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江苏省苏州市各地2018及2019届九年级上学期期末英语试卷精选汇编: 完形填空

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42. A. Whenever 43. A. same 44. A. things 45. A. required

B. However B. silly B. everything B. marked

C. Whatever C. special C. something C. directed

D. Wherever D. square D. nothing D. created

【解答】36. B 考查名词,A. cause借口 B. example例子 C. influence影响 D. method方法, 根据\,可知是举例说明,故选B.

37. A考查形容词,A. unpleasant不愉快的 B. unusual不寻常的 C. unlucky不幸的 D. unimportant 不重要的,根据文中两个类似的例子 accept the results from (44)bad you have done要接受你所做的不好的事情的结果;以及 they mean you (45)a bad situation 你造成了糟糕的情况,由这两个类似的例子推出\要接受不愉快的结果,故选A.

38. C 考查连词,A. before在…之前 B. after在…之后 C. while当…时 D. till直到, 根据Thanks so much for watching my car …I'm away,结合选项,推出句意:谢谢你当我离开的时候照顾我的车,故选C. 39.D 考查代词,A. theirs他们的 B. mine我的 C. ours我们的 D. yours 你的,根据 You want to show off to some friends 你想向你的朋友炫耀,所以假装车是你的,故选D.

40. B 考查介词,A. on在上面 B. into进入 C. out外面的 D. off 脱离的,根据you lose control of the car ,可知车失控了,drive into a stop sign撞到了停车标志,故选B.

41. D 考查名词,A. record记录 B. reply回复 C. report报道 D. result 结果,根据you must tell her what you have done and \,可知你必须要告诉你的朋友所发生的事情,推出此处 music是指结果,故选D.

42. C 考查副词,A. Whenever无论什么时候 B. However无论如何 C. Whatever无论什么 D. Wherever无论哪里, 根据the music is, you must face it,推出句意:无聊结果是什么,你必须面对它,故选C. 43. A 考查形容词,A. same相同的 B. silly愚蠢的 C. special特别的 D. square 平方的,根据the …thing as,可知是短语the same as和…一样的 ,故选A.

44. C 考查代词,A. things事情 B. everything每件事 C. something某事 D. nothing 没事,根据To \,结合选项,推出句意:\medicine\意思是接受你所做的不好的事情的结果,something bad糟糕的事情,故选C.

45. D 考查动词,A. required要求 B. marked标记 C. directed指导 D. created创建, 根据they mean you …a bad situation and now you will experience the results,结合选项,推出句意:你造成了糟糕的情况,你将会面对这些结果,故选D.



先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中选出一个 最佳选项,将其编号填入答题卷相对应的空格内。

Sherlock Holmes(夏洛克福尔摩斯)is a fictional 41 created by Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes is good at

observation and logical reasoning(观察和推理),and this helps him solve many

42 . Holmes first appeared in 1887 in the book called A Study in Scarlet, and became popular 43 a series of short stories.

Conan Doyle altogether wrote four novels and 56 short 44 on Holmes. Most of the stories are told by Dr. Watson, a friend 45 shares the flat at 221B Baker Street, London with Holmes, and often helps Holmes when he is searching for clues.

46 Holmes may not be the first fictional detective, he is probably the most famous one in history. Holmes is 47 that many people believe he is not a fictional detective but a real person. He is widely 48 a British cultural icon.

Sherlock Holmes stories have had a great 49 on detective story writing and popular culture, and his stories have been made into many 50 ,films and plays for more than a hundred years. 41. A. writer B. detective C. doctor D. characters 42. A. questions B. problem C. mystery D. cases 43. A. among B. though C. through D. with 44. A. plays B. films C. stories D. poems 45. A. which B. who C. whom D. he 46. A. As B. While C. Because D. Although 47. A. such popular man B. such popular C. so popular D. so a popular man 48. A. known for B. known as C. famous for D. knew as 49. A. success B. progress C. influence D. value 50. A. advertisements B. movies C. drama series D. news 41-45:BDCCB 46-50: DCBCC



请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Carly Williams decided to become a television anchor(新闻节目主播)when she was in the sixth grade. \day, we went out into the forest and did some 36 on forest fires,\and I've been trying to do it as much as I can.\

Now 15, Carly reports for the NaFo News, a broadcast news program at her school-Nation Ford High in South Carolina, US. She has 37 many big names including famous basketball and TV stars.

\ 38 in journalism(新闻业),\Carly's broadcast teacher. Her most recent 39 came when Carly got a call from Teen Kids News in New York. She had 40 them a few segments(片段)she filmed for her school news program. Teen Kids News is on over 200 TV stations around the US. The producer of the show said he 41 what he saw and asked if Carly would film a segment for them. \ Carly spent five days 42 about Teen Kids News in New York. She also visited a former reporter for Teen

Kids News and got some 43 . Her first task was to anchor a segment about an artist's pumpkin field. Carly said shees 44 about working with a new team because she wanted to impress the producer. 45 under great pressure, she did a wonderful job.

\gotten to do some pretty amazing things,\said Carly's mother. \her to get that taste of it was pretty cool.\

36. A. cleaning B. reporting C. thinking D. cooking 37. A. interviewed B. discovered C. mentioned D. chose 38. A. common B. difficult C. correct D. special 39. A. appearance B. celebration C. achievement D. challenge 40. A. showed B. sent C. gave D. introduced 41. A. understood B. shared C. meant D. liked 42. A. talking B. dreaming C. learning D. caring 43. A. reward B. advice C. attention D. trust 44. A. doubted B. thought C. worried D. wondered 45. A. Although B. Whenever C. Since D. Unless


三、完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 29.(10.00分)Have you ever dreamt about entering the film industry? Have you ever thought of being a successful film star? Alex Hibbert and Jaden Piner are (36) B enough to make their dream come true. Alex Hibbert and Jaden Piner are kids from Miami, US. They are in the seventh (37) D at Norland Middle School. But they are (38) C actors now. They acted in Moonlight, which (39) B the Best Film at the Oscars. Both of the two kids went to the Academy Awards ceremony.

