317. (It takes about 365 days for the earth to make a complete revolution around the sun.) In contrast, the moon takes 29 days or so to make a complete cycle around the earth. (地球绕太阳公转一周约365天),对比起来,月球约用29天左右绕地球一周。
318. The atmosphere pressure gradient is an inverse measure of the spacing of the isobars on a weather map. 气压梯度与天气图上等压线的间隔大小成反比。
319. When a wave travels uniformly in all directions from a small source, the intensity varies inversely as the square of the distance.
320. At a given location, however, the strength of the tidal current is generally proportional to the relative tidal range for that day.
然而,在一定的地点,潮流强度一般与那一天的相对潮差成正比。 六, 程度、度量 (321-360)
321. During the passage of a thunderstorm pressure has pronounced change. 在雷暴过境时,气压有着明显变化。
322. Under conventional till, crop response to spring soil water content was considerably greater than under zero till. 在常规耕作条件下,春季作物对土壤水份含量的响应要比免耕地大得多。 323. Evidently some of these questions are rather too difficult to answer. 显然,其中有些问题稍有点难以回答。
324. The circulation of the free atmosphere is predominantly (largely) zonal and only to a slight extent (to a less degree) meridional.
325. These problems have been dealt with in considerable detail. 这些问题已相当详细地作了讨论。
326. Surf height depends on the height and steepness of the waves offshore, and to a certain extent on the offshore bottom topography.
327. On the whole, marine organisms are cold-blooded, meaning that their internal temperatures are essentially uniform with the environment.
328. It is important to bear in mind that the extreme temperatures are largely independent of advection, for they develop mostly in rather stagnant air.
329. The eigenperiods, for the most part, are influenced by the mean winds in the lowest three scale heights. 固有周期在最低的三个大气标高高度上多半会受到平均风的影响。 330. His forecast of the event is found entirely successful. 他对这一天气事件的预报是完全成功的。
331. In order to utilize heat to the best advantage, it is necessary to know the laws that govern heat transfer. 为了最大限度地使用热,有必要弄懂支配热传输的几条定律。
332. A 10% reduction of wind speed was observed, however, the reduction is well within the natural wind variability of the storm.
333. Large temperature and salinity changes occur in shallow, partially isolated coastal waters, a degree of variability well beyond anything observed in the open ocean.
334. These creatures travel in sea as fast as anything. 这些动物在海中行动极快。
335. The idea here is to locate in the weather records conditions that are as analogous to the current conditions as possible. 这里的设想是,在天气记录中确定(找出)一些尽可能与当前条件相似的条件(指天气事件)。
336. Accordingly, the owners of these machines have wanted to get as much computation done as possible. 所以,计算机的拥有者一直想进行尽可能多的运算。
337. They needed high utilization to get as much as they could from their investment.
他们需要(使用其计算机达到)高的利用率,以便从他们投资中获得尽可能多的效益。 338. A radiosonde is free to rise to as great an elevation as possible. 无线电探空仪可以自由地上升到尽可能高的高度。
339. The time series of temperature are expected to be the longest possible so as to examine various modes of oscillation periods.
340. That tsunami was so strong as to destroy a number of ships berthed and buildings ashore. 那次海啸如此之强,以致毁灭了若干停泊的船只和岸上建筑物。
341. The temperature is so low that the greenhouse is to be heated to maintain the appropriate condition. 温度如此之低,以至温度需要加热才能维持合适的温度条件。
342. After some time of uninterrupted fall, the body is moving so rapidly that the drag of the air is as great as the weight of the body, so that there is no acceleration.
经过一些时间的自由降落后,落体运动得很快,以至空气拽力(阻力)与落体的重量相等,于是就没有加速度了。 343. The plant is found at such altitude as to be within roughly 200 m distance of the snowline. 这种植物生长地如此之高,以至离雪线只有约200米。
344. Even for the most simplified models there are such a vast number of calculations to be performed that they could only be used after the advent of high-speed computer.
即使对最简单的模式来说,也有如此大量的计算要进行,以至(因而)它们在高速计算机问世后才能应用。 345. Some of the air particles, particularly the atoms of the lighter gases, travel fast enough to escape from the air ocean. (在大气最高层)有些空气微粒,特别是较轻气体的原子,运动足够快,以至能从空气海洋(大气圈)中逃逸出来。 346. The train is fast enough that we can cover the distance in less than one hour. 这班火车很快,所以我们可用不到一小时通过这段距离。 347. These regions seem too dry to be suitable for farming. 这些地区看来太干燥而不适合农业。
348. In figure 5, there is a total external fragmentation of 26K, a space that is too small for any request. 在图5中,有一个总数为26K的外存储残片,这是一个空间,它太小不能满足任何作业要求。
349. To a greater extent than was formerly thought to be the case the monsoons appear to be in the nature of various kinds and degrees of modification of the general planetary wind system.
