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1. Beyond ________ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but ________ space.

A. the; X B. X; X C. X; the D. the; the 2. Alexander Graham Bell invented ________telephone in 1876.

A. X B. a C. the D. one 3. ________terrible weather we’re having these days!

A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 4. — Where’s Jack?

— I think he’s still in ________ bed, but he might just be in ________bathroom. A. X; X B. the; the C. the; X D. X; the 5. We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ________.

A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed

6. Many people are still in ________ habit of writing silly things in ________public places.

A. the; the B. X; X C. the; X D. X; the 7. He dropped the ________and broke it.

A. cup of coffee B. coffee’s cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup 8. — How did the boss pay you?

— As a rule, we were paid ________. A. by the hour B. by hour C. by an hour D. by hours 9. I am very obliged to him, for he has done me________.

A. many kindness B. lots of kindness C. many kindnesses D. much kindness 10. — Could you leave me your dictionary?

— Certainly, but it isn’t really________. A. of much use B. of great useful C. much useful D. for much use 11. ________is needed badly in the stricken areas.

A. A lot of clothes B. Many a cloth C. Much clothing D. Plenty of clothes

12. Last year the old woman fired two ________in her house.

A. woman servant’s B. women servant C. woman servant D. women servants

13. ________are sold in Wuhan Commercial Market.

A. Men’s and children’s shoes B. Men and children shoes C. Man and child’s shoes D. Men’s and child’s shoes 14. They are such diligent ________that they have already made ________.

A. students; so much progress B. student; great progresses C. students; such much progress D. students; so great progress 15. Like ________of the period, he didn’t see any jet plane.

A. another Chinese B. some Germen C. many Japaneses D. other Indians 16. The house with many guests in it was suddenly________.

A. in fire B. on a fire C. on fire D. in a fire 17. Mr. Smith gave us ________how to learn English well.

18. 19. 20. 21.


23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34.

35. 36.

A. a good advice on B. some good advice on C. two good advice4 on D. some piece of good advice on I’m full now, would you like ________ bread? A. one more B . some more C. any more D. another piece Scientists are trying to find ________ that they can prevent pollution. A. mean B. means C. ways D. method He didn’t know if there was ________on the line but there was something heavy. A. fish B. a fish C. fishs D. fishes Would you fetch me ________ here? A. 3 chalks B. 3 box of chalk C. 3 pieces of chalks D. 3 boxes of chalk

The workers can complete our new library in ________. A. 2 and half a month B. 2 months and half C. 2 and a half months D. 2 monthes and a half This painting ________has interested many visitors. A. in water colors B. with water color C. in water color D. by water colors Can you show me the ________taken by those ________students? A. photos; boy B. photoes; boy C. photos; boys D. photoes; boys He bought ________eggs for four yuan. A. 2 dozen B. 2 dozens C. 2 dozen of D. 2 dozens of ________ in the forest like to eat ________certain kind of wild rose. A. Deer; the B. Deer; a C. Deers; some D. Deers; a He is worried about tomorrow’s driving test, would you please have ________ with him? A. words B. a word C. talk D. talks There is a bottle of ________in the hand of the ________teacher. A. chemical; chemical B. chemistry; chemistry C. chemicals; chemistry D. chemicals; chemist It’s good ________to wait in line. A. habit B. way C. manner D. manners If you want to reduce your weight, you’d better take ________. A. rest B. the advices C. more exercise D. morning exercise

In 1980 Mr. Li was made ________ of our school. A. headmaster B. a headmaster C. the headmaster D. of headmaster He wants three ________at the same time. A. cups of coffee B. cup of coffee C. coffee D. cups of coffees You can’t fill up the form in ________. A. the pencil B. a pencil c. pencils D. pencil ________she has got!

A. What good knowledge of English B. What good a knowledge of English C. How good knowledge of English D. How good a knowledge of English Mr. Stock well runs ________small business, who is in Mexico on ________. A. a; business B. X; business C. a; the business D. X; businesses The old farmer raises a lot of ________on his farm.




40. 41.

42. 43. 44. 45.


47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

A. cows and sheeps B. cows and sheep C. cow and sheeps D. cow and sheep She broke a ________while she was washing up. A. glass wine B. wine glass C. glass of wine D. glass of the wine

Three years is the ________to a soldier in our country. A. usual service lengths B. usual length of service C. lengthy service usually D. service of lengths usually — What did Tom do?

— He turned on ________. A. television B. the television C. a television D. televisions He had the boy finish writing ________article last night. A. a 800-words B. a 800-word C. an 800-words D. an 800-word The grammar of ________Chinese language is quite different from that of ________Japanese. A. X; X B. the; X C. the; the D. X; the

________ducks I bought last Sunday have all died from eating ________worms in the fields. A. The; the B. X; the C. The; X D. X; X She is in ________hospital and will have ________operation ________next Friday. A. a; X; X B. the; an; the C. X; an; X D. a; X; the No wonder________more people go to ________evening, ________better it will be. A. the; X; the B. the; the; the C. X; an; X D. X; X; X The two ________bought ________before moving into the new house. A. Germans; several pieces of furniture B. Germen; a few pieces of furniture C. Germans; some furniture D. Germen; just two furniture ________is red. This is ________. A. Her; her sister-in-law B. Her; sister-in-law’s C. Hers; her sister-in-law’s D. her’s; her sister’s-in-law It is said that they will get in ________good harvest this year. A. the B. a C. very D. X I ordered________book some time ago. ________book has arrived now. A. the; A B. a; The C. a; A D. X; The ________Chinese managed to keep the method________secret. A. The; a B. The; the C. X; a D. X; the It’s ________ most interesting story. But it isn’t ________most interesting one. A. the; the B; a; the C. the; a D. X; the There is ________ “m” in the word “mother”. A. a B. an C. the D. X They got to the island________. A. in a boat B. by a ship C. by the air D. by the way ________dinner is on the table now. They will have ________good dinner. A. The; the B. The; a C. A; the D. A; a She took her daughter by ________hand. A. her B. a C. both D. the The old man entered the yard, ________.



