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Part II Structure Section A

16. He is usually _______________duty in the office every two days. A) in

B) for

C) at

D) on

17. Our dean, Mr. White, refused to accept______0f these suggestions made by us. A) neither

B) either C) any

D) none

18. The doctor told me that I had to stay _________ bed for at least three days. A) On

B) in

C) with

D) to

19. He threw all the cigarettes into the dustbin as if _______ to quit smoking. A) determined

B) determining C) to determine D) determine

20 The house stays empty ________ when its owner comes in summer. A) though

B) except

C) besides

D) unless

21. They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but __________ about her culture

A) learn

B) learning

C) to learn

D) learned

22. John was sure that by five o'clock, he ____________ the milking. A) finished

C) would finish .

B) would be finishing D) would have finished

23 That is the person __________ you have brought all the documents. A) to whom

B) for whom C) who

D) whose

24. He raised the question of _________ we could get the necessary fund A) if

B) whether

C) weather

D) that

25. The more I looked at the picture, ________________ A) the more l liked it

C) more l liked it D) I liked it more

B) I liked it the more Section B

26. He mustn't sign the ____________ (agree) until he has looked it through. 27. I was proud of your__________ (elect) as one of the representatives.

28. The government has paid more attention to the_________ (educate) of girls in

the countryside.

29. There_________ (exist) a lot of cultural differences between the east and the west.

30. It's____________ (danger) for children under 12 to ride the bicycle on the road. 31. We have to go to the library_________ (frequent) to search information for our term paper.

32 Those foreign professors were___________ (please) with the arrangements there 33. We were surprised________ (hear) that he had left school.

34. I'd like to tell you that my request is that they___________ (set) free immediately

35. 1 don't think it's worth___________ (take) a taxi over such a short distance. Part III Reading Comprehension Task l

In the past, a city's major shopping district was in its downtown area. People could get downtown more easily than they could get to other parts of the City. Before the 1960s, the best way to travel in a city was on a street-car, a subway, a railroad, or an elevated train. All of these ran on tracks that led downtown.

As our cities grew outward, people living far from the center of town needed a place they could drive to quickly. Driving downtown was difficulty. Finding a parking space downtown was something impossible People also needed a shopping place where they could park easily.

To meet the shopping needs of people living in the suburbs, groups of businesses moved farther out, too. Today most suburbs have large shopping centers.

Modern and well-planned shopping centers are built on large areas of ground. They have even more space for parking than they do for stores. The shopping centers have many different kinds of stores. Often, the shoppers can do all their shopping in one place.

The very large shopping centers have malls which make shopping pleasant. The mall is an area between stores set aside for walking. Shoppers can stroll from store to store and enjoy beautiful fountains, statues, and plants. There are benches so that

shoppers may rest. Some shopping centers have malls with roofs that protect shoppers from the weather outside.

36. The first paragraph tells us that in the past A) few people drove cars to do shopping B) it was convenient to do shopping downtown C) people liked to live in downtown areas D) street-cars were the main vehicle within a city

37. Why did some businesses move from downtown to the suburbs? A) They needed more space to build modem large stores. B) People did not like to do shopping in city centers. C) Shopping downtown was difficult due to heavy traffic. D) Downtown businesses were not as good as before

38. Nowadays people prefer to go shopping in big mails because. Malls ___ A) are much closer to their homes B) have much larger walking space C) can shelter people from sunshine D) are more pleasant for shoppers. 39. The passage is mainly about A) changes of people's shopping habits B) the need for modern shopping centers C) people's life in the center of big cities D) how to run a business in the suburbs 40. We can conclude from the passage that

A) suburban areas are beautiful and pleasant places B) elevated trains will be built to connect shopping centers C) only city people visit big shopping centers D) suburban people will have more shopping centers Task 2

Life insurance isn't fun to buy. It forces you to think about your death. a subject many prefer not to face But there's a single. Important reason to buy life insurance to

provide an income for your dependents if you die

Don't depend only on an agent to plan your life-insurance needs. Rough estimates are guesses they may produce too little or too much insurance. Carry too little insurance and you may not provide a reasonable standard of living for your family after your death; carry too much and you may not enjoy a reasonable standard of living while you're alive.

Most people who have life insurance don't have enough. The medium amount of coverage for all adults with life insurance was only $15. 000 in 1984. That's obviously not enough to sustain (使持续) a family with young children for very long. Nationwide insurance found that the married men in its 1984 survey carried an average about $43 516 worth insurance but needed some $98507 more.

How do you determine the amount of life insurance you would need to maintain your family's current life-style if the bread-winner died? First, calculate what your family's expenses would be if you died tomorrow. Then analyze your assets (财富) and the sources of income that you can use to cover the expenses. Finally, subtract (减去) the assets from the needs. The result is the amount of additional two insurance that you'll need to buy.

41. The passage intends to tell us that life insurance A) should be bought by ourselves B) is important to our life C) has a lot of advantages D) must be carefully calculated 42. Why is life insurance not fun to buy?

A) Because many people do not like to think of it. B) Because many people do not know how to buy it C) Because it reminds us that we may die one day. D) Because it forces us to take care of our dependents. 43. Why can’t we depend on agents to buy insurance for us? A) Because they may charge too much from us.

B) Because they may not buy the right amount of insurance for us.

C) Because they may not look upon insurance differently from us. 45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A) Most people buy insurance when they are alive B) Those who buy insurance seldom think of their family. C) Life insurance is usually bought right before one dies. D) People tend to buy less insurance than needed: Task3

Directions: Read the following passage and complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below with no more than 3 words for each blank.

Join the Team for a Cure

The Arthritis (关节炎) walk is the Arthritis Foundation's nationwide team event that raises funds to fight arthritis, the nation's number one cause of disability (残疾) . Walking is a fun and healthy way to team up with the Arthritis Foundation to make a difference in the lives of people with arthritis.

Walking with people who you know adds to the fun! Recruit five or more friends, family members or co-workers to walk and raise funds together to help find a cure for arthritis. Form a team, and you'll get early registration, special check-in and more. Individuals are also welcome to walk

Register today! Fill out the attached form and mail or fax it to receive your walk packet.

Raise funds to fight arthritis. Start collecting today. Your goal is to raise$100, that's just 1O

donations (捐助) of $10.

Walk in honor of someone with arthritis. The Arthritis Walk

Organizer of the event: ________46__________ Objective of the event: ___________47______________

Participants of the event: company teams, family members and______48_______ Way