350. When air is cooled to a point at which the air’s capacity to hold more water vapor is zero, saturation is reached. 当空气进一步冷却到容纳更多水汽的能力为零(的那一点)时,饱和状态就达到了。
351. The applications of electricity have grown to the extent where most of us lead ‘electrified’ lives. 电的应用已发展到可使大多数人享受电气化的生活。
352. The aim of the field experiment was to investigate to what extent such a system could prevent soil degradation resulting from very intensive crop rotations.
353. The sample temperature was controlled by a Chromel_Alumel thermocouple with a precision on the order of 0.1℃. 样品温度用Chromel-Alumel热电偶控制,其精度在0.1℃左右。
354. At present, even the actual line parameters of the individual absorption line can only be determined to within 10%. Hence, the values are not expected to be more accurate than 10%.
目前甚至个别吸收线的实际线参数精度也只能确定到10%以内,因此不要期望这些值的精度优于10%。 355. For the most part roads in the mountain area have a slope under 2 in 7. 在大部分情况下,该山区道路在16度以下。
356. The wind directed inward around the center makes angles of 20o to 40o with the isobars. 围绕中心向内吹的风与等压线构成20o --40o的夹角。
357. A mercurial barometer has a glass tube a little more than 30 inches long. 水银气压表有一长30英寸多一点的玻璃管。
358. On the average the continental shelf is about 70 km wide. One much of the Pacific Coast it is relatively narrows, only a few tens of kilometers across.
359. During the course of a freezing season, sea ice may form at the surface up to thickness of 2 meters at the high latitudes. 在严寒季节,在高纬度可在海面形成厚度达2米的海冰。
360. In typical cases the zone is about 3000 ft (1 km) in depth and 100 miles (100-200 km) in width, with a slop of approximately 1/100.
在典型情况下,锋区大约3000英尺厚,100英里宽,坡度大约是1/1000。 六, 数量 (361—400)
361. Scores of experiments were done but none was successful. 作了几十次实验,无一成功。
362. There remains a world of observations to be processed. 仍有大量观测资料需待处理。
363. Temperature decreases with elevation through the troposphere at a rate, normally, of about 0.6℃ for 100 m. 在对流层,气温随高度减小,其递减率通常为每上升100米下降0.6℃左右。
364 Surrounding the continental shorelines, for a distance of the order of 100 or 200 km, the water are relatively shallow, averaging some 200 m in depth.
365. The processes and circulations are instrumental in the formation of mesoscale pressure similar to those shown in Fig.1 (i.e., with diameters on the order of several hundred kilometers).
366. The residual effects of the cloud clusters are generally ignored even though the area they cover is perhaps an order of magnitude larger than the convective region itself.
云团的残余影响通常是忽略不计的,即使它们覆盖的地区比对流区本身可能大一个量级也如此。 367. In troposcatter transmission it turns out that M is of the order of magnitude of 100 to 1000. 在对流层散射通讯中已证明M在100到1000的数量级。
368. The value of R by (18) may be in error by as much as 20%, as shown in the table. 如表所示,用方程(18)求出的R值其误差可能会高达20%。
369. Most deep ocean basins range in depth from about 4 to 6 kilometers, with some narrow trenches near Pacific Ocean Basin margins dropping to as low as 11 km below sea level.
370. But these motions are composed of a myriad of scales or groups of scales with time scales ranging from seasons to minutes.
371. Water vapor in the lower atmosphere can vary in amount from a mere trace in arid regions to about 4% by volume in moist areas.
372. As the waves from the Aleutian earthquake hit the Hawaiian Islands, they were driven ashore in a few places as a rapidly moving wall of water up to 6 meters high.
373. The rural mixing height growth rate was about twice as large as urban values for up to 3 h after sunrise. 直到日出后3小时以内,乡村地区混合层高度的抬升率高出市区的达一倍左右(即是其两倍左右的高)。 374. Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour. 阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。
375. It appears that some ocean regions (e.g. the southern Indian Ocean) rarely produce waves much higher than 13 meters. 看来某些洋区如南印度洋很少产生远高于13m的波浪。
376. The length of hair changes by about 2.5% between 0 and 100% relative humidity.
377. The magnitude of g varies throughout the ocean from its mean value of approximately 981 cm?sec-2 by less than 0.3%.
378. Evaporation from sea water is about 5% less than from fresh water, other conditions being the same. 在其它条件相同时,(从)海水的蒸发大约比(从)淡水蒸发小5%。
379. In summary, under zero till crop response to nitrogen levels in the spring was approximately twice as large compared to conventional till.
总之,在免耕地条件下,春季作物对土壤含氮量的反应大约是常规耕作的2倍。 380. The temperature there may be 5 times higher in summer as compared to winter. 那里的温度夏季可能比冬季高5倍。
381. It was found that three times as much rain fell to the ground from seeded single clouds as from unseeded clouds. 人们发现从播撒过的单个云中降落到地面的雨量,是从未经播撒云中降落下来的3倍。 382. Such soil can improve conductivity over threefold. 这种土壤可使导热率提高到3倍(提高2倍)以上。
383. If the speed is doubled, keeping the radius constant, the centripetal force becomes four times as great. 如果半径不变,速度增大1倍,则向心力增大为原来的4倍(增大了3倍)。
384. Over the range of air temperature, the saturation vapor pressure fluctuates from less than 1/10 to over 100 millibars, or by a factor of 1000.
