625. Combining (71) and (72) allows us to write the expression for wave propagation F=xyz. 合并(71)和(72),我们可得到波的传播方程F=xyz。 626. By combining these equations, we get F=xyz. 合并这些方程则得F=xyz。
627. Eq. (2) can be written, neglecting the nonlinear terms, as F=xyz. 略去非线性项,方程(2)可被写为F=xyz。
628. Introducing (5) into (7), the expression becomes F=xyz. 把(5)引入(7),此表达式成为F=xyz。 629. Equating these expressions produces F=xyz. 把这个表达式列成方程则得F=xyz。
630. Carrying out a Laplace transformation with respect to t or F1=x1y1z1 and considering only one wave component exp (-ikx), (1) is reduced to F2=x2y2z2.
相对于t进行Laplace变换F1=x1y1z1 并只考虑一个波分量exp (-ikx),于是(1)式简化为F2=x2y2z2。
631. Multiplying (5a, b and c) by Hu’, Hv’, and gh’, respectively, then adding the resulting equations yields the energy equation.
632. The ΔQ equation, which is derived by subtracting the Q equation at h0 from that h2, becomes in steady conditions F=xyz.
此ΔQ方程(它是由h2时的Q方程减去h0时的Q方程而得出)在定常条件下变为F=xyz。 633. Addition of (12c) and (10) produces F=xyz. (12c)和(10)相加则得F=xyz。
634. Then, we can write a non-local analog to (3), integrate over time Δt, and normalize by diving by Ei to give F=xyz. 于是我们可以写出一个与(3)式类似的非局地方程,在Δt时间内对它进行积分,再通过除以Ei进行归一化,结果得到F=xyz。
635. Upon vertical integration of the above equations we obtain F=xyz. 根据对以上方程的垂直积分,我们得到F=xyz。 636. Next, we integrate x from zero to Z exclusive. 接着,我们在零到(Z-1)范围内对x进行积分。
637. The integration is performed over the full range of variation of P from P1 to P2 and back to P1. 对P的整个变化范围进行积分,即从P1到P2再返回到P1。
638. Now by integrating (36) by parts repeatedly and using the boundary condition ψ=0 and s=1, the asymptotic expansion for ψis F=xyz.
639. Now by integrating this equation three times, firstly with respect to time for one period, secondly with respect to meridional distance y over (-∞,+∞) and thirdly indefinitely with respect to zonal distance x, it follows that F=xyz.
640. Several other integrations were performed on initial conditions slightly different from those described in Section 4. 另外几个积分是根据与第四节给出的稍有不同的初始条件进行计算得到的。 641. Differentiating Eq. (10.2) with respect to z, we obtain the thermal wind equation. 将(10。2)式相对于z进行微分,我们得到热成风方程。
642. By solving (7) for the height, (12) reduces, after rearrangement, to F=xyz. 解(7)式求出高度,经过整理,则(12)式化简为F=xyz。
643. After invoking a number of simplications and approximations, they derived the following expression F=xyz. 在进行了一些简化和近似处理后,我们得到以下表达式F=xyz。 644. By taking the ensemble average of (3), it follows that F=xyz. 对(3)取总体平均,结果有F=xyz。
645. We follow exactly the same procedure as in Section 3 to find the dispersion equation. 我们完全采用了如在第三节给出的步骤获得了色散方程。
646. Following a similar procedure from (2.11) to (2.13), we get F=xyz.
647. The daily global diabatic heating rates are calculated as a residual to the thermodynamic energy equation whose form is given in Smith (1979) as F=xyz.
逐日全球非绝热加热率作为热力学能量方程的余项(残差项)处理,该方程由Smith(1979)给出为F=xyz。 648. The entrainment data of Deardorff (1979) are fit well by Turner’s law in the form F=xyz.
649. Applying a one-side t-test, the difference in the principal component for the monthly mean temperature is significant at the 5% level.
650. The standard deviation at the equator is 0.5%. This means that a zonal mean albedo increase of 1% for a 30-day interval is statistically significant at the 95% level.
