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416. The research group has made investigation of all the events such as occurred in the winter of 1982 over the Pacific. 这一研究小组已对这些事件作了研究,例如1982年冬发生在太平洋上的。

417. The resulting standing wave is a swirling motions such as might result if we swirled water in a round-bottomed cup. 所产生的驻波是一种旋转运动,它是在我们转动圆底杯中的水时会产生的现象。

418. Some reviewers suggest other interpretations such that when A (t) has become small, the essential sudden warming have already occurred.


419. At higher levels the pressure field has a much simpler structure, exemplified by the solution at 6.5 km. 在高空气压场结构却远为简单,例子见6.5公里高度上的解。

420. Examples of such studies include those of Smith (1987) for individual surface and Oke (1989) for urban canopy system.

这类研究的例子包括个别地面上的(如Smith,1987)和城市中一些林木系统(如Oke,1989)中的小气候状况。 421. One is the change of the basic-state parameters (e.g., the zonal wind field); the other is existence, in the real atmosphere, of instabilities not described in our model, like for instance, baroclinic instability.

一个是基态参数(例如纬向风场)的变化;另一个在实际大气存在的不稳定(此模式未予涉及),例如斜压不稳定。 422. In some situation, however, as in the description of the motion of a pendulum, direct application of the laws of motion would require complicated calculation.


423. Near small river, as along the Oregon coast, upwelling can occur when winds move the low-salinity surface layer seaward and the cold, upwelled waters underneath are exposed.


424. A change of phase, however, is a more fundamental change of Physical form, as from a liquid to a vapor, or a change from one crystalline form to another.

然而,相位的变化是指物理形态的更为基本的变化,如从液体变为气体,或从一种晶体变为另一种晶体。 425. In the book there are various pictures, as of the internal combustion engine. 在该书中有许多照片,如内燃机照片。

426. A balloon will burst as when it goes up high into the air. 气球会爆炸,如当它升入高空时。

427. Some measurements are direct, as when we find the length of a table by placing a yard or meter scale beside it. 有些测量是直接的,例如当我们求一张桌子的长度时是通过把码尺或米尺放到桌边量出来的。

428. Many of them have more than one solid states, as in the case of phosphorus, which is known in three solid phase: black, more familiar red and yellow forms.

其中许多种物质不止一种固态,例如磷,人们已知有散装固体相:黑色和人们比较熟悉的红色和黄色的形态。 429. Light, like any material body, requires some, though very little, time to cover this distance. 光象任何物质一样,需要一定的不过是很短的时间才能走过这段距离。

430. Like wind waves, tsunamis eventually encounter the coast, often with catastrophic results due to their great speed and height.


431. This dynamic approach, like the equilibrium theory, also requires some assumption in order to deal with the complicated interactions.


432. For any of these stars, like for the sun and moon, astronomers are able to find out its exact position in the universe. 对这些星球中任何一颗,就象对于太阳和月亮一样,天文学家能够求出其在宇宙中的精确位置。 433. The monitor, as defined so far, is similar in many respects to the critical region. 监控程序,就象到目前为止所定义的,在许多方面与临界区是相似的。

434. As shown in the table, a scattered sky is the same as partly cloudy and broken sky is identical with a cloudy one. 如表所示,疏云天与“少云”一致,而裂云天则与多云一致。(即此处术语均指同一概念)

435. The basic reason is the same for a sea breeze as for a monsoon--difference in heating between the land and sea. 形成海风的基本原因与形成季风的相同—--都是由海陆加热差异造成。

436. When the temperature of a body remains constant, it is receiving heat at the same rate as that at which it is radiating. 当物体保持恒温时,则它接收的热量和辐射出的热量的速率是相同的。

437. As in the case of temperature, an instrument for continuously recording pressure is also available. 象测定温度一样,也有一种连续记录气压的仪器。

438. As in the case of the motion of a body, running water has energy. 象物体运动一样,流水具有能量。

439. As is true of all glass, foam-glass resists heat, does not burn, nor is it rotted by water. 象所有玻璃一样,泡沫玻璃抗热,不可燃,也不为水所腐蚀。

440. As is often the case with orchards, cool-season crops sometimes need frost prevention by smudging. 象通常在果园防霜那样,寒季作物有时也需要烟熏防霜。 II (441-480)

441. As with paging, this mapping requires two memory references per logical address, effectively slowing the computer system by a factor of two, unless something is done.