The (40)is about the growing up of a black man Chiron. Hibbert (41) A the young Chiron. And Piner played Chiron's classmate, Kevin. \,\Ap. Yes, they are good at (42) B ,too. At school, they have drama class with their teacher Tanisha Cidel. Cidel played a headmaster in the film.

In the drama (43) A ,they crawl on the floor like lions. They also try tongue twisters(绕口令).Cidel tells kids not to pretend(假装).She wants (44) C to be true and be themselves. \(45) D \. Now many of the kids will be in more films and TV series. For example, Hibbert will act in a TV series in Chicago.

What will your life be like if you play a role in a film? 36. A. careful

B. lucky

C. romantic

D. stupid

37. A. team 38. A. sad 39. A. took 40. A. film 41.A. played 42. A. singing 43. A. class 44. A. her 45. A. kind

B. club B. unhappy B. won B. book B. liked B. acting B. school B. him B. friendly

C. school C. famous C. made C. picture C. helped C. dancing C. group C. them C. helpful

D. grade D. boring D. missed D. song D. beat D. swimming D. team D. us D. honest

【解答】36.B考查形容词, A. careful仔细的 B. lucky幸运的 C. romantic浪漫的 D. stupid 愚蠢的,根据 to make their dream come true,可知让梦想实现是幸运的,故选B.

37. D考查名词,A. team小组 B. club俱乐部 C. school学校 D. grade 年级,根据They are in the seventh …at Norland Middle School,可知他们是诺兰庄园中学七年级的学生,故选D.

38. C考查形容词,A. sad难过的 B. unhappy不幸的 C. famous有名的 D. boring无聊的, 根据 Both of the two kids went to the Academy Awards ceremony,可知他们俩都去了奥斯卡颁奖典礼,说明他们出名了,故选C.

39. B考查动词,A. took带走 B. won赢得 C. made制造 D. missed 错过,根据…the Best Film at the Oscars,结合后文Both of the two kids went to the Academy Awards ceremony,可知他们俩都去了奥斯卡颁奖典礼,推出他们赢得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖,故选B.

40. A考查名词,A. film电影 B. book书 C. picture图画 D. song歌曲, 根据 about the growing up of a black man Chiron关于一个黑人男子的成长,结合前文说到他们的电影获奖,推出这是电影剧情,故选A.

41.A考查动词,A. played扮演 B. liked喜欢 C. helped帮助 D. beat 击打,根据后文Piner played Chiron's classmate, KevinPiner扮演Chiron的同学,凯文,这两个句子是并列句,推出Hibbert 扮演年轻的Chiron,故选A

42. B考查动词,A. singing唱 B. acting表演 C. dancing跳舞 D. swimming 游泳,根据they are good at,前文说到他们演电影,推出他擅长表演,故选B.

43. A考查名词,A. class班级 B. school学校 C. group群 D. team 小组,根据 At school, they have drama class with their teacher Tanisha Cidel,推出此处说的是戏剧课,故选A.

44. C考查代词,A. her她 B. him他 C. them他们 D. us 我们,根据be themselves,推出是them,故选C.

45. D考查形容词,A. kind热心的 B. friendly友好的 C. helpful有帮助的 D. honest 诚实的,根据Cidel tells kids not to pretend(假装),Cidel告诉孩子们不要假装.结合The key here is to be real and ,推出句意:关键是真实,诚实,故选D.


三、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

Miracles(奇迹)will happen if you don't give up trying. Even if you have 41 for one hundred times, you may succeed when you try for the 10lst time.

When I was born, my doctor told my mother that there was something wrong with my __42 . They were too soft to be able to walk. Although the news was bad, my mother didn't become frustrated . She didn't believe what the doctor said 43 started to look for other ways.

My mother kept looking for other doctors for me, and finally she 44 . The doctor and his team in the hospital did 45 they could to help me. They also asked my parents to teach me to do some 46 to help me walk. One day when my mother came to pick me up. I crawled(爬) towards her. She was so surprised and happy that she couldn't believe __47 eyes. Crawling was not walking, but it was a good 48 . Day by day, I could walk by myself.

When I grew up, my mother 49 told me these stories. She said that if I thought of what she said whenever I met difficulties, I could do anything successfully. I have been working hard and I have turned out to be a very 50 person. I get best grades in school and I am a good dancer and swimmer. What the story tells us, as my mother always says, is: Never give up. 41. A. achieved B. told 42. A. legs B. hands 43. A. or B. if 44. A. forgot

B. changed

C. suggested C. arms C. and C. succeeded C. anywhere C. medicine C. his C. chance C. always C. busy

D. failed D. eyes D. because D. worked D. everything D. shopping D. its D. start D. nearly D. bad

45. A. nothing B. somewhere 46. A. time B. exercise 47. A. her B. my 48. A. advice B. end 49. A. hardly B. never 50. A. excellent B. dangerous

三、完形填空 41-45 DACCD; 46~50 BADCA


三、完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

One day a little boy decided to go on a journey. He wasn’t quite sure how long his journey would take, so he 41 a suitcase(行李箱). He started down the road very happily on his own, but then he noticed some deep holes in the road. He succeeded in going around them and kept on 42 .

江苏省苏州市各地2018及2019届九年级上学期期末英语试卷精选汇编: 完形填空


