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Name: XXX Sex: Female

Eth nic: Chin ese political features: members Academic qualifications


Undergraduate / Bachelor of

Econo mics Professi on: Acco unting Con tact Address: XX Street, Do ngche ngDistrict, Beiji ng on the 10th Zip: 100007 Educatio nal background

Graduate in stituti ons: the Cen tral Un iversity of Finance and the accou nti ng professio n 1990.9-1994.9 Busin ess and special

* Certified Public Accountant title, for many years in charge of acco un ti ng and acco unting experie nee, familiar with the n ati onal finan cial system and related policies and regulatio ns * English level 6, I heard that reading and writing proficiency, familiar with Wester n finan cial

process ing can be con ducted in En glish

* A quick mind, good at an alysis of the finan cial man ageme nt of moder n philosophy

* Proficiency in the use of financial

software and other office acco unting,

acco un ti ng

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* Cheerful personality,

a strong sense of responsibility,


a strong sense of professi on alism Work experie nee

1997.5 --- XX Build ing Group has bee n in charge of aeeo un ti ng * The project cost aeeounting,

to the manager, the budget

provides the results of eost aeeo unting. Cheek the differe nee betwee n eosts and budget and varia nee an alysis, the amount of eon trol material

* Regular stoek-taking and proeessing of inventory differences * Registratio n

of bus in ess

aeeo unts receivable ledger,

match ing betwee n in ter nal funds

* All kinds of details submitted statements, ineluding balanee sheet, profit and loss aeeount, the eost of the project schedule, managing the eost breakdown, breakdown between internal funds 1996.3 --- 1997.4 XX AG in charge of aceou nting

* Registered gen eral ledger, preparati on of finan cial stateme nts *向税务机关tax declaration

* Report to the man ager of the compa ny on sales, inven tory bala nces, sales an alysis

* Control of the managemenfee expenditure, budget formulation and monitor the implementation of


1994.10 --- 1996.1 XX Tradi ng Compa ny Accou nting

* A week to develop the work plan submitted to the Finance director * Finishing the custody of the company

' s various economic

con tracts, econo mic con tracts in accorda nee with audit ing the effective ness of various types of expe nditure vouchers ratio nality * Submit various types of en terprises operati ng within the required summary, detailed report

* To assist the chief finan cial officer to deal with other day-to-day bus in ess I character

Cheerful, modest, self-discipli ne, self-c on fide nee (based on the person ' s circumstances).

Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your compa ny will feel that I am a suitable can didate for this positi on! Look forward to worki ng with your in terviews!

Name: xxx

Sex: Male Natio nal: Han

Political la ndscape: members Date of Birth: March 1983 Acco unt: Han gzhou Marital status: unm arried

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Specialties: Electrical Engin eeri ng Education: Master ' s

Graduate in stituti ons: Un iversity of New South Wales Graduation Time: July 2008 Lan guage: En glish (professi on al) Computer level: Professi onal Work Experie nee: 1 year

Con tact: Tel: xxxxxxx Address: xxxxxxxx

Job inten tio ns

Work type: Full-time Nature of un its: ope n

Expectati ons of the in dustry: electr oni cs, microelectro nics, in termediary

services (huma n resources, real estate,

finan cial

services fun ds),

in stituti ons,

trademarks, pate nts, tech no logy, etc.), (inv estme nt, electricity,

in sura nee, securities, banking, electric,

en ergy,

tra ining

education, scientific research institutions

Expectations of job: electrical engineer, electrical engineer, electrical engin eer, automatio n, tran sformers / magn etics engin eers Work ing Locatio n: Han gzhou


Expectati ons of a mon thly salary: Negotiable

Educatio n

2006- 2007 Un iversity of New South Wales, Australia Master of Electrical Engin eeri ng

2007- 2008 Un iversity of Scie nee and Tech no logy, Australia Master of Engin eeri ng Man ageme nt

Syd ney,

Work experie nee

2/2005-9/2005 Co., Ltd. Hangzhou 利尔达 single-chip R & D Assista nt Engin eer

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