442. As with any complicated computational procedure, it is essential to have some means to test the accuracy of the results.

如同任何复杂的计算方法一样,重要的是采用一些平均值去检验结果的精度。 443. Oil can be transferred by pipe, as with water. 石油象水一样,可通过管道输送。

444. Fuel burning for the internal combustion engine takes place inside the machine itself, as with steam engines. 内燃机中燃料燃烧象在蒸汽机中一样,是在机器内部进行的。

445. Unlike dry ice pellets, the particles of silver iodide do not evaporate when released. 与干冰粒不同,碘化银微粒在投放时并不蒸发。

446. Unlike a low-pressure center, which may be composed of two or more air masses, an anticyclone usually consists of a single air mass.

与低压中心不同(它可能由两个或两个以上的气团所组成),反气旋通常只由单一的气团构成。 447. Unlike hydrogen, carbon dioxide is non-combustible. 与氢不一样,二氧化碳是不可燃的。

448. Different from physics, chemistry is concerned with the composition, properties and structure of substances and with the changes they undergo.

与物理学不同,化学是研究物质的成分、(化学)性质及其结构的,还研究这些物质在化学反应中的变化。 449. Wind measurement differs from that of temperature in that the magnitude and direction must be observed. 风的测定不同于气温测定在于:量值和方向都必须观测。

450. Mercury is adverse to other metals in state at ordinary temperature. 常温下水银与其它金属状态不同。

451. Silver has its own physical and chemical properties as distinct from gold. 与金不同,银有自己的物理和化学性质。

452. Stationary waves are distinct from the progressive ones wherein the waves move across the body of water—as if we had dropped a pebble in the dish of water.

驻波与前进波不同,在后一种情况下,水波向四周传去—就好象我们曾向盘中投下一块卵石时的情景一样。 453. The findings documented in Smith (1985) are found to be at variance with Black (1979). 人们发现在Smith (1985)文献中提出的结果与Black (1979)的不同。

454. Contrary to data available in the literature, minimum tillage in our investigation did not give exceptionally good results.

与文献中出现的资料相反,在我们的研究中对田地作最小量的耕翻并没有产生特别良好的结果。 455. Such suggestions are in sharp contrast to the traditional view of radiation in the tropics. 这些看法与热带辐射的传统观点形成强烈的不同(鲜明的对比)。

456. In contrast to the simple observations of the tides, tidal current studies are difficult and expensive. 与潮汐的简单观测不大相同,潮流研究的难度既大、费用也巨。

457. In contrast, winds blowing across the ocean toward the coast of a continent, as in the northwestern United State during winter months, have less effect on the coastal ocean.

相反,从(越过)海洋吹向大陆海岸的风(如美国西北部冬季的风),对沿岸海洋的影响较小。 458. In contrast, iron has a much higher melting point. 相反,铁有着高的多的熔点。

459. In the Southern Hemisphere an anticyclone circulates counterclockwise around the high-pressure center, as contrasted to the Northern Hemisphere.


460. The Watt, a unit of power, is named after an English engineer, James Watt. Likewise, the Joule, a unit of energy and work, comes from a physical called James Joule.

瓦是功率单位,是根据英国工程师James Watt命名的。同样地,作为能量和功的单位的焦耳是根据物理学家James Joule而命名的。

461. By way of exception K is used instead of R. 作为例外,用K代替R。

462. The area the western end of the sound is an exception. 在靠近该海湾最西部的地方是个例外。

463. Except for the very longest waves most waves move through the deep ocean without experiencing any effects of the bottom.