在赤道这一标准差是0。5%, 这就是说在30天间隔纬向平均反射率增加1%,在95%水平时统计上是显著的。 651. In order to proceed, we need an expression for We0 the entrainment velocity at z=h0 为了进行推导,我们需要求在z=h0时夹卷速度We0的表达式。 652. When (7) is solved for Re, the result is F=xyz. 当解(7)求出Re时,此结果是F=xyz。 653. The proof of (3) follows similar lines. 对(3)式证明采用同样的方法(步骤)。 654. For b=1, L=0.46 results. 当b=1时,有L=0。46。
655. The terms will be dealt with separately. 这些项将分别讨论。
656. Equation 20a, b may also be used to…. The procedure is well known, and the result is F=xyz. 方程20a和b还可用来。。。。。。。因其推导过程是人们熟知的,此处只给出其结果:F=xyz。
657. Mathematically the result C=0 follows readily from integrating (2.2) over the area enclosed by a closed streakline. 在数学上, 这一结果,即C=0,很容易通过对式(2.2)的密纹线包围起来的区域进行积分得到。 658. tanθ=v2/gr, hence v2=gr tanθ so that v= . tanθ=v2/gr,因此v2=gr tanθ,于是v= 。
659. As in the case of linear motion, Eq. (1) holds for any type of angular motion while the other four are true only for uniformly accelerated angular motion.
如在关于线性运动的情况一样,方程(1)适用于任何类型的角运动,而另外四个方程只适用于匀加速角运动。 660. When the brace is negative, N is positive and (4.20) predicts stable, finite amplitude oscillations. 当大括号一项为负时,N为正,因此(4.20)式预报出稳定的有限振幅的振荡。 十三。图表 (661-700)
661. Fig.1. A curve of displacement against time for the body. 图1。 物体随时间的位移曲线。
661.1 Temperature (℃) is shown on the vertical axis (ordinate) and time (hr) on the horizontal (abscissa). 垂直轴(纵坐标)表示温度(℃),而水平轴(横坐标)表示时间(小时)。
662. Fig.2. V0(x) from (56): graph of WaV-1 versus Ma for δ=1. The insert shows the growth rate Im (WaV-1) versus Ma. 图2。 由公式(56)求得的V0(x):当δ=1时WaV-1随Ma的变化。其中小插图表明增长率Im (WaV-1)随Ma的变化。
663. Fig.3. Diagram of an assembled sample cell. 图3。 装配好的样品(吸收)池图。
664. Schematic illustration of the heat exchanges of a homotherm for air temperatures between -40℃ and +40℃. 恒温动物在气温从-40℃到+40℃范围内热交换示意图。
665. Fig.1. The geometry showing the position of the ship as a function of time. 图1。 显示该船位置随时间变化的图形。
666. Fig.6. The output signal V0 vs. frequency when the input signal is small. The E’s are the experimental data and the continuous line is the theoretical curve.
图6。在输入信号小时输出信号V0随频率的变化。标E的各点是实验资料,连续的线是理论曲线。 667. Plot of V’ at 700 hPa for the period 1-31 January 1980, averaged from 45°N to 55°N. Contour interval is 5m/s. Dots indicate northward winds, dashes southward. Troughs are delineated by a heavy solid line and ridges by dashed line. 1980年1月1日—31日700百帕面上,45—55°N范围内V’的平均时间剖面图。等值线间隔5米/秒,点区表示向北的风(南风),虚线表示向南的风(北风)。槽由粗实线表示,脊由虚线表示。
668. The 250 hPa (upper panel) and 950 hPa (low panel) wind fields…. Letters A, B and C identify synoptic-scale disturbance referred to in the text.
250百帕风场(上图)和950百帕风场(下图)。。。。。。。字母A,B,C分别表示文中提到的三种天气尺度的扰动。 669. Blackened circles denote accumulated temperatures and open ones crop yield. 涂黑圆圈表示积温,空白圆圈表示作物产量。
670. Areas (shaded) illustrate the regions where convective cloud frequency exceeds 30%. 阴影区表示该区域对流云出现频数超过30%。
671. Fig.5.13. Representation of the wind system and precipitation area (stippled) in a middle-latitude cyclone. 图5。13。中纬度气旋区系和降水区(点区)。
672. Fig.7. The distribution of the net radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere inferred from NIMBUS 3. Plots of the zonally averaged net flux (solid line), the flux along 90°E(largest dash line) and along 20°N (dashed curve) for July 1969 are shown.
