【期刊名称】《中华医学教育杂志》 【年(卷),期】2008(028)006
【摘要】For adapting to the need of medical technical talented person, Huaihua Medical College optimizes the course laboratories, integrating different majoring clinical practicing teaching courses into a sharing platform--clinical technical ability training centre, the aim is to culture the talented person. The centre will have active significance to probe clinical practice teaching approaches newly and have the important effects on clinical technical talented personal training in junior three-years medical college' s education.%为了适应医学教育的发展对技能型人才的要求,怀化医学高等专科学校将原有实验室优化整合为多专业、多门临床课程实践教学的共用平台--临床技能实训中心,以达到培训高等技能型人才的目的.临床技能实训中心对构建和探索新型的临床实践教学途径有着积极的意义,对高等医学专科教育培养技能型人才发挥了重要作用. 【总页数】3页(89-91)