The Core Competence of the Corporation
CK Prahalad and Gary Hamel
Structure of this article
A Case of NEC and GTE.
> - The importance and characters of core competencies.
Identify core competencies and Lose them.
? One of the greatest Indian business thinkers ? Professor of corporate strategy and
international business at the University of Michiga n.
? Focus on next practices ^corporate strategy and the role of management in diversified multinational corporations
Gary Hamel
? CEO of Strategos, Director of the Woodside Institute, and visaing professor of strategic management at London Business school ? Concepts : \
? Created rule-breaking strategies that have generated billions of dollars in new wealth?
What is core competence?
Knowledge Skills
Core Competence
Attitudes Core competencies are the organization's collective learning and ability to coordinate and integrate multiple production skills and tech no logy streams. They are also about the orga nizati on of work and delivery of value in services and manufacturing.