图7 。根据“雨云”(卫星)3号资料推算出的大气层顶净辐射通量分布。1969年7月纬向平均净辐射通量(实线),沿90°E的净辐射通量(最长虚线)和沿20°N的净辐射通量分布(虚线曲线)。
673. Fig.2.1. Location of the nine Pegasus sites. Arrows indicate the center of the Gulf Stream. 图2。1。九种海蛾类生物的栖息地,箭头所指的是墨西哥湾流中心。
674. Fig.6. Time-height section of the deviation of the monthly mean zonal wind near 9°N from the long term average. Solid isotachs are at 10 m/s intervals. Shaded areas are westerlies.
图6。 9°N附近月平均纬向风与多年平均值距平的时间—高度剖面图。实线等风速线间隔10米/秒;阴影区表示西风带。
675. Fig.1. Location map of stations used in the analysis (shown by dots) and place names referred to in the text. Numbers refer to stations identified in Table 2.
图1。 本文分析中用到的台站位置图(以点表示),站名见本文,站上数字编号见表2。
676. Fig.3. Energy flow diagram for photosynthesis (see text for explanation of all symbols). If the horizontal arrows are exchanged, left for right, this becomes the energy flow diagram for fire. 光合作用的能量转换图(符号含义参见文中相应处)。如水平箭头方向由向左改为向右,则成为有篝火时的能量转换图。
677. Fig.4. LSVM frequency distributions for each method used. Parenthetical legend information is for 700 hPa, the other is for 500 hPa.
图4。 所用的各种方法所获得的LSVM频率分布。括号内的图例说明是对700百帕的,其它的则是500百帕的。 678. Fig.5. Appearance of east-west oriented cells with ascending legs in the regions marked C in Fig.3.1 and descent elsewhere.
图5。 东西向环流圈的图形,其上升支位于图3。1中表有C的区域,而下沉支在其它地方。
679. Fig.8. Average profiles of global (G) and diffuse (D) solar radiation and their ratio in middle latitudes. (After Flach, 1966).
图8 中纬度太阳总辐射(G)和漫射辐射(D)的平均廓线及两者的比值。(据Flach,1966) 680. Fig.6. Latitude-height distributions of the streamfunction, units, 1013g/s. 流函数(单位:1013克/秒)随纬度和高度的分布。
681. Fig.8. Latitude-height distribution of the difference (VC6 minus VCS atmosphere) in the rate of the net temperature change due to moist convection, nonconvective condensation and vertical subgrid-scale transport of sensible heat (units: Kday-1).
图8。 由湿对流,非对流凝结和感热次网格尺度垂直输送引起的净温度变化率的差值(VC6大气减去VCS大气)随纬度和高度的分布(单位:K/天)
682. Fig.8. Some statistics of the 500 hPa geopotential height (m) in a 10—year sample (are redrawn from Blackmon, 1976, Figs. 3a, 4a and 5a). Lines of latitude are drawn every 20°N to 80°N and those of longitude every 30°.
图8。 根据10年样本资料计算的500百帕位势高度场(单位:米)的某些统计量。(b, c和d,根据Blackman,1976,图3a、4a和5a重画),纬圈线从20°N到80°N每20°画一条,经圈线每30°画一条。 683. Fig.10. Zonal distribution of precipitation. (After Brooks and Hunt.) 图10。 降水的纬向分布(引自Brooks和Hunt)。
684. Fig. 7. A triple and double wave, the first going right, the second after reflection going left. The solid curves are experimental, the dots obtained from theory, as explained in the text.
图7。 三波和二波的运动情况。第一个(三波)向左运动,第二个(二波)在反射后向左运动。实线曲线是实验结果,点线是理论结果,说明见正文。
685. Fig.10. Components of solar and infrared radiation incident on slopes (see text). 图10。 投射到山坡上的太阳辐射和红外辐射各分量(说明见正文)。
686. Fig.18. 500 hPa quasi-geostrophic vertical velocities in pressure coordinates at 1200 GMT 7 February 1978: total (a), thermally—forced (b) and vorticity—forced (c). Otherwise the same as in Fig.8.