在气温变化范围内,饱和水汽压在小于1毫巴到超过100毫巴(即大于1000倍)间变动。 385. The advantage of the present scheme lies in a fivefold reduction in manpower. 这一方案的优点在于减少人力4/5(即减少到1/5)。
386. If the distance between two objects is shortened twice, then the gravitational pull grows by a factor of 4. 如果两物体间距离缩小一半(减小到原来的1/2),则其间万有引力增大到4倍(增大3倍)。
387. Had we chosen D=2km as used in the data analysis in this study, the growth rate would have been a factor 2 smaller. 如果当时选取象用于本文的资料中的那样D=2公里,则生长率就会小一半。 388. Often the distance between the rows is about twice their height. (积云)云间距离通常大约是条云本身高度的2倍。
389. A medium-thick shelterbelt can reduce wind velocity by more than 10 percent to a distance of 20 times the tree height on the leeward side and three times the height to the windward.
390. From the principle of work, the product of the resistance times its distance equals the product of the effort times its distance.
391. A calorie is defined as the quantity of heat required at one atmosphere to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1℃, usually from 14.5 to 15.5℃.
一卡路里定义为在一个大气压力条件下,使一克水温度增加1℃所需要的热量,通常是指从14.5℃提高到15.5℃。 392. The number of upper-air stations had been increased to 138 by the fall of 1980 over the area. 这一地区高空站的数量至1980年秋已增加到138个。
393. It may be quite useful to know that although a new algorithm is not optimal, it is within 12.3% of optimal at worst and 4.7% on average.
虽然新的算法不是最佳的,但它在最坏的情况下离最优值只差12.3%,平均只差4.7%,知道这一点也许很有用。 394. The standard meter fulfilled its duty perfectly, although its length has been found much later too short by 0.23mm with respect with the meridian.
标准米在应用上十分成功,虽然很晚时候人们才发现其长度比经线短了0.23毫米。 395. In the sea water sampled the salinity is two parts per thousand. 在取样的海水中,盐度为千分之二。
396. Neon, a rare gas in the air, takes only fractional percentage point of the volume. 氖是空气中的稀有气体,只占空气体积的千分之几。
397. In a infinite and empty space the geomagnetic field falls off in strength with the third power of distance.
在无限和真空的空间中,地磁场在强度上随距离3次方而衰减。 398. The measured time is rounded to the nearest whole minute. 测量的时间取整数到最近的分。
399. Although the earth, nearly 93,000,000 miles distant, intercepts less than 1/2,000,000,000 part of the solar output, this fraction amounts continuously to 23,000,000,000,000 horsepower.
400. In this case latent heating and radiation cooling are comparable. 在这种场合,潜热加热和辐射冷却数值相当。 九, 举例、异同、例外 I (401-440)
401. To illustrate this, we take temperature for example. 为了说明问题,我们举温度为例。
402. (This operation can be applicable to very small-scale weather modification.) A good example is the prevention of local frost damage to a garden or orchard by heating.
(这种操作可适用于很小规模的人工影响天气)这方面严格成功的例子是通过加热防止花园和果园的局地霜冻。 403. The wheel and axle is really a sort of lever. An example of such a machine is the device used in old-fashioned wells to hoist up the water bucket.
404. The excess of water vapor condenses into visible moisture. Steam over a hot cup is an example. 过量的水汽凝结成可见的水雾,热水杯冒出的雾气即是一例。
405. As an example, we calculated the monthly mean temperature for January’s over the period of 1930-1970 for the station.
406. As a small-scale illustration of the artificial modification of physical weather processes, take the frost prevention in an orchard.
407. A water wheel, turned by water flowing over a weir, furnishes a good example of potential energy being turned into useful mechanical energy.
408. A city electric-power plant affords an illustration of complicated transformations of energy. 城市发电厂提供了说明能量转换复杂关系的例子。
409. When, for instance, we hit a nail with a hammer, we expect the nail to move. 比如,当我们用锤子敲打钉子时,我们可预知钉子要移动。
410. Here, synoptic-scale events appear to possess a completely different character to those of, for example, the western Pacific.
这里天气尺度事件看来具有与别处(例如西太平洋)的天气尺度事件完全不同的性质。 411. On an ordinary window, which measures say 3.0 ft by 6.0 ft, the force exerted by air is 19 tons. 对于一个普通窗户(量起来比如说3英尺×6英尺)空气施加压力是19吨。
412. The rate of evaporation depends on the material and such factors as the temperature, the surface area, amount of ventilation, and the pressure exerted on the surface.
413. More limited models have developed by Leovy (1964), Harwood (1968) and Holton (1980a) among others. 限制较严的模式由一些学者研制了出来,其中特别是Leovy (1964), Harwood (1968)和Holton (1980a)。
414. The pilot, the farmer, the road builder, to name but a few, find it necessary to get information on weather from meteorologists.
415. Special networks such as operate over the western plains of the United State during the tornado season, furnish additional information about occurrence of severe local weather.