464. In two years significant yield differences of summer crops were observed, except (for) maize which showed heavy damage caused by armyworm in the second year.

这两年中,除了在第二年玉米受粘虫严重侵害(不说)外,夏季作物的产量都有显著的差别。 465. This scheme works fine, except in the case where the user does not use the card reader driver. 除用户不使用卡片读入设备的情况外,这一方案都行之有效。

466. The Brightness of the radar image is related to the amount of reflecting water or ice in the clouds except near the radar site.


467. There is little difference between the two mean temperature fields, except that the slope of the isotherms appears to be somewhere greater in the right panel.


468. The air is a mixture of gases, and with the exception of water vapor, the relative proportions of the gases are quite constant to a height of more than 40 miles.


469. Vapor in the air can absorb radiation over a certain range of wavelength with the exclusion that it contributes to from clouds and fog.


470. Experimental treatments were assigned to the plots at random, with the three exceptions mentioned below. 对随机选出的几块地(关于三个例外情况介绍于下)设计出几种试验处理方法。

471. These facilities would give another two years of service except in so far as they are overworked. 这些设备除非过度使用,否则还可再用两年。

472. In most instances weather prediction is the ultimate goal of atmospheric research, the exceptions being the rather rare attempts at controlling the weather.

在大多数情况下,天气预报是大气研究的最终目的,只有为数甚少的试图控制(调节、影响)天气的探索是例外。 473. In addition to energy of position or state, objects may possess energy due to their motions. 物体除了因位置或状态而具有的能量外,还可因运动具有能量。

474. Apart from what is outlined above, the following is worth our attention. 除了上面介绍的以外,下面的内容也是值得我们注意的。

475. Aside from the SI system, other systems such as CGS and MKS are in use in the study of physics. 在物理学研究中除了国际单位制外,其它如厘米?克?秒和米?千克?秒单位制也使用。

476. The only small-scale weather modification other than local frost prevention is that of clearing an airport or airstrip of


除局地防霜外,唯一的小尺度人工影响天气作业是清除航空港或简易机场上的雾。 477. In other directions than the surface nothing limits the air’s expansion but its own weight. 在除地表外的任何方向上,除了空气本身重量外,是没有东西可以限制它的扩展的。 478. The planetary scale motions posses other time scales besides annual or seasonal. 行星尺度的运动除了年或季节的时间尺度以外,还具有别的时间尺度。 479. There are no other data than is available. 除现有资料外,别无其它资料。

480. We need know the number of computations which are to be joined, so that we can terminate all but the last one. 我们需要知道有多少个要连在一起进行的计算,这样我们就能在倒数第二个计算上终止计算。 十,否定 I (481—520)

481. All of the facilities are not out of data. 并非所有这些设备都是落后的设备。 482. Everything in the lab is not up-to-data. 此实验室设备并非件件都是先进的。

483. None of the wind instruments available here could measure windspeed in excess of 60 meters per second. 这里现有的测风仪器都不能测出每秒60米以上的风速。 484. No one has ever created energy out of nothing. 任何人都不能凭空创造出能量。

485. In case there are no forces at all pushing or pushing or pulling a body, that body must always be in equilibrium. 如果根本没有力去推或拉一物体,则那个物体必然总是处于平衡。 486. Nor is man oblivious to the tide. 人们也并不是对潮不在意的。

487. Radiation is a form of energy transfer that does not require a supporting medium nor contract with radiating body. 辐射是一种既不需要介质也不需要与辐射体接触而进行的能量传输形式。 488. Graded banks are not constructed nor is strip cropping practiced. 河岸梯田没有构筑,条畦种植也没有进行。

489. Neither overlays nor dynamic loading need special support from the operating system. 覆盖和动态装载都不需要操作系统给予专门的支持。

490. Therefore, the behavior of neither ocean nor atmosphere can be understood without reference to each other. 所以,无论是海洋还是大气的运动,两者不联系起来考虑是不能理解的。 491. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed by any means known to man. 能量以人们所知的任何方法都不能加以创造,也不能加以消灭。

492. Two particles, because of their permanence, can never merge together nor cancel one another; two events can. 两颗粒子,由于它们的永恒性,永远不可能合并起来,也不可能互相抵消;而两个事件却可能。

493. In a liquid the motion of the particles may be neither purely transverse nor purely longitudinal but a combination of the two.

