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绿色住宅绿色房屋外文翻译2019 英文

Green housing transition in the Chinese housing market: A behavioural

analysis of real estate enterprises

Sarah Payne


The concept of green housing has been introduced in China to deal with climate issues in the housing sector. Green housing development requires a complex socio-technical transition based not just on green materials or technologies, but also, and most importantly, on the behavioural transition of housing market actors. Little is known about how Chinese real estate enterprises are responding to the green housing transition within a Chinese context. Addressing this gap, our research aims to determine whether, and to what, extent Chinese real estate enterprises are transitioning toward greener housing practices and what constraints may exist. This research gap is particularly pressing given the Chinese government's ambitions to promote energy efficiency in the new urban building sector by requiring 50% of urban new buildings to be green buildings by 2020 (NDRC, 2016). Our research reveals Chinese real estate enterprises face a dilemma of ‘going green’ and a range of institutional constraints that currently frustrate their uptake of green housing practices. Our research furthers knowledge on environmental and


housing market governance within non-western and non-liberal contexts.

Keywords: Socio-technical transitions, Green housing, Institutional analysis, Real estate enterprises, State-market relations

1. Introduction

An increasing body of scientific evidence shows that climate change, caused by human activities, is real and urgent (WWF, 2016). China has become the largest carbon contributor worldwide since 2014 and accounts for about one-quarter of global carbon emissions (Xu and Lin, 2017, Edenhofer et al., 2014). The figure continues to grow as a consequence of China being in a period of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation (NBSC, 2015). Globally, the building sector contributes up to 30% of carbon emissions, with the housing sector accounting for 24.5% of this sector (BERCTU, 2016). According to data from the China Database of Building Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions (Ma and Cai, 2019), energy consumption in the Chinese civil building sector reached 857?million tons of standard coal equivalent (Mtce) in 2015, which accounted for 19.93% of China's total energy consumption. It is therefore not surprising that the building sector has been identified as the sector with the greatest potential to reduce carbon emissions (IPCC, 2007, GhaffarianHoseini et al., 2013).

In recent years, the concept of ‘green housing’1 has emerged in the Chinese housing policy agenda and has since become a dominant trend


for new housing building in China (Wu et al., 2018, Wu et al., 2015, Tan et al., 2018, Jiang, 2016). To promote green housing development, the Chinese government has issued various policies and regulations into the Chinese housing market. However, the successful implementation of green housing policies and regulations largely depends on market actors' willingness to engage with the standards set (Zeng et al., 2011). This is especially true with regard to real estate enterprises, who are the major delivery agents of houses and often characterised as ‘impresarios, orchestrating developments by bringing together labour, capital, and land to create the right product in the right place at the right time’ (Adams et al., 2012, p.2582).

Whilst some scholars have evaluated the Chinese government's transition towards green housing as an effective approach to reduce carbon emissions in the housing sector (Wang, 2014; Ghaffarian Hoseini et al., 2013), comparatively little research has been undertaken to determine whether, and to what extent, Chinese real estate enterprises are transitioning toward greener housing practices and what constraints may exist. This research gap is particularly pressing given the Chinese government's ambitions to promote energy efficiency in the new urban building sector by requiring 50% of urban new buildings to be green buildings by 2020(NDRC, 2016).

We address this gap in knowledge by showing how China's real