图18。 1978年2月7日12时(格林尼治平时)气压坐标中500百帕面上准地转垂直速度场。总速度场(a),热力强迫速度场(b),涡度强迫速度场(c)。其它同图8。 687. Fig.4. The same as in Fig.3, but for May 12. 图4。 如图三,但是对5月12日。
688. Fig.10. As in Fig.9, except using the average of all 1448 soils (middle curve) and varying only the parameter b by one standard deviation.
图10。 同图9,但采用的是1448个土壤样本的平均值(中间曲线)且仅使用参数b变化一个标准差值。
689. Fig.3. Effect of surface roughness on evapotranspiration from bare soil and from a 100% corn canopy, with 80% available soil water. All other parameters as in Fig.2.
图3。 地面粗糙度对裸露地和玉米地冠叶100%遮蔽田(均含80%可利用土壤水分)里蒸散的影响。所有其他因子同图2。
690. The position and speed of a body falling freely from rest after successive intervals of time (figure not shown) is dealt with in what follows.
关于一个从静止状态自由下落物体在经过各连续时间间隔后的位置和速度(图略)在下面进行讨论。 691. Fig.19 shows the monthly mean temperature field. 图19给出月平均温度场。
692. Fig.20 is a summary of the data for u’v’. 图20是u’v’资料的归纳。
693. With reference to Fig.2 we can see that Body A moves faster than Body B. 由图2可知物体A比物体B运动得快。
694. The slope of the curve for r>0.1μm is less steep. 在r>0.1μm时曲线坡度较平(不太陡)。
695. Table 2.2. Altitude effect on direct solar radiation in an ideal atmosphere (Wm-2) Optical mass (m) 1 Level (hPa) Extraterrestrial 500 750 1000 90 1358 (略) 1258 (略) 1178 1113 976 2 30 1347 3 19.3 1338 4 9.3 1323 Corresponding solar altitude(θ) (After Kastrov,1956.) 表2。2。 理想大气中太阳高度角对太阳直接辐射的影响(单位:瓦/米2) 光学质量(m) 1 2 3 4 对应的太阳高度角(θ) 高度(百帕) 大气层顶 500 750 1000 90 1358 (略) 1258 (略) 30 1347 1178 19.3 1338 1113 9.3 1323 976 (据Kastrov,1956)
696. Table 2.10. Mean temperature differences between the Brochen (1134 m) and the free atmosphere at Wengerode. April 1957—March 1962. GMT* 00 12 (After Hansel, 1962)
*local time is one hour ahead of GMT.
表2。10。 1957年4月到1962年3月在Brochen (1134 米)测点和Wengerode自由大气中(月)平均气温差。
格林尼治平时* 1月 2月 3月 4月 … 12月 年平均. 00 (略) 12
*当地时间比格林尼治平时早1小时。 697. Comparison of the three experiments
Exp. period scheme Result
Exp.1 3—10 July Smith(1989) … Exp.2 … … … Exp.3 … … … 三个实验的比较
实验. 实验时间 方案 结果
实验1 7月3日—7月10日 Smith(1989) … 实验2 … … … 实验3 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。
698. The function B is tabulated versus log10η. 函数B随log10η的变化值已制成表。
699. Table 12 shows electrochemical data of some of the commonest metals. 表12给出某些最普通金属的电化资料。
700. Table 1 is a summary of results from a June 1982 Zodiac rubber boat sampling experiment in ring center 82-B. The boat samples (the first four rows of data) were collected from a depth of 0—5m.
表1是1982年6月在82-B圆形海域中心乘橡皮船Zodiac号取样试验的资料。该船采集的样本(前4行资料)取自0—5米深度。 十四,模式、随注 (701—740)
701. The model is composed of four prognostic equations which are numerically integrated in time (t) at gridpoints regularly spaced at 100 meter intervals over a computational domain which horizontal (x) and vertical (z) dimensions of 6.3 and 3.1 km, respectively.
702. The basic two-level nonlinear primitive equation model and various simplified and linearized versions are described in the following:
J (略) F M A … D YR AV.



