corner. (直地) 24.I can hardly _________ him, as he had changed a lot.(辨认出) 二、语法填空(单句)

1.The government _____ gave an ____ statement that the officer would be put into prison. (office) 2.His facial _____ suggest that he’s quite satisfied with the result and he always ____ things in this way. (express)

3. The group of monks from the _____ are heading back _________.(east)

4. Mr Li, who speaks English _______, says that ________ develops gradually over time and practice. (fluent)

5.He is a strong ____________ and he ____________ the whole nation with an iron hand. (government) 6.Recovery from the disease is very ____________.As the weather ____________ becomes warmer and warmer,he will pick up. (gradual)

7.Reading is one of the best ways of ___________(large) your vocabulary.

8.__________(base) on a real story happening in Shenzhen,the film attracted a lot of audience. 三、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):

be based on; at present; because of; because; in some ways; such as; make use of; more than; come up; fluent 1. She can speak Italian_______________.

2. This film ________________ a novel by D.H.Lawrence

3. I decided to go with them, mainly ________________ I had nothing better to do. 4. It is partly ________________ her sick mother that she hasn’t taken the job abroad. 5. I’m sorry he’s out_________________.

6. You can _________________ your talents to become rich as well. 7. I know many of them, _________________John, Peter, and Tom.

8. He rang to say he would be late home—something ________________at the office.

9._________________a quarter of the students never finished their courses. 10. As you see, we look the same____________________. 四、单选

1._______the snow disaster in the early 2008, many people couldn’t return to their home to stay with their families. A.Because B. Because of C. Even if D. As if

2.--Hello! Is Mr John in the office?--Yes. But I’m sorry. He is busy ______ and can’t speak to you. A.at the present B. at present C. by present D. on present 3.He has ___ an important ____carrying out the whole plan.

A.played; part in B.taken; part in C.played; use in D.taken; use in 4._______ today _______ sure to be praised.

A.The present people; are B. Those present; are C. Those present; is D. Present those; is 5.--Do you need any help, Lucy? --Yes. The job is _____ I could do myself. A. less than B. more than C. no more than D.not more than

6.The teacher commanded that all the students ______ the classroom before he returned. A. mustn’t leave B. didn’t leave C.not leave D.wouldn’t leave 7.The teacher requested us________ so much noise.

A. don’t make B. not make C. not making D. not to make 8.The boss was ______ angry when Tom came late again. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than

9.Mary is one of the _____ customers to Walmart because she lives just two blocks away. A.common B. normal C. frequent D. general

10.It is more useful to learn modern languages,_______ English and German, than Latin. A. namely B. that is C. for example D. such as 11.--Have you _____ some new ideas? --yeah. I’ll tell you later. A. come about B. come true C. come up with D. come on

12.Li Hua is a kind boy who is always ready to help others._____, he often helps the disabled to cross the road. A. In other words B. That is C. For example D. Such as 13._______ people are standing outside the office. A.The number of B. A number of 14._____ people there is at least over,1,000. A.The number of B. A number of

15.Try to keep your legs______. A. straightly B.straight C. straighted D. straighting 16.In order to have a good _____ of English, he determined to go abroad for further education. A.command B. need C. master D. direction

17.I’m amazed to hear from my school teacher again.______, it is ten years since we met last time. A.In a word B. Believe it or not C. What’s more D. That’s to say 18.Passengers are requested ________ their passports before they get on the plane. A. show B. showing C. to show D. should show 19.I don’t like ______ you speak to her.

A.the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which 20.--Hello. Could I speak to Tom, please? --This is Tom speaking. --Oh, it is great. But I _____ your voice just now.

A.didn’t know B. didn’t recognize C. don’t know D.don’t recognize 21.He was late not only ______ his illness but also_____ he missed the train.

A. because ; since B. because of ; because C. since ; because of D. because of; because of 22. All the people _____ at the party were his supporters. A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important 23. –He failed the exam again! What should I do, Miss Kang?--In my opinion, your son is ___ than stupid. A.quite lazier B. much lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather

24. More than one question ____ raised at the meeting. A.were B. are C. was D. have been 25.One suggestion is to have a picnic in the park; the other is to go to the museum. Personally, I prefer

the_____. A.last B. next C. later D. latter

26.Oprah(奥普拉),the queen of American daytime talk TV, is_____ as one of the most powerful women in the world. A.raised B. recognized C. requested D. commanded 27. You should ______ any opportunity you have to practise English.

A. make use of B. play a part in C. get along with D. make fun of 28. I can hardly _____ my friend John who is wearing dark glasses. A. know B. see C. recognize D. realize

29. Hong Kong was once ________ by the British before she returned to China in 1997. A. commended B. ruled C. managed D. controlled

30. I request that you ___ the task on time.A. finished B. should finish C. could finish D. would finish 31. The scientists are beating their brains trying to ______ with a solution to the problem. A. end up B. come up C. catch up D. put up

32. After long and hard work, the police at last discovered the ______ of the baby found by the side of a road. A. dialect B. identity C. situation D. condition 33. ---- Have you bought the dictionary? ---- No, I have _____ two yuan on me. A. more than B. no more than C. over D. more over

34. Ken and Mary came, the ______ wearing a red dress. A. late B. latter C. lately D. Later 35. The policeman ____ the car to stop immediately because it was running too fast in the street. A.requested B. begged C. hoped D. commanded 36. As I know, there is _____ thing as free lunch in the world.. A.no such B. no a C. not such D. no such a

37. Many students believe that the choice of their courses and universities should____ their own interest. A.be based on B. base on C. be basing on D. base at

38. As soon as he heard the news, a(n) _____of surprise appeared on his face. A. accent B. situation C. function D. expression

39. Judging by her______, Jane must be a southerner. A.pronunciation B. accent C. voice D. sound 五、完成句子

1. The new telecommunication network ___________________ the latest 3G technology. (base) 2. ___________________ was injured in the accident. (more) 不止一个人在事故中受伤了。 3. I’d be ____________________ to help you. (more) 帮助你我非常开心。 4. A good solution to the problem _____________ at the meeting. (come)被提出来了 5. Have you _________________ some new ideas?(come) 你想出新的主义了吗? 6. Waste materials must _________________________. (use) 废弃材料必须充分利用。

7. Friendship provides me with many beautiful things, ______________________. (such)例如自信与成功。

8. The doctor suggested that ______________________________ their spare time for regular exercise. (use) 医生建议老年人要充分利用业余时间经常锻炼。

9. I don’t like the way ___________________________. (speak) 我不喜欢你和我说话的方式。 10.He was employed because he _________________________. (command)因为他精通英语。 11. He requested that _________________________. (dismiss) 他要求将她解雇。 12. The people of the country _____________________ a great leader. (recognize)把他看作 13. I bought _______________________ you did. (same) 我买了一辆和你一模一样的车。 14. She told us _________________________ we were all lost in it. (such)(如此有趣的一个故事) 六、语法填空

There are thousands of languages in the world. English is one of the world’s most ___1___(wide) used languages. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in the United States, Britain, Canada, some

Caribbean countries, and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for business,

education, information ___2___ other activities in ___3___ good many countries such as India, Pakistan and so on. It is also one of the ___4___ (work) languages in the United Nations and is used ___5___ (much) than the others. English___6___ (become) the language of international trade and transport.

___7___ has been said ___8___60 percent of the world’s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world’s mail are in English. At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists ___9___ different countries and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is mostly used.

So English has also become the language of international cooperation ___10___ science and technology.

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2


