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中考英语复习 课时15 八下 Units 9-10备考精编(含解析) 人教新目标版

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课时15 八年级(下)Units 9-10


1.[xx北京]Lily is my classmate. We _______ each other since she came to our school. A. know

B. knew

C. have known

D. will know

2.[xx鄂州]—What an interesting story she told us! —Yes, and her voice sounded _______. A. sweet

B. small

C. clearly

D. sadly

3.[xx荆州]—I don't know where to go this summer vacation.

—Why not _______ visiting Jingzhou? There are many places of interest. A. regard

B. consider

C. wonder

D. suggest

4.[xx安徽]There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, _______ Mount Huang in autumn. A. simply

B. finally

C. luckily

D. especially

5.[xx黄石]To the teacher's joy,the student made great _______ this term. A. result

B. preparation

C. suggestion

D. progress

6.[xx龙东地区改编]My teacher often encourages me _______ at least one hour a day reading books. A. to pay

B. cost

C. to spend

D. take

7.[xx昆明]Nowadays, it's convenient and cheap for us _______ a shared-bicycle. A. ride

B. to ride

C. flying

D. to fly

8.[xx潍坊]—“Food safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently. —Yeah, it receives _______ Internet hits a day. A. thousands

B. thousands of

C. thousand

D. hundreds

9.[xx苏州]—Excuse me, what time does Flight BA 2793 leave? —Just a minute.I _______ for you. A. check

B. checked

C. will check

D. have checked

10. Spoken English test for students _______ next week. A. holds Ⅱ.完形填空

B. will hold

C. is held

D. will be held



My neighbor's 8-year-old daughter used to stay in the countryside. Recently her parents brought her to the town to live with 1 . She would swear (说脏话) 2 she was unhappy. Sometimes she even rolled (打滚) on the ground. Her parents tried to tame (驯服) her



3 beating and kicking. But the situation became much 4 . Finally, they were disappointed. One day their next-door neighbor, a retired woman teacher, gave the girl 5 snow-white dress, which was very beautiful. It surprised her and her eyes shone. The girl put on the dress and became another person. She didn't swear or hit 6 any more. She knew she 7 behave well in such a beautiful dress. Since then the girl 8 gentle, clean and lovely.

The story makes me 9 a lot. Maybe everybody has a beautiful dress which 10 somewhere in his or her heart. Beauty is also a powerful force. It can arouse(唤醒)fine qualities that humans are born with. 1. A. they 2. A. though 3. A. in 4. A. bad 5. A. a 6. A. another 7. A. can 8. A. is 9. A. think 10. A. hiding

B. them B. before B. to B. worse B. an B. the other B. should B. was B. to think B. is hidden

C. their C. when C. of C. good C. the C. other C. might C. has been C. Thinking C. hid

D. themselves D. until D. by D. better D. / D. others D. will D. will be D. thought D. was hidden


Michael is always happy and positive (积极的). This really made me curious (好奇的). So one day I asked him about it, Michael replied, “Each day I say to myself‘Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim (牺牲者) or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.”

“It isn't that easy,”I said.

Several years later, Michael had a serious accident. When I asked him what had gone through his mind when the accident took place, Michael replied,“As I lay on the ground, I remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live. But in the operation (手术) room, I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses and I got really scared. In their eyes, I read‘He's a dead man.’I knew I needed to take action. I told them,‘I want to live. Please operate (手术) on me!’”