在液体中粒子运动可能既不完全横向的,也不完全是纵向的,而是两种运动形式的组合。 494. Pure metals have few useful properties. 纯金属没有什么可供实用的特性。

495. Little is studied at present about the problem. 目前关于这个问题几乎没有什么研究。

496. This device is little better than the old one. 这台装置同那台旧的相比也并不强多少。 497. We had practically no rain last month. 上个月这里几乎没下雨。

498. There are few of materials which have affected our everyday life so much during the past decades as range of substances called plastics.


499. At great height there are few, if any, oxygen molecules. 在高远的天空,分子氧即使有也很少。

500. Radiation frost occurs on clear nights with little or no wind when the outgoing radiation is excessive and the air temperatures is not necessarily at the freezing point.

辐射霜出现在几乎无风的晴朗的夜晚,此时向外辐射过多,同时气温并不一定在冰点。 501. Summer temperature in most mountain resorts hardly exceeds 30℃. 大多数山区度假胜地夏季气温很少超过30℃的。 502. Snow seldom, if ever, occurs at these latitudes. 这些纬度地带,降雪即使有也很少。

503. Today only a few people still speak of aether and hardly any of ‘aether particles’. 如今只有少数一些人仍在谈“以太”,而几乎没有什么人谈“以太粒子”了。 504. They tried in vain measure the voltage with great accuracy. 他们曾尝试精确地测量电压,但没有成功。

505. The flight failed to carry out the cloud seeding operation. 这次飞行未能进行播云作业。

506. The performance of the machine is short of the requirements. 这台机器的性能没有达到原要求。

507. Porcelain prevents electricity from passing through it, which is often used as insulator. 瓷料使电流不能在其中通过,因此它常被用作绝缘体。

508. Never has a theory created so great a sensation as relativity, which was formulated on the basis of the principle that all uniform motions are relative and that light has constant velocity in vacuum.


509. Little did we suspect the fidelity of the data before they were fed into the computer for calculation. 在这些资料输入计算机计算以前,我们几乎未怀疑它们的可靠性。

510. There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of a force. 没有一种材料在力的作用下不发生某种程度的变形。

511. No mountain in the world is so high but they can reach the top. 世界上没有任何高山他们不能达到其峰巅的。

512. No problem is found so difficult but it gets settled through their efforts. 没有什么问题如此之难,以致通过他们努力不能解决的。

513. During the wet season, in fact, these farmers had not a day but what it rained. 实际上在该雨季中,这些农民没有一天不见到下雨的。

514. The importance of scientific research cannot be too overvalued. 科学研究的重要性怎么评价也不过分。

515. From a series of scientific investigations we know that an essentially constant course of temperature for 24 hr is in no way advantageous to plants.


516. Although success has not been complete, some interesting—and by no means obvious—behavior has come to light. 虽然没有取得完全的成功,但一些有意义的(但还不明显)的运动特征已经出现。 517. In no other case is this diagram so simple as that for the simplest of all atoms, hydrogen. 在其它场合,这种图解就不象在所有原子中最简单的氢原子的图解那么简单了。 518. Finally, we need to close the file, indicating that we are no longer using it. 最后我们需要关闭文件,表示我们不再使用它了。 519. The winter was less severe compared to (that of) 1984. 这个冬季与1984年的相比不太冷。

520. For less active convection, cumuliform clouds grow with less rapidity. 当对流不太活跃时,积云增长不太快。 II(521—560)

521. It is at present far from clear how much the mid-latitude ocean affects the atmospheric circulation.



